Chaos Fiend

Chapter 407: When will we meet again

Dongfang Zheng and Ye Chen also discovered this problem, but unfortunately they both shot with all their strength and desperately, now they are all helpless types. They can only watch Ye Chen's sun and moon wear away his dark hammer. +++ Girls must go to the website

Eventually, the sun and the moon wiped out the dark city, leaving behind a big face and the savage beasts also consuming their power unknowingly and disappearing.

Although it disappeared, before it disappeared, it still propelled the sun and moon and killed Dongfangzheng.

Dong Fang showed despair, but he was desperate not because he was about to die, but because he didn't expect that under the increase of the dark world, the strongest shot of the super strong was blocked by Ye Chen, and even killed back. This is not Explain that Ye Chen really has the power of a super strong? Ye Chen is so old that he already has such power. Who can stop Ye Chen if he is making progress in the future?

In fact, Ye Chenqiang cannot be said. After all, Ye Chen has only one blow, and the real super strong can last forever, which means that Ye Chen is a lamb to be slaughtered after he finishes this blow.

Even so, Dong Fang Zheng only used the dark world to hit the super strong, so he lost to Ye Chen. If he could launch a second strike, Ye Chen would be dead. But if not, Ye Chen won when they all had a blow.

Seeing that the sun and the moon were about to hit the East, the black dragon appeared, and stood in front of the East. He reached out and easily crushed the sun and the moon, and then took away the dark world. Although the dark world was left before the death of the parents of the Eastern world, but After all, the black dragon is a black dragon, so naturally you can easily control the dark world.

"Ye Chen, I really look down on you." Heilong stared at Ye Chen tightly, wondering what he was thinking.

Ye Chen looked directly at the Black Dragon. "What? Seeing that I don't have the power now, I want Tianqin to attack me?"

"Huh!" Although Black Dragon did have this idea just now, because Ye Chen was so terrible. If he grows up like this, Tian Qin will not grow up at all, but his black dragon family only surrenders, but now Ye Chen speaks out in public. He couldn't admit it, scornfully, "I am the great black dragon. At that time, the strongest of the black dragons, I will not take advantage of you as a junior! On the Phoenix continent we can't beat you, but it doesn't matter, we other continents Goodbye!"

Just like the black dragon said before, when he saw Ye Chen weak, he bullied Ye Chen, and when he saw Ye Chenqiang, he gave up first and waited for the right time. Now, Ye Chen's attack power is already the strongest blow from the Phoenix mainland super strong. In this way, the Oriental Lyre Qin can't catch up with Ye Chen on the Phoenix continent, only by leaving the Phoenix continent. Of course, he can kill Ye Chen with his shot, but he will not do that, because Ye Chen still has the ice dragon Ye Ming on his body. He will not turn his face with Ye Ming until the last minute, after all, he will not underestimate the strongest dragon in his year. Ye Ming.

"Master Heilong, what do you mean?" Ye Chen said.

"Naturally, I will take the lyre to leave." Heilongdao, "I know that some people are trapped in the Phoenix continent for thousands of years. If they can't go out, it doesn't mean that I can't go out. As for where to go, it is natural to go to other parts of the Phoenix continent. Although they were once Phoenix continents, those areas will not be suppressed. "

"Since Lord Heilong is going to leave, let's see you in other continents, but can you let me talk with Tianqin alone?" Ye Chen did not expect that Heilong wanted to leave after this battle. This is Yangmou. He, he also had no choice, and at this time it was not when he turned his face with Heilong. After all, he had been teaching Tianqin. In order to let him win, Heilongjiang must be fully educating Tianqin.

"Yes, you can chat with Tianqin." Heilong said he wanted to leave.

But at this time, the Eastern Orthodox Way, "Wait a minute, Lord Black Dragon, if you go to other areas of the Phoenix continent, what shall we do in the dark empire?"

Although there are still formations in the Dark City, the Black Dragon is the most powerful hole card of the Dark Empire. Without the Dark Dragon, the Dark Empire is a tiger without claws and teeth, which can only be slaughtered by anyone.

"What about the Dark Empire?" Heilong glanced at Dongfangzheng. "Your father was much smarter than you."

"My father is much smarter than me?" Dongfang Zheng lost his eyes and mumbled. He naturally knew the meaning of the black dragon, because the meaning of the black dragon was obvious, but that was to follow a strong man, and this was not the case with Ye Chen. A strong man? The Black Dragon asked the Dark Empire to follow Ye Chen, and the East was unable to accept it.

After Heilong left, the top ten senior emperors looked at each other and didn't know what to do, but then they seemed to have someone's voice, and left each other helplessly. Now Ye Chen, the sergeant, really let them feel helpless.

In the end, Ye Chen and Dongfang Qin did not control Dongfang Zheng, and left here to go to Dongfang Qin's palace.

