Chaos Fiend

Chapter 365: Seems to look down on him

"Lele teacher, what is your opinion? If you agree, arrange it like this. +++ Girls must go to the website "Honglian looked to Baili Lele. Honglian knew Ye Chen's strength, and she naturally thought that it was also the best choice.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, because if it was the former Honglian, she would not choose this way at all, she would be four people together, or it would be two or two, and it would not be possible to divide into three groups. After all, Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing although Promoted to silver one star, but compared with the two, it is still very different. Once encountering the enemy, I am afraid that self-protection will become a problem. However, Ye Chen thought that the people he saw before did not seem to be very strong, and Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing could cope. In the end, he just frowned, and did not raise any objections.

Although Ye Chen did not raise any objections, the opinions of Barry Lele questioned by Honglian were much greater.

Barry said, "We should be a group of two weak people now. Why should I be a group of Zhuge Beixing? Doesn't this mean that we are the weakest?"

Zhuge Beixing also had some consent in his heart, yeah, does this not mean that the two of them are weaker than Ye Chen, but who cares about this, as long as they can get along with Barry Lele alone.

"You don't need to worry about this. You and Beixing can protect themselves." Honglian continued. "But I believe that the owner of the Arctic Palace left this message at that time, it will definitely not harm us, and even said it might be It's a test for us. "

"Well." Honglian said so, Ye Chen nodded slightly. Since it was left to future generations by the Arctic Palace master, they should not harm them.

"That's it!" Zhuge Beixing raised her arm while Barry Lele didn't notice, and forcibly pulled into the middle hole.

"Why is the hole?" Barry Lele was extremely reluctant, but after being pulled in, he found that the hole behind him disappeared, and he could never go out again. Of course, the hole in Ye Chen and Honglian's eyes did not disappear.

"I don't know why the hole is gone!" Zhuge Beixing shrugged. "It looks like a fate between us!"

"Fuck, if you didn't pay attention to forcibly pull me in, how could I come in ?!" Bai Lele snorted, regardless of Zhuge Beixing, one person went forward. Since he can't go back, only I can go forward.

"Hey, my chance is here!" Zhuge Beixing Meizi chased after him, and the two were alone, and he would definitely make a hundred miles of fun.

"Sister, don't you have any words to tell me?" After Zhuge Beixing and Barry Lele disappeared, Ye Chen stared at Honglian Road.

"What is there to say between you and me?" Honglian remained indifferent. "Well, can you choose a hole?"

"You know what I mean? I find you a lot of indifference." Ye Chen said.

"What's indifferent?" Honglian frowned. "Don't you allow me to change my personality? Since you don't choose, I'll choose first."

After speaking, Honglian chose the right hole and walked in. After entering, Honglian's face flashed a complex color, but then disappeared.

Ye Chen said in his heart that it is not that you are not allowed to change, it is that you have changed too quickly, and I am a bit uncomfortable.

In the end Ye Chen couldn't help but say, "Xiao Hei, can you help me see why Sister Honglian changed?"

"I must not see this," Xiao Hei said silently.

"Have you been taken away," Ye Chen said, "is there any such sign."

"You say this." Xiao Gangdao, "No, I can't see it at all, it should be her."

"Then why did Sister Honglian's personality change? I don't know what happened to Sister Honglian last time in the fire girl's fire."

How can a person suddenly change Xiaohei to see it, but he still said, "Your sister of Red Lotus gave you at least the North Pole Star Technique directly, indicating that her heart actually cared about you a bit."

"You're right, I just look at the appearance." Ye Chen nodded, feeling a bit weird, did she say that she already liked Sister Honglian without knowing it? Before thinking about it, he always felt that the feelings towards Sister Honglian were ordinary brothers and sisters' emotions. Now that I see that I care so much, I am afraid that I really like her.

In the end, Ye Chen didn't think about these troubles, and went directly to the hole on the left.

After half an hour, the pretty emperor also entered here. After seeing the three holes, he hesitated for a few minutes, and finally chose the middle hole and walked in.

As for Ye Chen, after entering the cave entrance, he kept walking forward. He didn't see any obstacles after walking all the way. He was puzzled. This is the test left by the Arctic Palace master that year? There is no resistance whatsoever.

As Ye Chen was walking, he heard the sound of fighting in front of him, and it seemed not that there was no test, but that the previous test should be broken.

When Ye Chen walked by, he found that a figure was fighting a snowman covered with snow and ice, and the figure Ye Chen also knew that it was Yun Feiyang. As for the snowman who fought with Yun Feiyang, it was a silver two star.

When Ye Chen came over, Yun Feiyang had already heard footsteps, and the frequency of fighting with the snowman dropped. At the same time, he noticed Ye Chen and found that it was Ye Chen. It was extremely unexpected. "It's you?"

"Huh? What do you mean by this? Are you surprised to see me?" Ye Chen was slightly upset, what does Yun Feiyang mean?

"Nothing," Yun Feiyang said. "After all, you are also a genius, and you are still a person from the former Arctic Palace. It is normal to come here."

"Huh!" Ye Chen snorted coldly. He heard that Yun Feiyang seemed to look down on him. If he hadn't hurt ordinary people, he would have laid him down.

Yun Feiyang saw Ye Chen's performance, smiled, and then shot and killed the silver two-star snowman. It turned out that he wasn't fighting, but just using the snowman to hone his martial arts skills.

"Well, I'm very strong now. The snowman was a silver star." Yun Feiyang was afraid Ye Chen didn't know. They said that they were both geniuses. It ’s bigger, so Yun Feiyang has a little heart of comparison. This is not to blame him. At the beginning, he was similar to Qian Xuanji, but he did not expect that Qian Xuanji has made great progress now. He has the strength that can kill him. He was arrested by Qian Xuanji and continued to become a disciple of Qian Jue Sect.

"Okay, you are terrific." Ye Chen thought for a long time and didn't know what to say, regardless of Yun Feiyang, went straight ahead.

Yun Feiyang saw Ye Chen go by himself, and quickly caught up with Ye Chen. "Be careful, I have already encountered two snowmen, one silver one star and one silver two star. It may become stronger and stronger next time. I am now The more you are behind, you may not be able to protect you ... "

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