Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1159 New direction! (3 updates)

The outer island of Tenluo Island.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looked in the direction of the inner island, and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Who is that man in black robe? Could he be my grandfather? The medical sage of that time, Ling Hanyang?"

Ling Feng stood there for a full quarter of an hour before he put all the distracting thoughts in his mind behind him.

He pinched the magic ball in his hand and put it away carefully.

You will naturally know everything after you kill the angel patroller hidden in the Sea of ​​Miracles.

But before that, all he has to do is keep getting stronger!

After understanding this level, Ling Feng no longer struggled with the identity of the man in black robes, turned around and walked towards the bitch, gave him a gentle push, and said in a deep voice: "Hey, you guy, stop pretending to be dead. !”

"Ahem...what do you mean by pretending to be dead!"

The bitch opened his eyes suddenly and glared at Ling Feng, "I mean, boy, you don't know, the life of this divine beast was almost handed down directly!"

"Okay, okay, I owe you a favor this time."

"That's pretty much it!" The bitch clasped his hooves on his chest, looking like he was counting on you.

Ling Feng helped the stupid donkey up. The fact that this guy was able to play dumb with him meant that the injury was not too serious. Fortunately, this guy had rough skin and thick flesh, and his recovery power was strong enough. Otherwise, he would have been replaced by an ordinary first-level demon king. , after receiving a slap from the angel patroller, I guess he really got pissed off.

"You should go back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace to rest first. It was indeed my mistake this time. I didn't expect that the Angel Patroller was not only powerful, but also so cautious that he didn't even give me a chance to use Chaos Reincarnation!"

Ling Feng sighed softly and took back the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. He began to sum up the lessons learned from this battle with the Angel Patroller. The next time he meets the Angel Patroller, he must first raise his strength to the peak. !

At this moment, the people of the Feng family have evacuated Tianluo Island. They must be waiting for their return in the sea fifty miles away.

According to the agreement, they would wait until dawn, and there was still some time before dawn.

"The Sea of ​​Miracles..."

Ling Feng took out the Tianlan Hailing from his arms and murmured to himself: "It seems that we must leave this sea of ​​miracles!"

According to what the Jade Scaled Snake said that day, only by holding the Tianlan Hai Token can one be recognized by the Lord Huang Hai and enter the sea of ​​miracles. However, he got a Tianlan Hai Token. All of this may be the so-called It's destined.

On top of Zhenhai dragon boat.

"Miss Tuoba, don't worry. With Brother Ling's ability, he will definitely be able to come back safe and sound, so you don't have to worry too much."

Fatty Huang saw that Tuoba Yan had been frowning since he woke up, so he couldn't help but comfort him.

Unfortunately, after being glared at by Tuoba Yan's cold gaze, Fatty Huang shrank his neck and could only retreat to the side angrily.

Finally, at the moment when the sun rose, Ling Feng's figure appeared above the sea. After a few moments of flying, it landed on the deck of Zhenhai Dragon Boat.

"Master Ling!"

"Brother Ling!"

The elders of the Feng family, including Feng Yan's brother and sister, immediately came over to greet him. They all showed a hint of joy when they saw Ling Feng returning safe and sound.

"Master Ling, just hope you're okay. Miss Tuoba has been worried about you."

Feng Chan bit her silver teeth and pointed at Tuoba Yan, who was still sulking behind.


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and smiled, "Well, I'm fine. I made everyone worry."

With that said, Ling Feng walked up to Tuoba Yan and said with a smile: "Um, Yan'er, are you still angry?"

"Hmph, how can I be angry! Anyway, I can only hold you back, Mr. Ling!"

Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes at Ling Feng and turned away, looking indifferent.

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head and thought to himself: That's right, women are trouble!

Seeing that Ling Feng had been making trouble there for a long time without saying a soft word, Tuoba Yan felt angry and funny at the same time. If he was really angry with this wooden head, he would have nine lives to be pissed off by this guy.

But why am I so angry? Obviously, I am not him...

Thinking of this, Tuoba Yan blushed and thought to herself: No, no, I promised Qianxue to take good care of that guy. I was angry because of sister Qianxue, well, it was for Qianxue!

Naturally, Ling Feng couldn't guess Tuoba Yan's thoughts, and he didn't bother to say anything more. He just walked up to the head of the Feng family and his party, and said slowly: "Senior Feng, brother Feng, and second lady, I won't go back to Feng with you." Now that we have arrived in Lingjun City, I am going to practice for a while in the Tianlan Sea Area."

"That's it..." Feng Zhengde took a deep breath, looked at Ling Feng, bowed and said: "Little brother Ling, you have been a blessing to the Feng family. No matter when, the door of my Feng family is open to welcome you. You are a great benefactor!”

"Senior, your words are serious."

Ling Feng quickly supported the head of the Feng family and said slowly: "When I helped the Feng family, it was just to ask Brother Feng to give me the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower."

"By the way, Senior Feng, I have one more thing. I hope you can do me a favor."

"Little brother Ling, even if you speak up, even if I use all the strength of my Feng family, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for little brother Ling." The head of the Feng family said firmly.

"It's not that troublesome."

Ling Feng took out the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower and said slowly: "Please, Master Feng, send someone to send this Blood Jade Yangquan Flower to the Ling Shen Sect in the Xianzong Mountains of the Tianbai Empire for me, and hand it over to the acting head of the Ling Shen Sect. , Duanmu Qingshan."

"As long as you deliver the things and tell me my name, the other party will understand."

Originally, Ling Feng wanted to send the Blood Jade Yangquan Flower back by himself. Anyway, he had a year and there was no need to rush to send it back. But now, the future is uncertain. He goes to the Sea of ​​Miracles. He doesn't know what he will encounter. If If he delayed and missed Lin Xianer's treatment, he would probably blame himself for the rest of his life.

"Let me go!"

Before the head of the Feng family could say anything, Feng Yan took the blood jade Yangquan flower and said with a smile: "Just run around more and lose this fat."

"If Mr. Feng goes, then of course I, Fatty Huang, will be there, and I will go to the Tianbai Empire for a tour!"

"And me! And me!"

Lan Yingying and Feng Yan were almost inseparable, so they naturally stood up happily.

"With Brother Feng and Brother Huang personally transporting it, I can't be more relieved."

Ling Feng nodded, he could definitely trust Feng Yan's character.

"Haha, Brother Ling, when I come back from the Tianbai Empire, we will meet again if we are destined!"

Feng Yan laughed loudly, he had a hunch that they would meet again in the near future.

"See you again if we are destined!"

Ling Feng nodded and released Zifeng directly. He saw a purple ice lin more than three feet high, soaring in the air. Ling Feng jumped on the ice lin and moved towards Tuoba Yan again. He waved, "Yan'er, if you get angry again, I'll leave alone first!"

"Humph, don't try to get rid of me!"

Tuoba Yan gritted his silver teeth, quickly flew up and sat behind Ling Feng.

"Master, sit still!"

Zifeng grinned, then spread his hooves and galloped away deep into the inland sea...

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