Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1165 There is no way to show off too much! (1 update)

"Yes, the best heavenly phantom spirit fruit!"

The waitress smiled and slowly opened the lid. Immediately, a scent of fragrance spread out, and the entire top floor of Qunying Pavilion was filled with the sweet smell of someone.

Different from those ordinary Heavenly Phantom Spirit Fruits, this top-grade Heavenly Phantom Spirit Fruit, just by smelling the slightest fragrance, you can feel that your spiritual power has increased to a certain extent.

And the spirit fruit was indeed, fresh and tender, it was simply a rare treasure!

After opening the lid a little, the waitress quickly put the lid back on and said with a smile: "Dear guests, this Heavenly Fantasy Spirit Fruit is worth one million Yuan Crystals!"

" million!"

Jian Chen suddenly felt short of money.

Not only Jian Chen, but also the inner sea geniuses next to him, all looked at each other in confusion.

One million, what kind of family would just carry one million Yuan Jing with them casually?

"Is one million too expensive?"

Jian Chen smiled awkwardly and suggested: "How about this, wouldn't it be better if a few of us gather one million Yuan Crystals together and divide them up to eat!"

"Haha, not bad. It's not bad to share it and eat it!"

One of the Neihai geniuses nodded repeatedly and agreed. It would be difficult for one person to come up with one million, but it would be one hundred thousand for each person. In this way, each person would get a tenth, which is not bad.

"What about Mr. Jianchen? Aren't you very rich? You spend a million to buy something and you still have to scrape together the money?"

At this moment, Ling Feng, who had been sitting in the corner, finally stood up.

Because, through the infinite vision, he has sensed that Queen Huanxin is secretly watching all this.

Then, it's time to show off.


Hearing that Ling Feng dared to laugh at him, Mr. Jianchen immediately cursed and said: "Boy, who do you think you are? You can't even hold on to ten thousand crystal coins. I don't believe you can come up with this hundred——"

However, before he finished speaking, Ling Feng took out a black card from his hand.

On the card, there is also the word "天" engraved on it, which seems to be the VIP card of Tianmeng.

It's just that I haven't seen a card of this color before. A black Tianmeng VIP card?

However, just because he has never seen it does not mean that everyone is as ignorant as him. At least, the waitress recognized the origin of this card at a glance.

"Supreme Black Diamond Card!"

The waitress's eyes flashed brightly and she exclaimed: "Could this be the top VIP card of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce? It has an overdraft limit of 10 million yuan. It can be called the supreme among the supreme, the VIP among the VIPs. Super luxurious limited edition, Tianmeng Supreme Black Card!”

"Oh, you know me too." Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "Can I swipe my card?"

"Okay, okay! Give way!"

The waitress nodded repeatedly, with stars in her eyes, and rushed to Ling Feng, smiling brightly and saying: "The Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce also has a branch in the Tianlan Sea Area, so there is no problem in swiping the card!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, slowly picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a slow sip, and said with a smile: "If there are still such top-quality spiritual fruits, I will buy as many as there are! Yuanjing is such a thing, to me It’s just a number.”


The whole place was silent and dead. Everyone stared at Ling Feng in stunned silence, feeling their faces burning.

Who says people don’t have money?

The limited edition supreme black diamond card was taken out in a flash!

The top-quality Heavenly Phantom Spirit Fruit worth one million yuan crystal, you can buy as many as you have!

This is called being rich! In comparison, Mr. Jianchen is just a clown!

One million and you still need to chip in?

It’s so poor!

Tuoba Yan snickered secretly in his heart, bit his delicate lips, and suppressed his laughter.

This is the correct way to open Ling Feng!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The waitress nodded repeatedly. The customer holding the Supreme Black Diamond Card in her hand could not be too pretentious!

At this moment, the waitress suddenly heard a sound transmission from the divine consciousness. After a moment, the waitress showed an extremely soft smile on her face and said with a smile: "This young master, Queen Huan Xin just ordered, the best Tian Huan Spirit fruit, given to someone who is destined, you don’t need to spend a single crystal coin on this spirit fruit, it was given to you by the Queen.”

"Haha, then thank the Queen for me."

Ling Feng had no intention of rejecting it at all. It was only one million. There was nothing to refuse. It was not a precious thing.

If this idea were known by those so-called geniuses in the inner sea, they would probably be so depressed that they would vomit blood...

One million, just pay it back...

Ling Feng's coolness and calmness immediately made the waitress take another high look. It seemed that this young master was the real rich man. In his eyes, something worth one million yuan crystals was not worth it at all. A blank sheet of paper makes no difference.

Facing such an inhumane rich man, the waitress almost felt like she could no longer keep calm. She wanted to hug Ling Feng's thigh and scream out her heart -

Rich people, let’s be friends!

"Yan'er, I'll give it to you."

Ling Feng took the top-quality Heavenly Phantom Spirit Fruit and gave it to Tuoba Yan, which made Jian Chen's face turn red when he came up to chat with her.

And those guys who just echoed Jian Chen's ridicule and taunted Ling Feng, all of them retreated into the crowd to avoid being embarrassed again.

This awkward atmosphere lasted for half a quarter of an hour before it was finally broken by the sound of footsteps.

At the entrance of the stairs, another graceful and graceful figure appeared. It was Murong Zining, the little princess of the deserted city.

Everyone immediately looked at Murong Zining, how could such a goddess have such an opportunity to have such close contact with her!

Murong Zining's eyes swept across the crowd. When he saw Ling Feng, he paused for a moment, but he swept past him.

Finally, Murong Zining's beautiful eyes fell on Jian Chen.

Dressed in white, a young swordsman, could it be that he passed the Soul Locking Bridge in one breath?

When the time came, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Murong Zining's lips, and she moved lightly. The next moment, she had walked in front of Jian Chen, smiled at him, and said softly: "Little girl Murong Zining, I don't know what the young master is doing." call?"

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