Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1123 Dragon Fire Xuanzhen Pill! (3 more)

Three days later.

"Finally back!"

Looking at the magnificent city gate in front of him, Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking of the first time he came to the imperial capital, as if it was still vivid in his mind.

Tuoba Yan followed Ling Feng slowly, the effect of Xuanyou White Fish on her was indeed very obvious. For the Tiance clan, the growth of spiritual power is equivalent to the improvement of strength.

Now, her cultivation has surpassed Ling Feng and reached the fourth level of the Divine Yuan Realm. In addition, she has the Tiance clan's sacred object Tiance Treasure Mirror, which is not inferior to Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the credit of the "Cai Nu Xuan Yin Gong" given to her by Yan Cangtian.

Not long after, Ling Feng returned to Tianwei Academy in a very low-key manner and found Yan Cangtian's residence with ease.

After he left, Old Yan had no one to take care of him, and he probably began to devote himself to alchemy and cultivation again.

As soon as he approached the inner courtyard, Ling Feng felt a wave of heat coming from the direction of the alchemy room.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It seemed that Old Yan was refining the elixir again.

Ling Feng signaled Tuoba Yan to wait in the yard first, and then quickly flew towards the alchemy room. He saw Yan Cangtian controlling the flame with one hand and holding a brush with the other, as if recording something. His expression was serious, sometimes happy, and sometimes sad.

"Teacher is still the same. Once he is immersed in alchemy, he probably forgets who he is."

Of course, it is estimated that part of this is because of the old woman, the Queen Mother. Last time, she took advantage of Yan Cangtian's trust in her and arrested him to the palace to threaten Ling Feng, which made Yan Cangtian completely give up on this woman.

So, he would use alchemy to numb himself so that he would not think about that woman again.

"Teacher, you may have missed one ingredient in this Dragon Fire Xuanzhen Pill, so the fire is difficult to control and the heat is released." Ling Feng pushed the door open and laughed loudly. "Huh?" Yan Cangtian looked up and found that it was Ling Feng who came back. He laughed and said, "You kid, didn't you go to the South Xinjiang to join the army? How come you are back so soon!" "The matter in South Xinjiang is over, so there is no need to delay any further." Ling Feng walked to the front of the pill furnace in one step, and controlled the fire with the method of Xuanhuo Jiulian, so that the heat was completely integrated into the pill furnace. "Teacher, I didn't expect that in just two months, you have completed the recipe of Dragon Fire Xuanzhen Pill!" Ling Feng looked up at Yan Cangtian and said with a smile. "Stinky boy, stop flattering me. You can tell at a glance that I am refining the Dragon Fire Xuan Zhen Pill, and you even know that there is one missing ingredient. It seems that you have figured it out a long time ago!" Yan Cangtian rolled his eyes at Ling Feng. This kid's attainments in the way of alchemy are getting better and better. Moreover, in terms of fire control techniques, he has combined his own Heavenly Fire Dao Jue and the Xuanhuo Jiu Refining Method of Su Dongling, the first poison master in the empire, and can almost be called a top-notch alchemist of the first-class level in the empire. "I was just inspired by seeing the teacher refining the pill and figured out the key." Ling Feng smiled modestly. With the joint efforts of the master and the apprentice, a furnace of Dragon Fire Xuan Zhen Pill was finally refined in about half an hour. Although there was one missing ingredient, it was successfully condensed with the help of Ling Feng. The efficacy may be a little worse, but it is definitely better than those ordinary semi-finished products. "Haha, brat, tell me about your exciting experiences in Southern Xinjiang!" Yan Cangtian put away the pills and immediately asked Ling Feng to tell him about his experiences during this period. "Yes." Ling Feng nodded and smiled, and then he described how he sneaked into the demon clan holy land, how Mu Qianxue exposed her identity as a god and saved his life, and finally, how he resolved the war between the human and demon clans, and the matter of the ghost-faced demon king Lin Canglang. Finally, Ling Feng also told Yan Cangtian his next plan. "Yeah." After listening to Ling Feng's words, Yan Cangtian nodded and patted Ling Feng's shoulder gently, "You kid, these two months of experience are comparable to an ordinary person's lifetime." Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "I would rather not have such a rich experience. As a result, Qianxue left and Xian'er became a living dead again!" "These things are not something you can control." Yan Cangtian comforted: "But, at least you still have a way to remedy it, and, with your qualifications, although I don't quite understand what the God Clan means, you will never lose to anyone!" "Since you have decided to go to Donglingxian Chi, I naturally agree with both hands, but Donglingxianchi is not like the tiny place of Tianbai Empire. It is a place where real geniuses gather. You need to be cautious in how to deal with things. "

"Student understands."

Ling Feng nodded, took out the sword manual of "Wuqiu Yi Jue", and smiled faintly: "Teacher, when I was returning to the imperial capital, I passed by Hailan Lanqian and got the complete content of this "Wuqiu Yi Jue". I have memorized all the formulas. This is the mental method of the divine formula, so I will leave it to you, teacher!"

Yan Cangtian's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw the animal skin scroll, and when he looked at it carefully, his face suddenly showed an incredible expression.

After a long time, Yan Cangtian said with shock: "Good boy, I gave you a fragment, and you gave me a complete "Wuqiu Yi Jue". Calculated, I have made a lot of money!"

"Haha!" Ling Feng smiled cheerfully, "Does the teacher have any other scraps? Why don't you give them all to me as well."

"It's gone, it's gone, where did so many scraps come from!"

Yan Cangtian rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, "You little monster, in just one year, you have wiped out all my ideas. Now, you can become my teacher. Breaking into the Holy Land of the Monster Clan , to fight against the peak demon emperor, even I don’t have the courage like you!”

After a pause, Yan Cangtian continued: "But next time, you can't act so recklessly. There shouldn't be another divine saint by your side to protect you!"

"Students, please note." Ling Feng smiled bitterly, knowing that Yan Cangtian was doing it for himself, so naturally he would not contradict him face to face.

However, many times, I actually don’t have much choice.

Danger and trouble almost come to you together, and you can't even hide from them!

"Okay, I won't say much else, lest you think that I, an old guy, talk too much."

Yan Cangtian stroked his long beard, took out a thin book, and said slowly: "This is the elixir derived from the useless elixirs you brought back from the battlefield of gods and demons. There are sixty-six kinds in total. I have already After putting it all together, you have one share and I have one share. For an alchemist, the elixir recipe is equivalent to wealth. Keep it carefully and it will definitely come in handy when you get to the Dongling Immortal Pond."

"Thank you very much, teacher!"

Ling Feng excitedly took these prescriptions. Every prescription of ancient elixirs was worth a lot of money!

"And this, I have been checking a lot of information during this period. Although there is not much information about the Divine Treasure Box, it may be of some use. This is also the last little thing that I, as a teacher, can do for you. From now on, it’s all up to you.”

Ling Feng took a deep look at Yan Cangtian, and felt moved in his heart. It must be a great blessing in his life to have a teacher like Mr. Yan.

(PS: Many trivial matters have been dealt with, and Ling Feng is finally embarking on a new journey~)

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