The guards encountered on the road seemed to have been ordered, and when they saw Ye Chen again, they turned a blind eye.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong now." Dongfang Tianqin stared at Ye Chen, his eyes filled with surprise and excitement. The stronger Ye Chen, the happier she is naturally, because Ye Chen is her man, and she is also excited. That is Because she and Ye Chen are competitors, and they still have to fight, she will not easily lose. Although she is sure that she is not Ye Chen's opponent now, no one can tell what will happen in the future.

"Well, you are very strong now," Ye Chen said.

"Well, I'm no better than you." Dongfang Tianqin said, "You used to be so deep in hiding before, now it just broke out!"

Ye Chen didn't reply, because after all, he had experienced countless battles with top powerhouses, and with the dedicated training of this half year, he now has the current strength. If someone else had gone through his battles, he would have died, and only he could survive and cultivate to the present level.

Now Ye Chen has a clearer understanding of his strength. If the superpowers fight hard, they can fight against each other, but they must know that although the power of the superpowers is exhausted, they will not be used up. No problem six times, but Ye Chen can't, Ye Chen can only fight once. However, his mental strength and physical strength are now in the Silver Seven Stars, and his strength is in the Silver Six Stars. As long as he breaks through again, he can overpower the super strong. Or if Yuanli breaks through, he can still be stronger, maybe he can fight a dozen tricks with the super strong.

"I leave Phoenix mainland, will you miss me?" Dongfang Tianqin softly said.

"Yes, I will miss you." Ye Chen nodded.

"Cut, you don't mean it at first glance." Dongfang Tianqin suddenly said, "I don't know how the old woman of Honglian is? Do you miss her? The last time we got engaged, she didn't come."

"Sister Honglian was in an accident." Ye Chen was helpless, and now Sister Honglian didn't know what was going on. She was extremely indifferent to him and made him uncomfortable. Maybe it was really like Ye Ming said, because his strength was improving too fast. Now, Sister Honglian felt that the two were not in the same world, so she deliberately alienated him.

"Well, Sister Honglian is so close, you have a leg at the first sight!"

Ye Chen has never been in love, coupled with Oriental Lyre Qin is an ever-changing witch with unpredictable temperament, Ye Chen is helpless in the face of Oriental Lyre Qin.

Dongfang Tianqin saw Ye Chen look speechless. "Did you just say that you want to talk to me, didn't you want to talk to me alone? Why don't you talk now?"

"Hey, what I want to say is, I will wait for you." Ye Chen said.

"It seems like I should say this." Dongfang Tianqin glared, "I have never heard of a man saying to wait for a woman, aren't all women waiting for a man? But I accepted your word, you Wait for me too! "

Speaking of the surprising tenderness of the Oriental lyre in the end, he looked at Ye Chen like this.

Ye Chen couldn't stand being looked at, and said, "Otherwise I'll leave first?"

"You're a real wood!" Said Dongfang Tianqin. "After I'm leaving, help me take care of my father and my brother."

"They still take care of me?"

"Master Black Dragon wants to take me away. Our dark empire will lose its protector. If the strongest hole card is gone, it will be a lot worse than other great forces, but now you have appeared. Master Black Dragon should mean to make the Dark Empire. Follow you. It was like following the Phoenix Emperor. "

"That's the way it is," Ye Chen said, "but you don't see the way your ancestors look at me, as if I'm upset."

"Maybe you think you are too young." Dongfang Tianqin said, "But now that you have defeated him, even if he sees you upset, he is not your opponent. I think you should talk to my father now. Maybe you will become a new Phoenix Emperor, oh no, I was wrong, you are a more powerful genius than Phoenix Emperor, so I will work harder. "

"Well, shall I talk to your father?" Ye Chen nodded.

"You guy! Really fast wood!" Dongfang Tianqin said Ye Chen wood again, at the same time she couldn't help it, she pulled Ye Chen over her, pressed her lips and kissed Ye Chen's lips, but one touch Immediately, his face flushed.

Ye Chen knew the meaning of Dongfang Lyre even if he was stupid. As a man, how could he make a woman take the initiative, and Dongfang Lyre has taken the initiative once, and Ye Chen naturally took the initiative and pulled Dongfang Lyre to kiss him.

This kiss was sweet and sweet, and they kissed for a long time. The two people separated, and each other looked at each other with affection when they looked at each other, and they seemed to be in tenderness.

"Well, go to my father's emperor." Dongfang Tianqin pushed Ye Chen away.

"Well, I went." Ye Chen touched his lips and left Oriental Tianqin here.

Dongfang Tianqin's cheeks were also red. In the end, she had a firm look and went directly to the black dragon.

After finding the black dragon, Dongfang Tianqin and the black dragon left together without any memory.

As for Ye Chen, she seemed to feel something and sighed. Because the next continent he may go to is the Nether Continent, but the Black Dragon is going to take the Eastern Lyra to the other fragment continents of the Phoenix Continent. I want to see you again, I do n’t know what year or month.

Ye Chen converged, and saw Oriental Wuji.

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