Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1101 The demon tribe withdraws its troops! (2 updates)

When Commander Bai of the combat preparation camp heard the news, he almost vomited blood and died.

If he had known earlier, even if he was given ten times more yuan crystals, he would never agree to let Yan Chuchu, a troublemaker, join his combat preparation camp!

The combat preparation camp is on the battlefield, you seem to be teasing me!

But Yan Chuchu actually said with a proud face, "I won this good opportunity for you, so don't thank me too much!"

grateful? I thank you uncle!

It's not that Commander Bai is greedy for life and afraid of death, it's just that with this group of women's soldiers, how useful can they be?

However, since the orders from above came down, Commander Bai could only carry them out. Seeing that the entire army was about to be annihilated, he had long been prepared to fight on the battlefield with blood.

As the team of this combat preparation battalion rushed at full speed, they soon arrived at the last stronghold of Blackwater Plains.

This was the battlefield after five days and five nights of bloody fighting. There were corpses everywhere, blood was flowing on the oars, and the strong smell of blood was almost nauseating.

Miss Chu Chu just smelled the smell, and almost all her previous heroic words were forgotten.

Is this war?

So many people are going to die!

When they arrived, the demon and human armies were already at full-scale war, and there were battlefields everywhere along the Blackwater River.

Cries of death, ferocious laughter, roars...

The entire battlefield was in chaos, with almost no formations or formations. The human army had been completely scattered and could only fight on their own, being devoured bit by bit by enemies several times their own.

Commander Bai took a deep breath. The tragic situation undoubtedly ignited the anger and blood in his chest. He suddenly pulled out the weapon in his hand and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, listen to the order. Your mission is to rescue as many people as possible." Wounded soldiers, don’t confront the demon clan head-on!”


The women's army under his command roared loudly, and then Commander Bai raised his sword to kill a demon king.

The demon king had already killed everyone, and his hands were stained with the blood of human soldiers.


Yan Chuchu retched for a while, and the strong nausea made her almost unable to exert any strength, let alone go into battle to kill the enemy.

"What's wrong? When you were in the commander's tent before, you were full of confidence!"

Lin Xian'er patted her back gently and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you shout that you wanted to go to the front line?"

"How did I know that so many people would die? Oh my god, there is blood everywhere, corpses and broken limbs. This is different from the exercises I have seen before!"

Yan Chuchu took deep breaths several times before she calmed down a little and began to get used to the pungent smell of blood.

In fact, not only she, but also about 20 to 30% of the female soldiers in this group of women were frightened by the piles of corpses. They had never seen such a tragic scene.

"Now that you're here, let's play our part."

Tuoba Yan had already presented the Tiance Baojian and frowned: "If you don't want to become one of the corpses, use all your strength to kill the enemy in front of you!"

After saying that, Tuoba Yan rushed out directly. Lin Xianer cast an encouraging look at Yan Chuchu and chased after her. With Tuoba Yan's ability, unless he encountered those demon kings with very strong mental power, Otherwise, basically no one would be able to hurt her at all.

As for the ordinary demon king, as long as he is trapped by her Tianheng illusion, he may even be killed by her.

Tuoba Yan is responsible for killing enemies, while Lin Xian'er is responsible for rescuing people. The two of them cooperate very well.

"Hmph! If you can do it, so can I!"

Yan Chuchu has always had the temperament to refuse to admit defeat. Seeing the female soldiers from the combat preparation camp around her entering the battlefield one after another, she bit her silver teeth and rushed out waving her long sword.

Her strength is quite good. Ordinary demon soldiers can't get within three feet of her, and they will be destroyed by her like chopping melons and vegetables.

After all, she is the apple of the eye of the Governor-General of the Southern Army. The sword she wears is also a sacred weapon. With the magic weapon on her body, even if she encounters an ordinary low-level demon king, she may not be incapable of fighting.

"Reinforcements are coming?"

Jiang Xiaofan and the few personal guards around him were almost numb from the fight, when they suddenly heard the horn sound of the human army, and a glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes.

"Reinforcements have arrived!"

Jiang Xiaofan roared, and then, almost fanatical roars were heard from all over the battlefield.

Reinforcements have arrived!

Although the number of reinforcements and their combat capabilities are unclear, the appearance of these reinforcements undoubtedly inspired the soldiers who were fighting bloody battles.

For a time, the human army gained great momentum. Each and every one of them almost showed the courage of one against ten, catching the demon clan by surprise.

However, this situation did not last long.

The reinforcements of a thousand people, and they are also troops like the combat readiness battalion that are not good at fighting, will have almost no effect on changing the war situation.

The demon army soon discovered that these so-called reinforcements were just a false shot, and they immediately regrouped. In less than half an hour, the human army was completely crushed again.

The number of casualties continues to grow.

The 200,000 Tianfeng Camp soldiers fought bloody battles to this moment, and the only remaining troops are less than 20,000!

However, most of them are elites of the black-armored cavalry, so they can barely sustain it. But in this almost exhausted state, today, the last stronghold of Heishuiyuan may not be able to survive. Can't keep it.

The designation of Tianfeng Camp will probably be completely removed today!

Tianmang Fortress.

"What! The demon clan has withdrawn its troops?"

On the coach's throne, Yuan Tiangang had a look of disbelief in his eyes when he heard the news one after another that the monster armies in various battlefields were beginning to withdraw.

"Yes, the monster armies in the four major battlefields of Huyang Pass, Luoshikou, Qifeng Gorge, and Zhanfeng Plain have begun to evacuate one after another for unknown reasons!"

The messenger said loudly, with a look of joy on his face.

"Why did the demon tribe suddenly withdraw its troops?"

Yuan Tiangang frowned, full of suspicion. With the current situation, the human army was almost retreating. With the demon army so powerful, how could they just withdraw like this? There might be some fraud involved!

"Commander Sun, what do you think?"

Yuan Tiangang turned to look at the think tank beside him, military advisor Sun Boce.

"The four main battlefields withdrew their troops almost at the same time. My subordinates believe that this is not a trap by the demon clan, but that there is turmoil in the upper echelons of the demon clan. As far as my subordinates know, the demon clan that attacked Tianmang Fortress this time is very large. Some of them are from the original ethnic groups under the Qiongqi Demon Emperor, and many of them were forced to go to the front lines to fight against the human race. "

"Boldly imagine, if something suddenly happens to the top of the Monster Clan and they are unable to take into account the war situation at the border, then these so-called Monster Clan coalition forces will naturally exist in name only and evacuate each other. After all, they are not soldiers in the true sense. ”

"Yeah." Yuan Tiangang nodded slightly. Sun Boce's guess was reasonable.

If Ling Feng were here, he would be deeply impressed by Sun Boce's wisdom. This guy just guessed out of thin air and basically guessed the reason why the demon clan withdraws its troops!

"Haha, if that is the case, our army can breathe a little easier. In the past few days, all battlefields have been tense. This is definitely the most difficult battle since the governor has been guarding Tianmang Fortress!"

Yuan Tiangang slowly exhaled. At this moment, another general rushed in from outside the tent and said urgently: "Captain Governor, something serious has happened! My subordinates have just learned that Miss Chu Chu has sneaked into Tianfeng Camp." , went to the Blackwater Plains battlefield with the army!"

"What, Heishuiyuan!"

Yuan Tiangang suddenly jumped up from his seat, how could this crazy girl get there!

"Give me the order and immediately recruit 200,000 troops...forget it, I will personally lead the troops on the expedition!"

Yuan Tiangang slammed the table and rushed out of the camp, praying silently in his heart: Girl, girl, please don't let anything happen to you!

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