Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1163 The villain’s face! (3 updates)

After passing the Soul Locking Bridge, the man in green next to Murong Zining turned his head and glanced at Murong Zining. He swallowed slightly, but pretended to be serious on his face and said in a deep voice: "Zi Ning Ning, why do you need to go to this magical island? You have used Queen Huanxin's time hourglass three times. For you, the time hourglass is no longer useful. "

Murong Zining's expression was calm, her red lips parted lightly and she said: "Every year at this time, Tianhuan Island is full of geniuses. We just take this opportunity to get to know some of the young talents who have appeared recently, and we may be able to become our companions when exploring the Sea of ​​Miracles in the future. If there is someone suitable, it would be a good choice to win over Tianhuangzhi City.”

"That's true."

The man in green nodded, "No wonder the Lord of the City loves you so much. You really never forget the important task of growing the Wild City."

"Okay, there's no need to say any more useless nonsense."

Murong Zining frowned slightly and strode into the Pavilion of Heroes.

The man in green had a look of embarrassment on his face and could only close his mouth angrily.

On the other side, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan have also arrived at the top floor of Qunying Pavilion.

At this time, there were already many young heroes on the top floor, most of them were around thirty years old, and one of them was picked out at random, almost all of them were kings, which made Ling Feng greatly sigh.

The Tiansheng Empire is indeed the most powerful existence among the four empires in the Eastern Spiritual Territory. This is just a Tianlan Sea Territory, and there are so many top geniuses. Basically, any one of them is almost at the level of Li Yunting. The monster.

Among them, the outstanding ones have even reached the third level of Divine Sea Realm or above!

As for Ling Feng, who is in the early stage of the Divine Origin Realm, it is almost impossible to see one at all. Even if there are people at the Divine Origin Realm level, most of them are above the sixth level of the Divine Origin Realm.

However, Ling Feng's current age is actually only twenty years old. Ten years later, he will naturally far surpass these so-called geniuses in the inner sea.

Their arrival attracted the attention of many people, who all turned around and glanced at Ling Feng, but Tuoba Yan, after all, was a stunning beauty with graceful grace, which attracted the attention of many people.

However, these guys hide the desire in their eyes very well. Most of the so-called hypocrites refer to this kind of thing.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps at the top of the stairs. When everyone looked back, they all showed a hint of compliment: "Master Jianchen!"

"Master Jian, you're finally here!"

"Haha, brother Jianchen, we haven't seen you for another year!"

Most of the Neihai geniuses present seemed to know this person, and they all stepped forward to greet him with compliments on their faces.

Mr. Jianchen, the boy with two swords who had passed the Soul-Locking Bridge fifteen breaths ago, saw those inner sea geniuses coming forward to salute, he quickly clasped his fists and returned the salute one by one, with a trace of pride on his face.

However, when he saw that Ling Feng was actually indifferent to him, he showed a hint of displeasure. Especially when he saw that Ling Feng was accompanied by a stunning beauty like Tuoba Yan, he frowned even more.

I asked myself that I have experienced many women, but I have never gotten one of such stunning beauties as Tuoba Yan!

And this kind of unknown boy can actually be accompanied by such a beautiful woman!

Jian Chen snorted softly, and a look of ridicule suddenly appeared on his face, "Eh? What's going on with that kid, who is in the early stage of the Divine Origin Realm, and can actually pass through the Soul-Locking Bridge and enter the Heroes Pavilion? This guy can't It must have swam from the water! Hahaha..."

Jian Chen smiled, and many inner sea geniuses beside him also laughed loudly, "Master Jian Chen, you are looking down on people too much. Maybe they are real people and don't show their faces?"

"Oh? At the third level of the Divine Origin Realm, you still don't show your face. Brother Chen, are you making me laugh?"

"Wow, you have discovered all this, Mr. Jianchen, you are really smart!"


Another burst of laughter broke out among the crowd.

Jian Chen quickly walked up to Tuoba Yan, suppressed his smile, showed a polite look, and said with a slight smile: "Miss, this young master is the eldest grandson of the second elder of Tianhuan Island, Jian Chen. So. With such a handsome young lady, there is really no need for me to stay with this unworthy boy beside you. With his cultivation, he is really unworthy and has disgraced the title of "Qunying Pavilion".

As soon as Mr. Jianchen spoke, others immediately understood.

A man in yellow grinned and said: "That's right, people nowadays can go to the Qunying Pavilion by walking through the back door. You must know that two years ago, no one with a cultivation level above the seventh level of the Divine Origin Realm was even qualified to get a ticket! It’s good now, all the cats and dogs are coming in.”

"That's right!" A fat man next to him showed a look of disdain, "If I had known that the current tickets for Qunying Pavilion are so low, I wouldn't have come!"

"What I'm saying is that the existence of this kind of loser has simply lowered the level of our inner sea geniuses!"

Another person even said in a weird manner: "Look what you are talking about! Isn't it just crossing the Soul-Locking Bridge? This dear man may have rolled himself into a ball and rolled in!"

"Hahaha, what you say makes sense, what you say makes sense!"

Those so-called geniuses in the inner sea, in order to curry favor with Jian Chen, tried their best to squeeze on Ling Feng. Unfortunately, Ling Feng was completely unmoved, and even looked at those guys who were mocking him with a half-smile.

Compared with their ability to curse people, they are far inferior to cheap donkeys. This little battle will not catch Ling Feng's eyes at all.


Jian Chen actually raised his hand to signal everyone to shut up, and said with a smile: "Actually, you don't have to do this, just think of it as giving me Jian Chen a face. This group of heroes is a gathering place for heroes, and we can't lose it. My own demeanor, let this little brother stay for a while and see the world! "

"Master Jianchen is really kind-hearted!"

"Boy, please hurry up and thank Mr. Jianchen, otherwise, I will kick you out!"

"It's just that today's young people don't even know how to be grateful!"

Everyone said something to each other. Seeing that Ling Feng was not moved at all, he also lost interest in continuing. He just thought this guy was a coward and didn't bother to waste his words.

Jian Chen, on the other hand, glanced at Ling Feng with a sneer, raised a thumb towards Ling Feng, and then pressed it down hard. The provocation was self-evident.

Ling Feng just leaned against a pillar with a calm expression, as if he was watching a monkey show.

However, Tuoba Yan's face turned red and anger surged in his chest. Seeing Ling Feng being so humiliated, he wanted to teach that damn Young Master Jianchen a lesson.

"Ling Feng, when did you become so timid and fearful, and you still drag me with you? are going to make me mad!"

Tuoba was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked nothing like the usual Ling Feng!

"Hey, they scolded me, and I'm not even angry. What do you have to be angry about?"

Ling Feng grinned, "Don't you think that when these guys talked just now, it was like they were performing a monkey show? I thought it was quite interesting!"

"But..." Tuoba Yan bit his lower lip and said bitterly: "But you obviously..."

"Why bother talking nonsense with them? The main character hasn't even appeared yet. A slap in the face has to be shown to the key person for it to be meaningful."

Ling Feng slowly picked up a tea cup, handed it to Tuoba Yan, and said with a smile: "Okay Yan'er, drink some tea to calm down. I'm not even angry, why are you angry!"

Tuoba Yan glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "Huh, I'm not angry at all, not at all!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, Tuoba Yan is still Tuoba Yan after all, he will always be arrogant!

PS: Please vote at the beginning of the month~

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