Chaos Fiend

Chapter 330: Oriental Wuji shot

In the battle, Ye Chen's resistance also seemed to be struggling. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

When Dongfang Zhige saw Ye Chen, it seemed that his resistance was getting harder and harder, and his heart was finally relieved. There was also a slight loosening in the mentality that had been holding the battle to the end.

What Ye Chen seized was the time when Dongfang Zhige thought he had won and relaxed his vigilance.

"** Marksmanship, double swords of the demon god, and **** lion elephant fist!" The former reaches the silver seven stars, and the latter two are at the peak of the silver six stars. After the attack, it is equivalent to the combined attack of Ye Chen. The three major attacks are combined. Although the degree of combination is only the roughest combination, at this time the power is six points stronger. After the addition, it is nine points stronger than Dongfang Zhige, almost double the strength.

The powerful attack force came here in an instant, and Dongfang Zhigeben relaxed his vigilance, coupled with Ye Chen's sudden doubling of his strength, he hit Dongfang Zhige in an instant and was caught off guard.

"Pop!" Dongfang Zhige's defense was instantly broken. When Dongfang Zhige was mobilizing his defense, Ye Chen's second wave of attacks had already come. Since it could only be released a few times, Ye Chen would not give Dongfang Zhi naturally. Ge respite.

"Boom boom boom!" Powerful attacks came one after another.

On the second attack, Dongfang Zhige's body receded and Yuanli could not control it.

When the third attack, Dongfang Zhige's Yuanli was all scattered by Ye Chen.

By the time of the fourth attack, Dongfang Zhige had no defense force at all, and Ye Chen's power was completely exhausted!

However, Dongfang Zhige has no resistance at all. If it is hit by Ye Chen, it will definitely die. Ye Chen does not want to kill Dongfang Zhige, but when the attack comes to Dongfang Zhige's head, a figure stops. In front of Dongfang Zhige, Ye Chen's attack was blocked, which was the previous scorching sun.

Lie Yang shot suddenly and blocked Ye Chen's attack, and everyone was stunned.

The scorching sun that is not showing the mountains is so strong?

However, some people are extremely puzzled. Dongfang Batian, Dongfang Tianqin, and others all know the strength of Lieyang. It cannot be so strong. Why does Lieyang suddenly become like this?

Ye Chen was also extremely puzzled. When fighting before, Lieyang was weak and obviously not so strong. If Lieyang had this strength to resist his attack, then what was the first time when he fought at the gate of the dark city for the first time before? Didn't break out?

On the other hand, when Dongfang Zhige had no defense before, he was desperate and even closed his eyes. Although he was holding a mortal heart, he was continuously and strongly attacked by Ye Chen, and he could no longer afford to defend. Have to wait for the state of death. But after waiting for a while to find that Ye Chen's attack did not arrive, he opened his eyes and found that Lie Yang stood in front of himself.

"The sun? You ..." Dongfang Zhige suddenly wondered.

Lie Yang didn't talk or care about the others, but instead stared at Ye Chen, "I don't bully you and give you time to recover."

Ye Chen hadn't spoken yet, Xiao Hei's voice had arrived, "Master, he is possessed by the strongest peak."

"What? How did you see it? That's the same as the former Emperor Tianming?" Ye Chen wondered.

"It's not the same. The Emperor Tianming now only has spiritual power, and now the possessor seems to have entered with both spiritual power and elemental power, and the willingness of Lieyang, so that outsiders can't see anything wrong. It wasn't when he came in that I felt it, and I wouldn't find it. "Little Underworld.

"Oh, who is this person?" Ye Chen was a little surprised. He was actually a strong person with both spiritual and mental strength. On Phoenix Continent, there are very few people who have strong cultivation skills. After all, it is too time-consuming.

"Then I don't know. Crouching Tigers and Hidden Dragons in the Dark City, it is normal to have a strong one." Xiao Gangdao, "I just remind the host to be careful."


"Huh! Are you talking? Ignore me?" Dongfang Wuji saw Ye Chen ignore him and snorted heavily, yes, it is Dongfang Wuji who possesses the strong sun, and seeing Dongfang Zhige will soon fail. Dongfang Wuji finally couldn't help but try to save Dongfang Zhige, but also learned Ye Chen.

"What about ignoring you? Don't think I don't know what's going on with you." Ye Chen said.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Dongfang Wuji was startled, could Ye Chen see something? But yes, Lie Yang was very weak before, and now suddenly blocked Ye Chen's strongest blow, everyone could see that it was inappropriate.

"I don't know what you mean?" Ye Chen said, "Since all of them have come out to deal with me, do you still want me to restore my strength?"

Ye Chen already had some conjectures in his mind. The peak strong, there is only one Oriental Wuji in the dark side of the dark city, but he also knows that there was the person who appeared in secret last time. However, it seems that it is not the person who appeared in secret. The person now is very clear. I am afraid that his cheap father-in-law, the Dark Empire empire, is the east.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Dongfang Wuji knew that Ye Chen did see something, but whether Ye Chen would guess it was Dongfang Wuji, he wouldn't know.

