Chaos Fiend

Chapter 348: Rescue family

"So what do we do now?" Mu Linger said. (((Catino Novel Network )))

"Go, let's follow behind the magic wind." Ye Chen said, "You don't have to wait until the evening, if we come at the other party's time, we will be passive. Now we take the initiative to attack the other party and be caught off guard."

"Seconds, seconds, it ’s extremely seconds. They simply can't think that we will pass now. The most important thing is that they don't know I'm there." Mu Linger's eyes brightened, he took out her own tissue-like artifact, and took her Wrapped with Ye Chen, then followed the magic wind.

Ye Chen looked at Mu Linger's artifact again, and some wondered, "I don't know how your cat family made this artifact."

"Haha, do you really want to know?" Mu Linger said.

"I definitely want to know." Ye Chen said.

"Although it is a secret in my family, it is not impossible to say." Mu Linger laughed.

"Oh? Is there anything else you need?" Ye Chen said.

"You're right, as long as you are the son-in-law of my cat family, you can know the secret of this artifact." Mu Linger said.

"Forget it, I don't want to joke with you now." Ye Chen glared.

"Well, I'm not kidding. As soon as you look like this, you know you are rejecting me!" Mu Linger stared at Ye Chen and stopped talking.

Ye Chen didn't ask Mu Linger's artifact again, so they followed the magic wind quietly.

"In fact, this artifact is made from the silkworm silk that our cat ancestors exchanged from the silkworm family. The silkworm is a great thing to hide the breath, plus the special method of refining our ancestors, it is even more important. The reason is that there are almost no strong people in the Phoenix continent. Various factors have caused this result. As long as we hide it, almost no one can find that the Emperor Tianming is an exception. "When he was about to reach the position of hundred miles, Mu Linger suddenly spoke. explained.

"Um." Ye Chen nodded and said, "But it's not time for us to say this now, it's coming soon."

After all, for their current strength, the place of hundreds of miles is only five or six minutes.

The magic wind did not know that Ye Chen and Mu Linger were already behind him, but he did not lie to Ye Chen and Mu Linger, and Moji met him as soon as he arrived here.

"How is the magic wind? Has Yechen been notified?" Moji was taught by Ye Chen, but he could not beat Ye Chen again. It is impossible to get revenge. This time, he can only avenge Ye Chen through the three strong men. , Dare to admire Linger with him, he can only say sorry to Ye Chen.

"Notice arrived." Mofeng nodded, and ignored Moji, ready to meet Motian and others.

Of course, you don't need to see the magic wind, the next three days, the magic sky, the great emperor of the sky and the sacred dead tree appear at the same time.

Magic sky, "Magic wind, what happened, did you do exactly what I asked for?"

"Patriarch, please rest assured, I did exactly what you asked." Mofeng said, "Just let Ye Chen come alone, and I threatened him not to notify others. Otherwise, his friends and relatives would all die. . "

"Okay, you did a good job." Mo Tiandao, "Now there are only three of us in the six-armed Demon Clan, and your talent is also the best. I won't bluntly forcibly improve your strength. Well, your potential will be wasted. If you practice well, our six-armed Demon Clan will rise again and depend on you. "

And what Motian thinks is that when I **** the benefits of Ye Chen, my strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and then I will be free and easy. There are only three remaining six-armed demon clan, and the six-armed demon clan has nothing to do Yes, let Mofeng and Moji play by themselves and go out chic.

"Thank you, Patriarch," Mofeng said with excitement.

The magic Ji is unhappy, but think about the six-armed Demon Clan. Only three of them are left. The demon is the old patriarch. The demon wind is stronger than him. The talent is better than him. There is no way to say anything. Secretly encouraged, and after he turned back, he taught the magic wind a meal, after all, he was empowered by the magic sky, and his strength has also caught up.

Motian then looked at the Emperor Tianming, "The Emperor, how is your formation?"

