Chaos Fiend

Chapter 322: How to treat Ye Chen

And when Dongfang Tianqin took out the heart of the black dragon, the other black dragon's bodies seemed to come alive and beat, it seemed that one by one couldn't hold back and wanted to connect together. (((Catino Novel Network )))

Dongfang Tianqin doesn't know what meditation is in meditation. In short, Ye Chen can't hear the language. Under the spell of Dongfang Tianqin, all the dragon's body is centered on the heart of the black dragon. Combined together, a complete black dragon appears.

However, the black dragon that appeared this time was not as powerful as the last time they called out. Although there was a dragonfly, it looked like a dead thing, just like a black dragon's body.

"What's going on? Isn't it delivering power?" Ye Chen wondered. "Don't you say that the heart of the Black Dragon is alive?"

But just as Ye Chen finished speaking, the sound of his beating heart sounded.

When Ye Chen thought that the black dragon was about to be resurrected, the black dragon still had no movement, but his heart was still beating.

Orient Lyra put away the black dragon dragon body, "It is not alive now, anyway, it still involves the secret of our Oriental family, if the father emperor agrees, you should be able to see it."

"Um." Ye Chen nodded. "Let's go now, hehe, I'm waiting for your father to marry me in person."

"Huh! Don't forget, you still have to beat me! At that time, you are not allowed to let your younger brother take the shot." Dongfang Tianqin hummed and looked at Tang Yao.

"Rest assured, I must take my own shot to defeat you." Ye Chen said in a very relaxed manner.

"No wonder they all say you are pretending to be a force. I think you are really pretending to be a force. Don't think that I can deal with it." Dongfang Tianqin said uncomfortably.

"Hey, okay, let's not talk about this, let's set off." Ye Chen said to Tang Yao again, "third brother, you, when you were unconscious before, I can put you in the sea boat, now you have yourself Have any consciousness, do you have any ideas? "

"Brother, I have an idea," Tang Yao said, "I want to see what the phoenix continent's ancestors think of it now. After all, when we were sealed on the island of death and guarded the six-armed monster, we prayed. The family never went out again. "

"Okay." Ye Chen heard that although she was a little bit lost, she respected Tang Yao's choice and said, "Yes, you can go to the place of the extreme west, where is the gathering place of the demon clan, maybe there is The former mantis family, and your second elder Ye Long is also there, you can find him at that time. "

"Well, I'll go around." Tang Yao said, "when I'm done shopping, I will go to the West, and my brother can go to us."

"Yes, let's stop here!" Ye Chen nodded and separated from Tang Yao.

The group returned to Dark City without any hindrance.

In the Dark City, the Oriental Wujiu, the strong wind, and the crepe old man are also the prime ministers of the Dark Empire, Wen Zhengtian. When the three of them failed in Dongfang Zhige and others for the second time, they already got the news. Toward the Dark City, summoned by the East without fear.

The gale did not know the news that Dongfang Zhige and others had defeated twice. After Dongfang Wuji spoke to him, he was a little shocked. "How is that possible? The prince lost all of this, and Ye Chen actually hides this." A powerful subordinate, if he released his subordinates at that time, wouldn't I have been killed instantly? "

"Hey, even if he doesn't let go of his own, aren't you the same as his opponent?" Wen Crinkle the old man Wen Zhengtian said.

"The point is, even if he didn't send his men, I still lost to him." Liefeng sighed. "It's really a talented person from a country and a new generation to replace the old one. Old guys like us must all retire Now. "

"But the landlord, how should we handle the relationship with him." Wen Zhengtian looked to the East without fear.

The handsome and handsome face of Dongfang Wuji also showed a very complicated look, and even said that he could see that he had a headache. "If it was my own opinion, I would definitely follow the old man's meaning. Unfortunately, There are things you do n’t know about, so now I also have a headache about how to handle Ye Chen. "

"Can the landlord talk to us?" Wen Zhengtian said.

"It's okay to talk about it," said Dongfang Wuji, "I still remember the last time I told you about the killing of the valley, and the fact that there were many former imperial powerhouses hidden in the Phoenix continent."

"Remember, how can I forget this kind of thing." Wen Zhengtian nodded.

Although the gale did not know, but did not speak, listening quietly.

"Tian Yinmen has heard of it," Dongfang Wuji said.

"Have heard of it." This time Wen Zhengtian and Gale nodded at the same time. "Isn't that the martial art where Princess Tianqin belongs? It is said that Princess Tianqin sent you past when she was very young."

"Well, in fact, Tianyinmen, like Killing Valley, is also a super strong martial art. Even the owner of Tianyinmen can be compared to our empire."

"What? So strong, is it the hidden former imperial power you said?" Wen Zhengtian and the gale were frightened, and they dared not imagine one against an empire.

"It is indeed. Of course, if we do our best in the country, she is not our opponent, but these strong ones are generally unable to kill and the destructive power is too strong." Dongfang Wuji said.

"Well." Wen Zhengtian and the gale nodded, and then Wen Zhengtian wondered again, "Yes, the lord, why wasn't the Lord of Tianyinmen taken away by the Phoenix King?"

