Chaos Fiend

Chapter 369: Unreliable Ye Chen

"Huh!" As the barbarian heard a cold hum, he actually came to find the barbarian fighters who fell into it. He didn't know where the Qian Jue Zong and barbarian fighters had gone. There was no way, maybe only slowly. Only after fighting will we know everything. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

The icemen are dead, just like the puppets. When several people are communicating, they have already shot.

Because the crowds were already assigned, they both looked for two Icemen to fight.

The last two Icemen left, they did not assign, they are the Iceman whoever they fight against, and the other two Icemen one against Pluto, one against Qian Xuanji, because it is the Iceman who actively shot at them, they There was no way to say anything, and the silver five-star iceman was not in their eyes.

The Emperor is also against two silver five-star icemen. He is an older generation of silver five-stars and has reached the peak of the silver five-stars. Two ordinary silver five-star icemen are not a big deal to him. He is at ease and is also observing other people.

Of course, he paid more attention to Ye Chen. He just heard that his son died in Ye Chen's hands, and was so angry that he even wanted to kill Ye Chen.

But now he remembers that Barbara can use the power of his ancestors to make his strength reach the silver peak temporarily, so he died in the hands of Ye Chen. Although it may be the shot of other silver peak characters, but He will not underestimate Ye Chen.

Now only when Ye Chen reveals his hole cards, he will kill all the juniors here, and the wild ancestors can use the power of the wild ancestors, so naturally the wild emperor can also.

The wild ancestors can only use the strength of ordinary silver peaks, but he uses them, but they are equivalent to the silver peaks of the emperor level, which is more than one level stronger than the wild ones. The juniors here are the strongest. The silver seven-star peak was the peak of his attacking power. For him, it was all a dish.

"Sister Honglian, Sister Lele, Brother Beixing, I will pass you a set of formations." Ye Chen gave a message to Honglian, Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing. After all, their strength is the weakest on the bright side, against two silver five-stars. The Iceman is also the most strenuous.

Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing were upset when they heard Ye Chen call their younger sister and younger brother, but they always thought that Ye Chen was not as good as them now. The Little Arctic Palace was originally strong and respectable. Ye Chen now calls them mentors, sisters and sisters, doesn't he say that they are better than Ye Chen's heart?

But as soon as they wanted to speak, Hong Lian said, "Okay, what kind of formation?"

"Wuhuangzheng, I learned from a master of martial arts." Ye Chen directly passed the Wuhuangzheng to the three Honglians. Although the combined power of the three did not reach the peak of silver, they were upgraded to two three stars. Still no problem.

"Good formation." Honglian couldn't help but admire after seeing the formation.

"Sister Honglian can be used as an array of eyes. Sister Lele and Brother Beixing will deliver strength to Sister Honglian. I believe they will pass here easily." Ye Chen said.

Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing also felt that the formation was very good, but they were still upset, saying, "Ye Chen, what do you mean? You asked me, Sister Honglian and Zhuge Beixing to use Wuhuang array, then what about you? ? Aren't you here to help us? Do you want to cheat? "

"Lele is right!" Zhuge Beixing also thought that Ye Chen wanted to sneak away, and continued, "And we just learned the Wu Huang Zhen, and we are not yet proficient, nor can we exert the greatest power. Why don't you do this? The front line can also exert the greatest power of the Wuhuang formation. "

Ye Chen turned his eyes away. If it wasn't for taking care of Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing, could Ye Chen still use Wu Huang Zhen, but it ’s okay, let him do it, when the other side thinks it is his own side. The mysterious formation method can also be regarded as showing weakness to the enemy.

Ye Chen, the younger generation here, didn't look in his eyes. Ye Chen, as the enemy, was only a strong man in secret. His strength was very strong. At least Ye Chen didn't intend to reveal his full strength before seeing him.

"Since Lele and Beixing said so, let me do this."

"Huh! I lost to you before, but now I don't necessarily lose to you. After I get the treasure, I will challenge you to let you know that I am now your Lele teacher and sister!" Barry Lele finally Still talked out his unhappiness.

And Zhuge Beixing is the same, "I was your brother Zhuge before, and I will be your brother Zhuge in the future!"

Honglian was also speechless. As early as the time when she competed for the sea boat, Ye Chen's strength had completely surpassed her. As to how far Ye Chen is now strong, she was not clear, but the last time she dealt with her fire girl, Tian Nanfei, etc. Great genius, the goal is Ye Chen. To say that they did not fight Ye Chen, Hong Lian is unbelieving. Now Ye Chen is standing here like everyone else, proving that the six geniuses have already failed, Ye Chen will only be stronger, maybe already Reached the high-level silver emperor realm.

