Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1144 Stepping on the Human Emperor! (4 more updates)


The void trembles!

The red flames thundered down!

The power of Ling Feng's double swords was instantly wiped out by the divine fire that Patriarch Luo used at the cost of a hundred years of life.

Although most of the power of the flames had been consumed, it finally hit Ling Feng's body heavily.


Ling Feng's body was instantly knocked away, and he hit the ground hard from mid-air, spitting out a mouthful of blood on his back!

Looking at his body again, his purple clothes were in tatters, his whole body was charred, there were wounds all over, the flesh and blood were blurred, and no piece of it was intact. His whole body kept twitching, and black smoke came out from time to time. His face was red, as if he was about to spurt blood, and he looked ferocious. And terrible.

The power of the Divine Fire Seal is truly terrifying!

The Feng family members gasped. Although Ling Feng had shown a power that even they could not understand, in the end, it was Patriarch Luo's "Sacred Fire Seal" that was better!

Fortunately, Ling Feng did not die from this blow after all!

Just now, Ling Feng was indeed extremely close to the edge of death, and even half of his feet had already stepped into the coffin.

But don't forget that Zifeng and his ability to share life make Ling Feng basically an immortal Xiaoqiang as long as he doesn't die in one breath.

The powerful life force poured into Ling Feng's body, finally bringing him back from the edge of hell.

Ling Feng gasped for breath, and the original flame swallowing began to take effect, swallowing up the flames attached to his body bit by bit.

Speaking of which, it was really thanks to Yan Yan that he protected Ling Feng's heart. Otherwise, even if Ling Feng didn't die from that blow just now, he would probably have lost half his life.

But now, although he looks very embarrassed, he is not without the strength to fight.

"He's not dead yet!"

Patriarch Tianluo's expression was extremely gloomy. Feeling Ling Feng's tenacious vitality, he had a deep intention of retreating!

I have been burning my longevity for one hundred and twenty years continuously. If I continue to burn like this, I will burn myself out!

This guy, what kind of freak is he?

Ancestor Tianluo was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. He had promised that the powerful Human Emperor would die if he touched him. This kid was obviously only in the Divine Yuan realm!

The Feng family members breathed a sigh of relief. Ancestor Tianluo's strongest attack was gone. Next, it would be the end of Ancestor Tianluo!

Anyone can see that the face of Patriarch Tianluo is full of exhaustion. He is already more than three hundred years old. Even if he has a full life expectancy of five hundred years, he has burned away more than a hundred years in one breath. He is basically at the end of his rope now.

Many people from the Feng family were secretly gearing up, waiting for the Tianluo Ancestor to be beaten half to death before they would pounce on him and surround him!

This old guy dared to ignore their Feng family completely. He should be cut to pieces!

"Ancestor Lumao, your death has come!"

Ling Feng swung the two swords in his hands and soared into the sky again. The anger in his chest supported him to become more fierce as he fought.

Patriarch Luo's eyelids twitched wildly that day. He burned his hundred-year life essence to activate the divine fire but failed to kill him. Now, the situation has reversed. I am afraid that not only will I not be able to kill Ling Feng today, but I will also be killed here!

I saw Ling Feng ruthlessly tearing off the broken robe on his upper body, revealing his extremely strong muscles. In the state of fusion with the soul of the bitch beast, his whole body was filled with dark demonic energy, coupled with the Eye of Shura. The terrifying aura he brought made him look more like a little devil.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Ling Feng's eyes scanned the bodies of Patriarch Tianluo and Qi Hongwu. This pair of master and disciple will die here today!

"Little brother, it's all a misunderstanding. Haha, if you have something to say! I can tell you everything I know!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Qi Hongwu actually knelt on the ground with a plop. Even his master's strongest move couldn't kill Ling Feng, so what a slap!

Ling Feng snorted softly, and a purple light flashed in his eyes, activating the power of Jing Jie.

In an instant, Qi Hongwu hugged his head and screamed. Within a few breaths, Qi Hongwu was first bleeding from seven holes, and then his whole head exploded, his brains burst, and he died on the spot.

"Hmph, do you know more than the green-haired ancestor knows?"

There was a cold light in Ling Feng's eyes, and he had the ability to read memories. No matter how stubborn Patriarch Luo was on that day, he would never be able to hide any secrets.


Ancestor Tianluo felt fear in his heart. He actually felt scared in front of a boy who was only at the Divine Yuan realm!

"Little bastard! This island master is still afraid of you! You were hit by the flames and you were also seriously injured. Let's see how long you can hold on!"

Patriarch Tianluo struck out with a palm, and at the same time, he did not forget to sweep the Feng family members fiercely, and shouted: "Which of you dares to take action? After killing this person, the first thing I do is to skin and cramp the person who took action. Let him suffer the ultimate punishment on earth!”

His cannibalistic eyes frightened a group of Feng family members who were eager to fight.

The so-called rotten ship still has three pounds of nails. Although Patriarch Tianluo lost his killing move, Ling Feng was also seriously injured. It was still a 50-50 split between the two of them.

"Brother Ling, let me help you!"

However, the head of the Feng family still had some blood, so he drew out his sword, flew straight into the sky, and stood with Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, the other three powerful Human Emperors from the Feng family looked at each other and also chose to take action.

They still have soul-repelling insects in their bodies, so they can only rely on Ling Feng to treat them. If they don't help Ling Feng at this time, if Ling Feng dies, they will definitely not survive.

"Damn it!"

Ancestor Tianluo cursed in his heart, if it were in his heyday, it wouldn't be a big deal for the four junior human emperors to take action, but now, he only has less than 30% of his strength left at most.

"Hmph, Patriarch Green Hair, let's see how you can still show off your cruelty!"

Ling Feng felt relieved, he finally didn't help the Feng family in vain. At least at this time, these human emperors of the Feng family made the right choice.


Anger surged in the eyes of the head of the Feng family. The Feng family suffered this unreasonable disaster and was almost wiped out. The initiator of all this was the damn ancestor Tianluo!

The four emperors of the Feng family used all their methods. They each used the Feng family's special skill "Prisoning Finger", and cooperated with Ling Feng's attack. After a quarter of an hour, they captured the Tianluo ancestor who was in a state of exhaustion. , pressed to the ground.

"I'll ask you an answer!"

Ling Feng stepped on Patriarch Luo's face that day and asked coldly: "Why do you want to deal with the Feng family!"

Ancestor Tianluo was in severe pain all over his body. Seeing the Feng family members surrounding him one by one with murderous intent, he could only grit his teeth and said: "It is not my idea to deal with the Feng family, but the master's."

"Then tell me, why does your master want to deal with the Feng family?"

Ling Feng used the soles of his feet to slam Old Ancestor Luo's head into the ground, causing him to grimace in pain.

"I said, I said!"

Ancestor Tianluo coughed up a mouthful of blood and said hurriedly: "The twins of the Feng family are extremely talented and have the bloodline of the Great Wilderness that has returned to their ancestors. Although they have not yet fully awakened, as long as this bloodline is awakened, the master will use thaumaturgy to transform this Yin... Refining Yang’s blood can restore the master’s strength!”

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