"This person is a bit special." Dongfang Wuji said, "Maybe it was the lover of the Phoenix Emperor at that time. The specific things were known only to the parties themselves, and we outsiders didn't know. Anyway, killing Cang Sheng was the only Phoenix Emperor who wanted to take the initiative The emperor-level strongman who took away but could not take away was because the Tianyinmen Gatekeeper had a special relationship with the Phoenix Emperor. "

"It turned out to be this way. But what does this have to do with the master of Tianyinmen? Why does it make you a headache?" Although the two occupy a prominent position in the Dark Empire, they still do n’t know many hidden things. Like curious baby.

"Tianyinmen and other powerful men personally spoke to me, saying that she is the most solid backing behind Ye Chen. Whoever dares to provoke Ye Chen is to provoke her, and this is where I have a headache." Dongfang Wuji .

"In this case, let's get along with Ye Chenyu." The strong wind was defeated by Ye Chen, who is also a bold man, with a simple mind, Ye Chen is young and strong, has a backstage, and is in love with Princess Tianqin. Yue, then pay well.

"If it's as simple as you think, that's fine." Dongfang Wuji glared, "It's impossible for Tianyinmen to make friends, even if she is the master of Tianqin."

"Why?" The two were still very strange.

"Because she is foe to the Phoenix Emperor, she may fall in love and kill each other. Her purpose is to destroy the three empires and rebuild an empire that unifies the Phoenix continent."

"What? Actually, then we must be standing opposite her. Although she is the backing of Ye Chen, we cannot let her and Ye Chen!" Lie Feng said.

"Nevertheless, she can't offend Ye Chen and Tianyinmen. After all, although she wants to destroy the three empires, she doesn't have this ability yet, does she? If the persecution is too tight, then we are in a disadvantageous position. "Wen Zhengtian thought for a while.

"I still want to understand Wenxiang, in fact, I have the same thought, hey, I can't fight or scold, it's a headache." Dongfang Wuji depressed.

"I don't know what that thought is?" Lie Feng asked the mysterious man who saved him last time.

"Haha, that mind is determined to be hostile to the end." Dong Fang shrugged his shoulders, some do not understand.

"Then let's follow that person's mind?" Lie Feng said, "Since he has decided so, there must be his reason, shall we just do it?"

"Hey, it has his reason." Dongfang Wuji said, "But if it is hostile, who will be sent to teach Ye Chen? I can't let me do it myself? That would be too bullying. And if I can't take it Ye Chen's words would be really miserable. "

"Haha, the landlord is right. If it is spread, it will be too shameful. But Ye Chen has such a powerful character as his subordinate. Even if the landlord takes the shot himself, there is nothing wrong with it, or else he secretly shot it?" Wen Zhengtian said.

"Even if I secretly make a shot, how can I say that I am also the father and emperor of Tianqin and the lord of the dark empire. If it is spread, it will be joke." Dongfang Wuji waved his hand and rejected Wen Zhengtian's proposal.

And Dongfang Wuji continued, "Ye Chen is going to the Dark City soon. I let you come and let you give me suggestions. Basically, all the situations have been made clear to you. The two of you told me, in the end What should be good. By the way, his powerful man is not with him. "

In fact, I have said so much because of the indecision in the Oriental Wuji, the reason for the indecision is because the Oriental Wuji's heart actually supports Ye Chen and Tianqin together, at least if Ye Chen becomes his son-in-law, at least You can also pinch him well, and you do n’t have to fight or scold as you do now. It seems that there is no way to take Ye Chen.

But the one who insisted on the opposition, the Oriental Wuji was a little depressed, hey, how is this kid, Ye Chen, of the Binglong family, if the other family is okay to say, the Binglong family is alien.

"Cold deal, let's just drag him in without seeing him," Lie Feng said, "then go and find young talents to deal with him and let him retreat."

Wen Zhengtian rolled his eyes, "Young talent? Where can I find young talents who can defeat you at this age, at least it must have a silver star? Even if the princess and other princesses have lost ..."

"Otherwise, let's ask the demons or demons?" Lie Feng said, "They have trusted us for so long and have never contributed anything. This time we are short of people, let them send someone over. What do you think of the landlord?"

Dongfang Wuji heard and thought, thinking for a long time and said, "Yes, ask the two groups if they want to marry Tianqin, and if so, let them send someone over."

Now it seems that this is the best of both worlds. As long as Ye Chen can defeat all the people who want to marry the lyre, maybe that person will not be able to stop you. Of course, if you lose, then I will be even more. There is no good way. I believe that with your ability to defeat the gale, there should be no opponents in the younger generation, even the demons and demons should be the same.

Thinking of the demons and demons, Dongfang Wuji sneered a bit, and it was time to teach these guys something else, otherwise they didn't know who the Dark Empire was in.

"Okay, just do it, whether Ye Chen wins or loses, it has nothing to do with us." Wen Zhengtian and Gale also agreed with the Oriental Wuji method, regardless of whether Ye Chen can win to the end, basically everything can be blocked. Man's mouth.

"But we still have to give that face, cold treatment Ye Chen handle, just drag it ..." Dongfang Wuji finally clapped.

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