But Ye Chen has already talked about such a point, and the Oriental Wuji will not let Ye Chen restore his strength. It is to teach Ye Chen a little lesson and let Ye Chen know the heights and heights of the earth. "Since you do n’t know how to be good, then I will Learn from you! "

When speaking, Dongfang Wuji has already controlled Lieyang's shot. Now he really needs to teach Ye Chen. As long as he teaches Ye Chen a meal and give an explanation to his elders, I believe that even if he agrees with Ye Chen and Tianqin's marriage, Elder ancestors will not object.

As for Ye Chen, although he is arrogant now, he is extremely satisfied. At this age of Ye Chen, he has seven purple stars, one silver star, and more importantly, Ye Chen also cultivates spiritual strength, which is also very strong. Department, with this kind of strength, even if Ye Chen left the Phoenix continent, he was a first-class genius on other continents. In the final analysis, the hatred between the dragon family is a battle between the dragons. It has been so long now. What is the relationship between these long-distance events and these people?

In order to ensure that no one else can see it, Dongfang Wuji controls Lieyang's use of the original fire elemental force in Lieyang's body, which looks like Lieyang's shot.

Of course, Dongfang Wuji did not use his own power. Ye Chen is now at the end of his crossbow. He is only trying to teach Ye Chen a meal, so that Ye Chen should not be so proud.

"Huh!" Seeing the East Wuji rushing over, Ye Chen offered the sea boat directly and shrouded in the East Wuji.

Dongfang Wuji knew that Ye Chen had a sea boat long ago, and relying on the sea boat and his men seemed to have killed His Holiness. Anyway, His Holiness has not appeared yet, and he is usually dead.

Knowing that Ye Chen had such a hole card, Dongfang Wuji would not let Ye Chen cover him, and instantly avoided the sea boat.

However, Ye Chen had exhausted his strength and could not continue to chase the East without fear. Although he had some regrets, he did not pursue it, but entered the sea boat.

There was the power of the **** crystal in the sea boat, and the elemental power of Ye Chen was replenished as soon as possible.

Similarly, in the sea boat, Ye Feifan originally left the physical strength, and Ye Chen's physical strength was restored.

As for mental strength, he needs to recover slowly.

"Boy, what are you hiding in?" Dongfang Wuji said.

"Then what are you hiding in?" Ye Chen also shot back.

"Oh, of course, to teach you." Dongfang Wuji said.

"Then I hid here naturally to deal with you!" Ye Chen said, "You can come in if you have the skills! The East is not afraid!"

Ye Chen's last name was of course Chuanyin. Although he guessed it, he wasn't sure. If he called in, he would know.

"Okay, then I'll go in and have a look. I'm going to see what's weird here!" Dongfang Wuji saw Ye Chen screaming his name with a spit, and was a little worried that Ye Chen shouted out and let the surrounding Everyone knows that his majesty can be regarded as sweeping the floor, and in the face of Ye Chen's bottom card, he is not curious as it is fake, and now that Ye Chen has lost his peak, I believe Ye Chen will not be able to leave him. He went in and broke out.

After speaking, Dongfang Wuji rushed into Ye Chen's sea boat.

"Okay, have the courage!" Ye Chen directly pulled the Oriental Wuji into the core of the sea boat, and outsiders could only see an island the size of one person.

After Dongfang Wuji came in, he found that Ye Chen's strength had recovered, and was a little surprised. At the same time, he said, "How did you find me?"

Oriental Wuji is also a disguised acknowledgement of the fact that he is Oriental Wuji.

"I don't know what the strength of the sun is?" Ye Chen didn't expect that the Oriental Wuji would directly admit it, and continued, "The person who can hide everyone in the scene and the **** unknowingly occupies the body of the sun is definitely the peak The strongest. There are only a few strong peaks in the entire Dark City. One is the landlord, the Oriental Wuji, and the other is a secret person I met last time. I can't think of anyone other than these two. Last time I saw that person. Yes, so I must not be him. "

"You are very good, you can guess this." Dongfang Wuji heard his words of appreciation and said, "Yes, you guessed right, I am Dongfang Wuji. I am here this time to try your strength, See if you deserve the Lyre! "

"Try my strength? Like now? I think you just wanted to hit me!" Ye Chen said.

"Haha, there is nothing else you can do. You also know that there is a strong peak here. He is my elder. I want to give him some face, and he strongly opposes you and Tianqin. So, I Just to teach you lessons, you can also count as a step down to the elders. At that time, there will be no objection between you and Tianqin. "Dongfang Wuji was not embarrassed, explaining it.

"Although your idea is good, it has not been approved by me." Ye Chen said, "I have spoken before, and I want to challenge you. Since you are here, that's fine. As long as I defeat you, there is no No one will oppose us, even if your elders come. "

"Oh! Boy, it's a good thing to be frivolous when you are young, but it's too much to be arrogant!" Hearing Ye Chen's words, Oriental Wuji is a little upset, Ye Chen is really too big and young, why? He said that he is also his future father-in-law. Has anyone ever spoke to his future father-in-law so?

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