Chaos Fiend

Chapter 397: Continental situation

"What about the barbarians and barbarians?" You Lan stared at Ye Chen blinkingly, trying to see Ye Chen straight through. +++ Girls must go to the website

Ye Chen looked back at Youlan without changing his face. "Senior Youlan, what do you say?"

"I didn't see it, how do I know." You Lan said, "You killed them all?"

"Yes." Ye Chen had nothing to admit.

"You really made me look." You Lan had to admit Ye Chen's strength. If it wasn't Ye Chen, she would die here today, but Ye Chen appeared, and she actually killed the barbaric ancestors and barbarians. This kind of strength is too powerful, no, it is terrible. The most important question is that in the past, Ye Chen was no different from an ant in front of her. How long has this been, which is only one or two years, Ye Chen has grown to the point where she can shoulder to shoulder.

"By the way, why did you come to assassinate the barbarian wizard?" Ye Chen was a little weird. Before that, he was still thinking that no one would come here so stupidly to deal with the barbarian wizard. This made him extremely surprised.

"Huh!" You Lan was angry when she saw Ye Chen's strange look. "It's not because of you."

"Because of me?" Ye Chen baffled. "Senior Youlan, what do you mean? Explain the white point, I do not understand something."

"Aren't you trying to unify the Phoenix continent?" You Lan said.

"You say this." Ye Chen heard the words and wanted to understand. No wonder Youlan was with Qian Qianyue before. Qian Qianyue always wanted to unify the Phoenix continent, so she must have said to Youlan. Lanna certainly agreed, so I wanted to help myself unify the Phoenix continent.

"Yes, you really want to unify the Phoenix continent." You Lan said.

"No, I didn't mean that before, but I was agreed after being exiled by Qian Qianyue's predecessor. But I told her at the time that to reunify the Phoenix continent, it was also my own ability, not her "Ye Chen said.

"Well, there is no problem in unifying the Phoenix continent with your current strength." You Lan saw Ye Chen's look and sighed. "My sister Qian Qian and I both look down on you. You are much stronger than the Phoenix Emperor of that year." Now, you were killed by the ancestors. "

"Haha, yeah, I also think I'm much better than the Phoenix Emperor." Ye Chen laughed, not being modest.

"It's not modest at all." Seeing Ye Chen's spirited appearance, You Lan was infected. Think of her being only 40 years old this year. When she came to Phoenix mainland, she was less than 20 years old. Generation, but after coming to the mainland of Phoenix, they have become the peak of the older generation. They should be the same as Ye Chen. Thinking, the temperament of Youlan has changed, becoming young, confident, and bright. , Has the vitality of the younger generation.

Ye Chen couldn't understand the change of Youlan, and said, "Senior Youlan."

"Don't call me Youlan Senior." Youlan interrupted Ye Chen. "Your strength is better than me, but I am older than you. Call me sister Youlan."

"Okay, Sister Youlan." Ye Chen still asked the previous question, "Is there any connection between killing the barbarian wizard and my unification of the Phoenix continent?"

"Well, I have spoken with the master of the Mingshui Palace, Mingli and Qian'an, the Supreme Master Qian'an. As long as the Barbarian Grand Wizard is killed, the entire Arctic Icefield will obey our Oran City's command and serve us as the main. Of course, my unification of the three forces is to let you go south to the Phoenix Empire and the Dark Empire. However, the first unified must be the Phoenix Empire, because I heard that your fiancee is the princess of the Dark Empire. "

"Then don't you know that the Princess of the Phoenix Empire is my sister?" Ye Chen glared, "I said, I also need to rely on my own strength to unify the Phoenix continent. I have taken this idea of ​​Youlan Sister."

"I know you are strong." You Lan said, "How can you unify the Phoenix continent if you have no men and no army? Even if you are unified, you do n’t have strong force and men. If you leave the Phoenix continent in the future, even if you What about unification? Maybe just like the Phoenix Emperor, as soon as he left the Phoenix continent, his Phoenix Empire fell apart. "

"Haha, let future generations handle the affairs of future generations, then I can't control it, just like the Phoenix Emperor, he won't manage the affairs of future generations." Ye Chen laughed, the Phoenix Empire split. The main reason is because the emperor of Babaoxing wants to be emperor, and the emperor of Phoenix also knows the emperor's ambition, but he doesn't discipline him much. And he should be much better than the Phoenix Emperor. After all, he has no offspring. It is enough to let his brother Ye Qike be the emperor of the Phoenix continent. As for the future, he can't control it.

"You are so free!" Youlan said, "Okay. I'll go back first, anyway, the barbarian wizard is dead, and now the Underwater Palace and Qian Jue Zong will fulfill their promises."

"Um." Ye Chen nodded.

After Youlan left, Ye Chen thought about it and directly destroyed the barbarian account, revealing his own figure.

The barbarian warriors outside had long known about the anomalies in the big account, but without the order of the barbarian wizard, they did not act.

Now seeing Ye Chen suddenly come out, every barbarian warrior is staring at Ye Chen, "Who are you? What about our big wizard?"

There are tens of thousands of barbarian fighters. The momentum of tens of thousands of people has gathered together, and even Ye Chen feels heavy pressure.

But Ye Chen was not afraid, and said directly, "Your great wizards and your ancestors have all been killed by me!"

