Chaos Fiend

Chapter 372: Break the hall

As for Ye Lingfei's eyes, he was shocked. Ye Chen even killed the barbaric emperor. Even if he hides his strength, he cannot defeat Ye Chen. --- End of the story, the romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan ))) But how could this be the case? He is the main vein of the Ye family on the Arctic ice sheet. Those who escaped from Ye Chen ’s ancestors are only the branch veins of the Ye family. Now the branch veins have actually defeated the main vein. What about the treasures of the old ancestors? No, we must find a chance to suppress Ye Chen. Otherwise, Ye Chen's treasures will be snatched away.

While Ye Lingfei was thinking, Ye Chen had already started talking to Binglong Longhun, "Why did you shoot? I wanted to hone some more."

The ice dragon dragon soul does not shoot, Ye Chen cannot kill the barbara emperor, only pull into the sea boat, but Ye Chen wants to hone himself, barbara is just a sharpening stone.

"Don't delay time," Binglong said, "I feel the crisis."

"What? Crisis ?! Isn't the test over? And you all feel the crisis. How can it be, who else on the Phoenix continent can be so terrible?" Ye Chen was surprised.

"Did you forget the last thousand months? And the Black Dragon." Binglong said, "They are all powerful men who will make me feel the crisis."

"Are there such a strong person coming?" Ye Chen heard that he was ready to advancing, and the sea boat was ready. As long as there was an exception, he could enter the sea boat at any time, and at the same time he could pull in Red Lotus, Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing.

"Yes, there is such a strong man, this is not the time for you to practice." Binglong Dragon soul said, "If you die, who will fight with the little girl of Dongfang Tianqin? Then I will not lose to the black dragon?"

"Huh!" Ye Chen coldly hummed, instead of speaking to the ice dragon dragon soul, and passed on to Honglian and others, "Sister Honglian, Lele and North Star, there are now strong enemies, so be careful."

"There are enemies?" A few people in Honglian also became cautious. Of course, this time Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing acknowledged that they were Ye Chen ’s sisters and younger brothers. Ye Chen ’s strength was too horrible. Of course, they did n’t think it was the reason for the formation, maybe there was a certain reason for the formation, but they Two silver stars, one silver star, did not do much at all.

Yun Feiyang and Ye Lingfei were so cautious when they saw Ye Chen and others, they also guarded their hearts for fear of any accident.

Strange to say, there was no sound after the secret voice said this was the final test, and nothing changed here. The snow-white ice crystal hall is still the snow-white ice crystal hall, except for three more bodies on the ground.

"Eh ?!" Yun Feiyang suddenly shocked, "Qian Xuanji's body is gone ..."

"Huh ?!" Ye Chen frowned, looked over, and found that the body of Qian Xuanji, who was still lying on the ground, had disappeared.

"Ah! Haunted!" Barry Lele was terrified, thinking that haunted, why the body that was just now suddenly disappeared.

"It shouldn't be haunted." Honglian shook her head. "It should be a ghost made by someone in the dark. He can kill Qian Xuanji in a second, and he can steal Qian Xuanji's body without his knowledge."

"Can't say that God is unaware of the ghosts." Yun Feiyang calmed down. "Ye Chen just fought with the Barbara Emperor. All our attention was on them, and Ye Chen couldn't be distracted to look at the surrounding situation. This allowed Qian Xuanji's body to be stolen. "

"You're right." Ye Chen unexpectedly glanced at Yun Feiyang. He did not expect that he would analyze it after he calmed down, and it was considered a personal talent. "I already guessed that the people in the dark were not good intentions. I did not expect him to finally When you start, you just don't know what he stole Qian Xuanji's body? "

"So what do we do now?" Zhuge Beixing bowed slightly and asked Ye Chen, he slowly accepted everything, and finally respected Ye Chen. "The voice of secret talk has conspiracy, then we all said what he said before Unbelievable, but now we are locked in this hall. "

"It's very simple." Ye Chen said, "Since there is no way here, but we can make a way, can we just explode here ?!"

In Ye Chen's heart, there are always thousands of sects. The whole thousand sects and one thousand barbarians have fallen, but they have not seen it until now, and there may be something they do not know exists.

"Yes. Brother Ye is right." Baili Lele said, "Since the secret person is a liar, then we can't believe him or stay here all the time, just break it here!"

"Okay! Break it!" Ye Chen took a deep breath and said secretly, "Binglong, help me!"

"Relax!" Binglong Dragon Soul promised Ye Chen.

"** Gun!" This time, Ye Chen used his strongest ** Gun, combining all the powers, and combined with the powerful power of the Ice Dragon Dragon Soul to attack the upper part of the hall with all his strength.

** The marksmanship has infinite power and unparalleled momentum. The people around are shocked to the edge of the hall by invisible air waves.

"Boom!" The ice dragon gun hit the ice crystal above the hall, and it sounded like the sound of a sky collapsing. Then the ice crystal fell from the top one by one, and the ice crystal hall slowly shattered like a spider web from top to bottom.

"Fuck, I was really deceived!" Although Barry Lele and Zhuge Beixing now believe in Ye Chen, deep down they still believe in the powerful secret voice, but now the ice crystal hall that besieged them was blasted by Ye Chen It means that the secret voice has always been a liar.

With the fall of the Ice Crystal Hall, everyone's vision finally widened, and an ice field appeared in front of their eyes.

There is a city on the ice field. Ye Chenwang is exactly the same as the previous Qian Jue Zong. It should be the Qian Jue Zong who fell from the sky. Just don't know how far away from them?

"Did we be blocked here by him?" Honglian looked back and found that the three previous openings had disappeared, leaving only this piece of ice sheet. As for their former pits, the bottom was gone.

"Looks like it! Let's speed over! I look a lot like Qian Jue Zong there. We should have understood the truth here." Although Ye Chen didn't know what was going on, he knew it in the past and finished speaking He took the lead in rushing to the fallen Thousand Jedi.

"Go!" Honglian, Barry Lele, Zhuge Beixing, Ye Lingfei also followed. Of course, the Pluto Water Sword of Pluto has arrived in Ye Lingfei's hands.

Yun Feiyang gritted his teeth and got up to follow him. Although he knew that his injury was now basically missing the treasure, he also wanted to see what treasures were left here.

Just as the crowds left, the body of Pluto in the original place suddenly moved, and slowly stood up.

There was a flash of red light in Pluto's eyes, and at the same time, he stretched out a palm and grabbed at the Emperor's body, and the Emperor's body slowly dried up, and the essence and blood was devoured by him.

The red light in Pluto's eyes was even worse, chasing up towards Ye Chen and others ...

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