She knew these things, but Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing didn't.

"Hey, guys, I'm afraid I can only be my mentor and sister." After becoming an eyebrow, Ye Chen directly showed his strength in Yuanli, a silver four-star, but because he compressed Yuanli to the extreme , The strength of pure elementary power is already comparable to the silver seven stars.

And Honglian was also slightly surprised. She thought that Ye Chen would be a high-level martial arts emperor.

As for Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing, they were shocked. They were able to get two silver stars and one silver star because of the leaning resources of the Little Arctic Palace. How did Ye Chen rise to the four silver stars?

"Don't be distracted, Wu Huang Zhen!" Ye Chen sighed softly. While adding a drink, he added his own mental strength, and suddenly the three people who were distracted returned to God!

Of course, Ye Chen's revealed strength, others also saw Ye Chen's strength.

When Pluto Tian and Qian Xuanji saw Ye Chen's strength, they finally showed scornful smiles. It seems that the genius of the same level at that time finally showed a gap today.

Yun Feiyang gave a sigh of relief. The silver four-star is the same as his Yuanli, but he is a double-element Yuanli. It seems that he has really surpassed Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was able to defeat Qian Xuanji last time. It can't be proved that he can always defeat Qian Xuanji. It seems that the talent gap is slowly showing up. Ye Chen has become a stepping stone for these geniuses.

After Pingwangtian's servant sword followed Ye Lingfei to see Ye Chen's strength, he was slightly relieved. It seems that Ye Chen did not pose much threat to himself.

The same is true of the Barbara Emperor. Ye Chen had only four silver stars. He also made him a false enemy. It seems that the barbarians died in the Dark Empire. It is the real Dark Barber who has shot. Wait for me, sooner or later I will slaughter your dark empire royalty.

When these people think, they have already solved the iceman.

Only Ye Chen was left, and Honglian, Barry Lele, and Zhuge Beixing did not hesitate, and all of Yuanli entered Ye Chen's body in the form of Wuhuang array.

Ye Chen's body swelled for a moment, and then retracted back, and Ye Chen's breath suddenly flew to the silver five-star. He absorbed all the power of the three men, Honglian, Barry Lele, and Zhuge Beixing, and in an instant Compressed by his elemental power, he only ascended to the silver five-star, but the power has already reached the peak of the ordinary silver eight-star.

Of course, outsiders don't know the power of Ye Chenyuanli. After all, even Honglian, Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing don't know.

When Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing saw Ye Chen's powerful blow just now, but combined the three of them's strength, he promoted Ye Chen to a silver five-star, and immediately began to call Ye Chen unreliable.

Although the scolding of Ye Chen in his heart was unreliable, it did not show up. After all, other outsiders could not read the joke.

While Ye Chen was in front of her, he didn't understand the thoughts of several people, and there was also the thought of retaining strength, so he fought with the two silver five-star ice men for a while, but in the end, they were also resolved.

After being resolved, the three recovered Wu Huang Zhen.

Barry Lele secretly transmitted to several people, "Ye Chen, you are really unreliable. Even if Sister Honglian's strength alone solves the two silver five-star ice men, I believe it will not take so long. The results combined with us It takes such a long time for the strength of the four? Thank you for your silver four stars! I feel worse than my silver two stars. "

Zhuge Beixing agreed, "Lele is right."

"Okay, you two don't bother looking for Ye Chen." Honglian finally couldn't stand it. "Ye Chen's strength is far beyond your imagination. He does this freely and deeply, so don't ask!"

"Sister Honglian, you are still facing him." Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing were even more unconvinced when they saw this.

"Sister Honglian is also telling the truth, you will see when the time comes." Ye Chen is also a bit angry. Now that there are foreign enemies, the two people don't even trust him, they are not convinced, and finally reply.

"Fake fake tiger power!" Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing could only think so. After a while, you are weak and see how you come down to Taiwan.

Others saw that the four people in the Little Arctic Palace had such a good combo formation, and all of them were dazzled. They relied on the battle of the strongest, but if Ye Chen had the formation just now, even if Low-end martial arts can also come in handy.

Especially the barbaric emperor, the barbaric fighters are few, but they are all elites. If this combo formation is obtained, then the barbarians really want to go.

However, how to get this formation from Ye Chen's hands is the key to the problem. Do they want to force Ye Chen to hand it over or make Ye Chen hand it over to him?

"You are very good, but there will be more powerful ice men waiting for you next time." As everyone thought about Ye Chen's martial arts array, the secret voice sounded again.

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