His voice was transmitted to the contented soldiers' minds layer by layer through spiritual power.

"What? How is it possible? How could our great wizard and ancestor be killed by him?"

"Yes, it's impossible. Our big wizard and ancestor are the strongest in the Phoenix continent and cannot die."

"Well, he must be lying to us!"

"I lied to you?" Ye Chen chuckled suddenly. "Do I have to lie to you?"

"You must be deceiving us! You must be trying to make our army chaotic, and then you humans will destroy our barbarians in one fell swoop? Even the Phoenix Emperor of the year could not kill our barbarians and wizards, why are you?" At this moment, a silver four-star barbaric leader stood out, and his heart was extremely happy. He didn't believe that Ye Chen could kill the barbaric ancestors and the great wizard. Now he came out to rectify the army. As long as the barbarians and the large wizard returned, he You can be justified as a pretty emperor.

As for the other strong men, when they saw the barbaric leader stand up, anyone who had a chance to compete for the barbaric emperor was extremely angry, and he did not expect to be preempted by him.

"What you want to say also makes sense." Ye Chen nodded and said, "But have you thought about it, I've disturbed you here for so long, your barbaric ancestors and big wizards haven't come out yet, you don't Do you feel strange? "

"How did you treat our ancestors and wizards?" The savage warriors still did not believe that the ancestors and wizards were dead. After all, even the Phoenix Emperor could not kill the ancestors and wizards. Now a little-known young man came out. People killed the ancestors and great wizards, and their hearts were naturally extremely unbelieving.

"Dead is dead! Oh yes, their bodies are here!" Ye Chen said for a long time before thinking that the bodies of the ancestors and the great wizard were still there, thinking that Ye Chen took out their bodies directly.

"What? Is that really a wizard?"

"There is another appearance that is very similar to that of the great wizard, is it the ancestor who has been practicing retreat?"

At this moment, the barbarian warriors exploded the pot, and each one had a nameless coldness. Ye Chen could kill the barbaric ancestors and great wizards. Isn't it easy to destroy them?

"The corpse will be returned to you!" Ye Chen threw the corpse towards the crowd and disappeared.

The barbarian soldiers were scared back a few steps by the bodies of the barbaric ancestors and great wizards thrown over by Ye Chen.

After they found Ye Chen disappeared, they quickly left the place with the corpses of their ancestors and great wizards and returned to the extreme place.

When passing the information passing halfway, Dianhong and Dianming also saw the bodies of the ancestors and the great wizards. The two of them looked at each other, and everyone could see the coldness in their eyes. There was no way. The ancestors and the great wizards were casual. Everyone can kill them in seconds, but Ye Chen is killed by this invincible existence.

"Brother, what shall we do next?" Dian Mingdao said.

"What else can we do? Unify the barbarians, and swear to follow Ye Chen." Dian Hong said.

"But many people have seen Ye Chen's appearance, and many people have said they want to avenge the barbaric ancestors and great wizards." Dian Ming said.

"Revenge? At that time, Ye Chen threw the corpse in front of tens of thousands of barbarians, and no one dared to stop it. Now he said revenge, who believes?" Dianhong dismissed, "But it ’s okay, the people are here. The barbarian warrior has lost his prestige, and it should be time for me to stand up. "

Then Dianhong began to rectify the barbarians and fight with the strong ...

The Orchid City Fubo summoned Qian'an and Mingli, "You all get the news. This time, not only the barbarian great wizard died, but also the barbaric ancestors died. The barbarians have completely failed to lift anything on the Phoenix continent. The waves are breaking. "

"We all know the news. After our Qian Jue Zong Ming Shui Palace, we will only look forward to you." Qian An and Ming Li have been instructed by Qian Jue Zong and Ming Shui ancestors, and obey the arrangements of You Lancheng. Now They already know the identity of Qian Juezi and the Underwater Emperor. Of course, they also know that Qian Xuanji and Hades are both killed by the hands of the imperial emperor. Qian Xuanji and Pluto Heaven will be rescued, but the two ancestors did not save, and they did not dare to say more.

"Okay! If the Lord Lord of the City has any instructions in the future, I will surely inform you." Fu Bo said, in fact, he had already received the news of Orchid, that is, let him start to rectify the Qian Jue Zong and the Underwater Palace, and then let Their disciples were trained like an army. At that time, they went south to fight against Phoenix Continent, but now he knew that he could n’t eat hot tofu, and first stabilized Qian'an and Mingli for a few days, and slowly exposed his purpose.

Soon, the news that the barbarian wizards and barbarians were killed by a young man spread to other cities and other small forces in the Arctic Icefield. Even under the transmission of Babaoxing, the entire Phoenix continent knew barbara wizards and barbarians. Ancestor was killed.

The killing of barbaric wizards and barbarians naturally caused uproar, and caused panic among the superpowers. Being able to kill barbaric barbarians and barbarians proved that they could also be killed. The existence of such a threat must be strangled. In the cradle, a super powerful assassination against Ye Chen was brewing.

You should know that the energy in Ye Chen's crystals has been absorbed by the chaotic magic beads, and he has no way to use the sea boat. If there are several super powerfuls killing him together, even if there are chaotic magic beads, he will die.

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