Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1094 Jiuli Saint! (2 updates)

As Ling Feng lost consciousness, the transformation of Chaos Reincarnation was resolved on its own and he returned to his original form.

The Silver Wolf Demon King snorted and returned to his normal form. He glanced at Mu Qianxue and raised his right hand. On the five fingers, sharp claws flashed with cold light.

"Go away! If you want to be buried with him, I can help you!"

With Mu Qianxue's cultivation, even if the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor moved his finger, he could kill her. However, he still had to save some face for the Purple Dragon Envoy.

If Mu Qianxue insists on not getting out of the way, then no wonder he is cruel and ruthless.

"If you want to kill Brother Ling, just step over my body!"

Mu Qianxue clenched her silver teeth, with an extremely determined look in her eyes.

This time, let me protect you!

Even if I die with you!

"Xue'er, come back!"

Bai Su frowned deeply, Ling Feng would definitely die today, but Mu Qianxue, there was no need to be buried with him!

This silly girl!

"I won't let anyone hurt Brother Ling, never!"

Mu Qianxue gritted her teeth and stood in front of Ling Feng, refusing to give in an inch.

"Okay, great! You asked for this!"

The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor was covered in blood. In the battle just now, he endured Ling Feng's final madness. Even with his peak Demon Emperor's cultivation, he was still covered with wounds from Ling Feng's counterattack.

Since Mu Qianxue wanted to be buried with her, he didn't mind killing one more.

"Then just accompany this little bastard and die together!"

In an instant, the figure of the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor was seen flying out, like a ghost, and could break Mu Qianxue's pink neck with just one claw.


Getting closer!

However, just when everyone thought Mu Qianxue was about to die, a stone tablet several feet high descended from the sky. Like a falling meteor, it hit the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor hard. Revealed above.


A puff of smoke billowed out.

The next moment, blood and flesh splattered!

A peak demon king had his brains split open and was smashed into the ground by the stone tablet. His body twitched and it looked like he would not survive.

"what's the situation!"

"This...what the hell is going on?"

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at this turn of events in disbelief.

Even the Canglong Demon Emperor frowned. There was someone who could sneak up under his nose and kill the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor instantly!

The smoke gradually dispersed, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the huge stone tablet.

I saw the word "Jiuli" engraved on the stone stele, and on the top of the stone stele, stood a young man with a stern expression, lightly tapping one foot on the top of the stone stele, the cloak behind him, in the strong wind. On the ground, there is a hunting sound.


The Canglong Demon Emperor's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he remembered something, but he couldn't believe it.

"Lord Demon Emperor! You bastard, you're going to die!"

When the Silver Snake Demon Queen saw the Silver Wolf Demon King's death on the spot, she became furious. She used her demon energy to attack the young man on the stone tablet, but was sent flying by the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor's palm in the air.

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, you?"

The Silver Snake Fairy suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the Canglong Demon Emperor with a puzzled expression.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The Canglong Demon Emperor ignored the Silver Snake Demon Lady's doubts, but took a deep breath, slowly stood up from the golden throne, and stared at the young man with a solemn expression.

Although he could feel that this young man's cultivation was not very strong, the stone tablet with the word "Jiuli" engraved on it made him dare not be careless.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that the saint of the Jiuli Divine Clan can be killed just by asking for it."

The stern young man exposed his sleeves and said coldly: "The Silver Wolf Demon Emperor is careless about life and death and has offended the Holy Lady. I will clear the door for the Demon Emperor first to prevent the Gods from pursuing you in the future and destroying your Canglong Temple. , that’s not good, right?”

"Is it really...Jiu...Jiuli Divine Clan?"

The Canglong Demon Emperor couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Even though the cold young man said such treacherous words as "tying down the Canglong Temple", he did not dare to pursue it.

The Jiuli God Clan is a legendary existence! Among the gods, not to mention the great emperor, there are also those in the holy realm and even the ancestral realm!

The stone tablet that the young man had just released was obviously an immortal weapon, and he could easily kill a peak demon emperor on the spot.

"You do not believe?"

The stern young man glanced at the Canglong Demon Emperor. The Demon Emperor, who originally ruled the world and looked down on all living beings, actually lowered his head. Lian Sheng explained: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

The elders and disciples of the Canglong Temple were all dumbfounded. How terrifying was this young man's background? Even the Demon Emperor was so tolerant of him.

Only those who are at the level of the Eight Great Cang Dragon Envoys and have heard some legends about the God Clan can understand how the Cang Long Demon Emperor feels at this moment.

Could a being of that level actually come to a small place like the Eastern Spiritual Realm?

In particular, Purple Dragon Envoy Bai Su stared at Mu Qianxue in disbelief. Was his little disciple actually a saint from the God Clan?


"Humph, I'm sorry you don't dare!"

The stern young man jumped down from the stone tablet and landed lightly on the ground. He completely ignored the Canglong Demon Emperor and walked directly in front of Mu Qianxue. He sighed softly and said slowly: "Holy girl, you should follow me. Now that you've gone back, I think your memory should have returned to this part."

"It's you……"

Mu Qianxue raised her eyes and glanced at the stern young man. It was none other than Ye Weiyang.

(PS: When Ling Feng took Mu Qianxue and others to southern Xinjiang, he once wrote that Ye Weiyang also followed Mu Qianxue and left the imperial capital. For details, see "Chapter 960 The Road to the Strong")

"it's me."

Ye Weiyang gently raised her hand, covered her right eye, and said with a wry smile: "My eye can finally see clearly. I think you should also remember it. We still have very important things. , must be done.”

Saying that, Ye Weiyang moved her palm away, and a golden light flashed in her right eye. Mu Qianxue stared at this golden light and fell into a brief trance.

After a while, Mu Qianxue's expression calmed down, and the chaotic memories in her mind were finally sorted out.

She is a saint, a saint from the Jiuli Divine Clan!

Her existence is for the Jiuli Divine Clan's most important mission.

"Originally, I hoped that letting you recover these memories by yourself would allow you to integrate that power more perfectly. Unfortunately, the situation does not seem to allow it."

Ye Weiyang smiled faintly and said slowly: "Fate guided me to find you. Now, Saint, it's time for you to take me back to the God Clan."

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