Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1178 Have you ever experienced despair? (2 updates)

Another hour passed.

The man in black robe, dripping with sweat, arrived at the 960th step. Seeing that Ling Feng was still there, he felt a little relieved.

The scroll sealed in the void space is not so easy to get, not to mention that on the 999th step, every minute and every second, you have to bear the extremely terrifying soul pressure.

If it were that easy, Queen Huan Xin would have already succeeded.

Time passed bit by bit.

The man in black robe was not busy climbing the last few dozen steps, but began to restore the power of his consciousness. Otherwise, even if he reached the last step, he would not have the capital to compete with Ling Feng.

An hour!

Two hours!

There are less than two hours left before the end of the test.

At this moment, Murong Wei also panted and came to the place with more than 930 steps. In addition to him, there were two or three scattered warriors who also came to the place with more than 900 steps.

Generally speaking, judging from the number of people this time, there are relatively many people who can persist.

Then, almost at the same time, both Ling Feng and the man in black robe opened their eyes.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he looked down at the man in black robe, raised his eyebrows, and stood there, as if waiting for the man in black robe.

The black-robed man's eyelids twitched wildly. Could it be that that boy had succeeded?

The man in black robe suddenly burst out with consciousness and sprinted upwards madly. However, the remaining thirty or so steps were not so easy to pass.

"Boy, even if you take it out, you can't take it away!"

The man in black robe looked like he was crazy and rushed toward Ling Feng crazily.

The spectators below were surprised when they saw the man in black robe suddenly start to accelerate, "There are still two hours left, why is that guy sprinting? Is it possible that he still wants to surpass the kid in front?"

"It's impossible. Although the last step is difficult to climb, it's still much easier than the thirty or so steps!"


There was a frantic discussion among the crowd, but the man in black robe bared his teeth and said, "Boy, you have the guts to wait!"

Ling Feng stood there, raised his fingers at the man in black robe, and said with a smile: "Come here!"

"You're just waiting for me!"

The man in black robe was panting and sprinting wildly.

Nine hundred and six!

Nine hundred and seven!

Nine hundred and eighty!

The man in black robe had never felt so tired before. He gritted his teeth and charged forward, his whole body trembling!

Nine hundred and nine!


Nine nine two!

His eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, almost bulging out of his sockets. The terrifying soul pressure made all the clothes on his body soaked, even bleeding.

Finally, the man in black robe rushed to the nine hundred and ninety-eighth step, but Ling Feng's lips curled up and he smiled faintly: "Hey, have you ever experienced despair?"


The man in black robe was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Ling Feng, without any pressure, jump directly from the last step.

The terrifying pressure disappeared immediately, and Ling Feng kicked the black-robed man in the face with a kick.

"I'm so crazy!——"

The man in black robe roared one last time, and Ling Feng's kick was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

His body trembled first, then, dong dong dong...

Madness rolled down the stairs.

Although it is very difficult to go up the steps, going down the steps...

so easy!

The man in black robe rolled faster and faster, and then, by coincidence, he bumped into Murong Sui.

"Holy shit!"

Murong Huang exclaimed, and then the two of them rolled together and continued to roll down. Wherever they passed, they knocked down all the contestants who were still struggling to support themselves!

Of course, those who were lucky, such as Yang Huanzhi, had not been affected because he had sat aside to meditate early.

It took the man in black robe almost ten hours to climb the more than 900 steps, but it took him less than a quarter of an hour to roll down.

"It's so spectacular!"

Ling Feng burst out laughing without any sense of guilt. He looked down at the tops and laughed, "Old guy, are you desperate?"

The whole place was silent, and everyone looked at this scene in a daze.

This boy, this damn boy wants to go to heaven!

He actually dared to directly break the monster rules in front of Queen Huanxin!




The black-robed man, Murong Sui and others all fell to the ground, smashed and broken, with many fractures on their bodies. Although they were all king-level experts, they had no time to resist the pressure of their souls with all their strength. Defense, if you fall down these hundreds of steps, you'll be lucky if you don't fall to death.

On the high platform, Xiang'er was also dumbfounded, and the corner of her mouth twitched, "Queen... this... how can this be good?"

Queen Huanxin also took a deep breath, "Let's listen to what this kid has to say first!"

Elder Tianyi, who had been standing in front of Queen Huanxin to escort her, saw Ling Feng finally coming out of the soul ladder, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

"You kid, do you know you've made a big mistake?"

"What kind of trap was stabbed?"

Ling Feng looked relaxed and pretended not to know: "I don't remember what I stabbed?"

"You guy, you actually attacked other contestants. This is not allowed by the rules."

Elder Tianyi explained patiently.

"No, I have ended my own game and am no longer competing, and then I attacked other contestants. Can this be considered a violation?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and explained with a smile.

"You..." Elder Tianyi suddenly became speechless.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this reason!

"Not only that, look at that old guy in black clothes. He rolled down the stairs without incident. As a result, other players were affected. He violated the rules and should be dealt with!"

Ling Feng pointed at the man in black robe below and said with a smile.


Elder Tianyi almost feels that his world view is about to collapse. What do you mean by rolling down when nothing happens? You have a bad memory?

That kick was yours!

On the high platform, Xiang'er and Queen Huanxin were obviously amused by Ling Feng's reasons. This guy is really eloquent and eloquent!

"My Lady Queen, do you think what I said makes sense?"

Ling Feng looked at Queen Huanxin and bowed to her.

"Well, it makes some sense."

Queen Huanxin actually nodded, and said with a serious face: "Then let's do this, we will expel the man in black robes from Tianhuan Island, and he will never be allowed to enter!"

At this time, the man in black robe fell to the ground and was stunned for a long time. When he suddenly heard Queen Huanxin's verdict, he was so angry that he vomited blood and said, "This is unreasonable, it's ridiculous, it's simply ridiculous! Queen Huanxin, this is what you call Fair test?"

"Humph, old guy, you are a human emperor, and you are far over thirty-five years old, but you use the method of seizing the body to participate in the competition. Do you think I can't see it? I originally wanted to save you a few points. Face, since you are asking for trouble, I can only tell the truth! Get out of Tianhuan Island immediately, otherwise, don’t blame me for suppressing you with force!"

Queen Huanxin had an extremely serious expression on her face, staring at the man in black robe with a pair of phoenix eyes, and said coldly: "Why don't you get out of here?"

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