Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1133 The Blood of the Wilderness! (1 update)

"Second Miss, it's time for you to accept your fate and follow your husband home obediently! Jie Jie Jie..."

Qi Hongwu couldn't stop laughing, feeling proud in his heart. He had been waiting at the Feng family for a long time, and it seemed that the final credit for capturing Feng Chan alive would still fall on him.

Feng Chan bit her lip, her palms turned white. She felt that she was alone and helpless, and even the last support in her heart collapsed.

My feet felt weak and I almost couldn't stand.


Ling Feng sighed softly, walked up behind Feng Chan, gently supported her body, looked at Qi Hongwu, and said in a cold voice: "It is quite rare for a person to be so shameless as you, obviously. On the surface, you are an old guy marrying a concubine, but in fact, you are giving money to your cuckold ancestor. Could it be that you guys in Tianluo Island are all messing around, and you are proud of cuckolding each other! "

"Boy, what did you say?"

Qi Hongwu's eyes turned cold, he clenched his fists, and his joints made a popping sound like fried beans.

"Do you want to die?"

The evil energy gathered on Qi Hongwu's face, and the human emperor's aura suddenly exploded.

What's worse is that the elder of the Feng family actually came up with a murderous look on his face, surrounding Ling Feng and his party.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. With so many emperors put together, even a lowly donkey might be a little overwhelmed!

"Second Miss, you go back to the Feng Family with him first. He still doesn't know that we killed the cuckold man. You just need to hold this guy back for now. I have a way to relieve the control of the Feng Family elders and your father. . I can see that you should be quite important to Patriarch Luo that day. As for how the play is played, it is up to you. I will let Zifeng attach to you temporarily. As long as Zifeng is here, that guy can't get close to you. body."

Ling Feng used his spiritual consciousness to convey the message and confessed to Feng Chan. Feng Chan's pupils shrank at first, but she quickly calmed down.

In this situation, the only choice is to believe Ling Feng.

"Okay, I can go back with you!"

Feng Chan clenched her fists, stood up from behind Ling Feng, gritted her teeth and said, "But I want to see my father first!"

"This is natural."

When the leader of the Iron Sword Sect heard that Feng Chan was willing to go back, he showed a hint of joy on his face. He waved his hand and signaled the elders of the Feng family to step back. He then laughed and said, "That's right. If you and this sect leader If we get married, then your father will be my father-in-law, and the leader of this sect will naturally treat him with great courtesy."

"Also, don't embarrass these friends of mine!"

Feng Chan bit her delicate lips and said in a deep voice: "If you don't agree, the worst I can do is cut my throat and kill myself here!"

"Absolutely not!"

Qi Hongwu's eyelids twitched, and he quickly nodded in agreement, "You can't die. Since these people are your friends, the sect leader will naturally not make things difficult for them. If they want to leave or stay, just let them do whatever they want. "

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and it seemed that his guess was indeed correct. The reason why this guy was patiently arguing with Feng Chan here was because he was afraid that Feng Chan would commit suicide.

Once you master this, you can more or less take the initiative.

"Hehe, of course I'll stay, young master. Don't you bastards like to have sex with each other on Green Island? If you want to hold a wedding, I must give you the face to attend it in person!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly.


Qi Hongwu clenched his fists, took deep breaths several times, memorized Ling Feng's appearance, and thought to himself: "When that girl is no longer useful, you will be the first to die!"


Thinking of this, Qi Hongwu flicked his sleeves and turned back to the Feng family.

After returning to the Feng family, Qi Hongwu imprisoned Feng Chan and his party in a separate courtyard, but did not make things difficult for them. He even agreed to let Feng Chan meet the head of the Feng family.

Afterwards, Qi Hongwu left the other courtyard, presumably to inform Patriarch Tianluo that he had captured Feng Chan.


After Qi Hongwu left, Feng Chan breathed a sigh of relief and said bitterly to Ling Feng: "Master Ling, thank you for speaking for me just now."

"He is a man. If he sees such a shameless old thief, he will stand up."

Ling Feng smiled lightly.


Fatty Huang was holding a tea cup in his hand, wanting to taste the pastries on the table. When he heard Ling Feng's words, the corner of his mouth twitched.


There was a trace of embarrassment on Fatty Huang's face, and he comforted himself silently in his heart. He just didn't find the right opportunity to speak up!

Well, that must be the case!

After taking a deep breath, the fat man Huang opened his mouth to eat the cake again, but Ling Feng flicked out a ray of energy with his finger. He shook his head and reminded: "Brother Huang, the inside of these cakes is not clean."


Fatty Huang raised his head and glanced at Ling Feng, " can't be right?"

"Why do you think the Feng family obeyed that old guy's orders? I'm afraid they have all been poisoned!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "In short, it's better to be careful."


Feng Chan frowned and gritted her teeth: "That damn villain, my father was plotted by him!"

"It's a poison that even the powerful Emperor of Human Beings can't resolve. I'm afraid this poison is not simple."

Ling Feng touched his chin. Fortunately, the Feng family was pretty lucky.

Ling Feng does not dare to say that he can cure 100% of the poisons in this world, but at least 99.9% of them are not difficult for Ling Feng at all.

"Don't worry. When your father comes, I will try to see if I can detoxify him. As long as your father returns to normal, the old guy from the Iron Sword Sect will no longer be able to jump around."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. As the saying goes, the master of the Iron Sword Sect is as cunning as a fox, but how could he have thought that the pretty boy with "an embroidered pillow and a bag of straw" in his mouth was actually the successor of the Medical Saint!

On an island that was unknown how far away from here, there was a corpse mountain made of tens of thousands of bones, standing under the black sky.

The sound of the whimpering wind is like the cry of a lonely soul, the scraps of clothing are rustling like an unwilling roar, and the evil spirit and resentment condensed by thousands of bones are howling around, refusing to dissipate for a long time.

The white-capped Mountain of Death stands like snow in the black sky.

And at the top of the corpse mountain, a majestic man sat looking down at the world!

This man was burly, two meters tall, with shawl red hair flying wildly, and a pair of eyes without any human emotion. He was indifferent to the common people and despised everything!

He is only one person, but he stands on top of ten thousand bones and despises the world. The boundless ferocity spreads from him in all directions, as if this person is the master of this world.

He just stood with his hands behind his back, and there was an extremely strong and ferocious aura, as if Shura emerged from the Nine Nether Hell. Looking at it from a distance would give people a creepy feeling.

In the distant sky, a huge eagle owl suddenly flew over. The red-haired man stretched out his hand and took down the bamboo tube tied at the feet of the eagle owl.

After a moment, the red-haired man looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahaha, have you finally succeeded? A pair of children from the Feng family, one yin and one yang, and the pure blood of the Great Wilderness is about to be obtained by me!"


The next moment, there was a flash of blood, and the red-haired man had disappeared without a trace!

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