"Rest assured, Fang Yuan is within my control, and even a fly can't fly in." After speaking, the Emperor Tianming gave a slight sting.

"Imperial? What's wrong with you?" Motian said strangely when he saw the expression of Emperor Tianming.

"Nothing, nothing." Emperor Tianming shook his head. "Relax, as long as Ye Chen is here, I can feel it."

"That line, I'll leave it to you! Let's wait for Ye Chen to plunge into the net at night!" Motian nodded.

Of course, because of the reminder of His Holiness, Mutian also paid attention to the Emperor Tianming. The Emperor Tianming is an old fox who is so moody and indecent that even he is ashamed of his calculations. Such an old fox will suddenly sting After a while, something must have discovered that surprised him so much that the old fox was stunned, so the magical sky would be strange.

Of course, he wondered what kind of unexpected events caused the Emperor Tianming to break out? Then Mo Tian winked at His Holiness a little, and His Holiness also understood, and he paid more attention to the Emperor Tianming.

And Ye Chen and Mu Linger were naturally hidden in the dark, watching from a distance. When the Emperor Tianming spoke, he kept staring at the look of the Emperor Tianming, and found that when Emperor Tianming said that Fang Yuan was under his control, Ye Chen It was discovered that he and Mu Linger were indeed only one mile away from the Emperor Tianming. So, should the Emperor Tianming find them? However, the Emperor Tianming did not seem to say it, which made Ye Chen's hostility to the Emperor Tianming relatively less. If he can successfully save his family, then the Emperor Tianming must release the water. After all, the master of the formation method who prepared the formation , The strength is ten times stronger than it is now, naturally the needless to say.

"What shall we do? Do not know where they have hidden your family?" Mu Linger said.

"It must be in the formation of Emperor Tianming." Ye Chen guessed, "It should be in the position of the formation, and it is also the place where the formation is the most powerful."

"Well, what you said makes sense, and most people will probably do it." Mu Linger said, "But do you know where the eyes are?"

"I don't know, see where they are going," Ye Chen said, "they should go to where they are now."

"Then let's keep up?" Mu Linger said.

"Well, keep up."

Ye Chen guessed right, because he was worried about what the Emperor Tianming had to do, and Motian and His Deadwood followed the Emperor Tianming to the place where Ye Chen's family was arranged. Of course, the two have always been in the formation of the Emperor Tianming, but the two are also secretly holding a group. If the Emperor Tianming has different ideas about them, the two will not be provoked. This is also their confidence in their strength. Maybe they won't be able to fight by then, but Escape from the Sky and Venerable Deadwood are good hands.

Ye Chen and Mu Linger secretly followed Tianming Emperor, Motian, and others. Because they were all in Tianming Emperor's formation, they didn't walk fast, just ordinary people.

However, within a few minutes, Ye Chen's family and friends were controlled.

Ye Chen's grandfather Ye Qingfeng, Ye Chen's parents, Ye Chen's younger brother Ye Qike, the snow-capped mountains Yang Zhongtian and Wang Luoting, and several ordinary guards, the last two were Zhang Yihan and Tang Linger.

Ye Chen frowned a bit. Dongfang Batian had said that Sister Honglian was here, but now I haven't seen Sister Honglian. I don't know what happened. Is it because of accident?

"Well, let's just wait for Ye Chen here." Seeing Ye Chen's friends and relatives still tied here, the magic heaven.

"Well, rest assured, I said that I can't even fly in." Emperor Tianming patted his chest.

"I hope so," said His Holiness the Dead.

"What do we do now?" Mu Linger frowned. "Although the Emperor Tianming didn't find us, but they are next to your family, we are not good at it unless you can rescue them all at once, but their position It ’s extremely scattered, it ’s hard to save. ”

"It's okay, just look at me for a while." Ye Chen said, the sea boat is an artifact and can shrink freely. It will be all covered in a while, with the cooperation of Mu Linger, even if they all cover the magic sky. problem.

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