Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1180 Nine Dreams! (4 more updates)

After letting everyone enter the palace to rest for half an hour, Queen Huanxin handed back the "Nightmare Heart Art" scroll that she had given to Xiang'er for rubbing to Ling Feng, and then ordered Xiang'er to tell the four people who passed the round of assessment, Take them to the location of the second round of assessment for testing.

Among the four, only one was able to borrow the time hourglass of Queen Huan Xin.

Of course, when using the time hourglass, it can only be kept in the Tianhuan Palace and cannot be taken out of the Tianhuan Palace.

Under the leadership of Xiang'er, the group of people walked around the side of the main hall and came to a cave built not far to the west of the palace.

The colors in the cave are brilliant, and entering the cave makes you feel like you are in the starry sky.

Everyone was amazed and amazed.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. The entire cave looked sparkling under the reflection of the gurgling water. The mottled light spots should be on the rock wall, giving off a dreamlike feeling.

"Miss Xiang'er, there seems to be another mystery on the stone steps! There seems to be a feeling of being in a dream, like a dream."

Ling Feng was not attracted by those light spots. He just looked at the nine stone steps on the river and asked lightly.

Xiang'er, who was leading the way, didn't say a word, but at this moment, she turned around slightly in surprise, looked at Ling Feng in amazement, and exclaimed: "Master Ling is really extraordinary, even before entering the dream pool, you can feel the nine-fold dream. Hehe, you are the first person to have such a sensitive mind in ten years.”

Ling Feng smiled faintly. His soul origin was far beyond that of ordinary people, so it was easy for him to feel this.

Murong Huang frowned and hummed softly: "Huh, I just happened to take a look at those stone steps and uttered a few nonsense words. It's like a blind cat meets a dead mouse!"

Xiang'er turned back and glanced at Murong Sui, and said without salty or indifferently: "Mr. Murong is a genius in the Tianhuang City. Naturally, he is not comparable to ordinary people."

"You despicable maidservant, how dare you speak to me like this!"

Murong Chen felt annoyed in his heart. Although Xiang'er said compliments, his expression and attitude were completely different from when he was treating Ling Feng. Instead, he looked a little contemptuous. This obviously hurt his poor heart a lot. Self-esteem.

"This is Tianhuan Island. If Master Murong wants to show off his authority, it would be better to find another place!"

However, Xiang'er showed no fear at all, and inadvertently revealed the aura of a half-step human emperor, which immediately stunned Murong Sui.

A little maid actually has half the cultivation level of a human emperor!

Moreover, looking at his age, the other party is younger than himself, but his strength is higher than his!

Murong Sui couldn't help but be greatly shocked. He was unjustly called the top genius of Tianhuang City, but he was not as good as a little maid?

Yang Huanzhi secretly chuckled in his heart. Although Xiang'er is called a maid, in fact, she and her sister are basically sisters. Treasures like the hourglass of time need to be tested before others can use them. But Xiang'er, how do you want to use them? Just use it!

Ling Feng smiled in his heart. The Queen of Fantasy Heart was so generous to a maid. No wonder she was willing to give secret techniques such as "Nightmare Heart Art" to him.

Most of the powerful Human Emperors that I had seen before had their eyes above their heads and relied on their old age to show off. This Queen of Huan Xin was an exception.

She generously presented "Nightmare Heart", which was just a piece of cake for her, but she must remember this kindness.

If there is an opportunity in the future, I might as well help Queen Huan Xin a little bit.

Murong Huang felt bored and snorted lightly, saying nothing more.

Xiang'er chuckled lightly and didn't care about Murong Sui. She led Ling Feng and the others and continued forward until they reached the front of the river and then stopped.

"This small river is called the Dream Pool. The water in the pool is filled with the power of dream rules. Once you fall into the pool, you will be haunted by nightmares. Unless the Queen personally takes action, I am afraid it will be difficult to wake up."

With that said, Xiang'er pointed to the stone steps again and continued: "These nine stone steps are called the Nine Dreams. With each step backward, the power of the dream rules increases by one point. In principle, it can pass through the Sixth Level Dream." Huan Meng is already a rare god-refining genius in a century.”

"This second round of testing is for you to step into the dream pool. Whoever can break through more illusions within an hour will win."

"Hehe, sister Xiang'er, I won't compete, I abstain!"

Yang Huanzhi looked at Xiang'er with a playful smile, and said with a smile: "I can't break through the fifth level anyway, but Brother Ling has a chance to break through the sixth level. As for the others..."

Yang Huanzhi glanced at Murong Sui and felt his anger. He immediately raised his hand and said with a smile: "Pretend I didn't say anything!"

“What dogs see in people!”

Murong Huang snorted coldly, walked out of the crowd, and said coldly: "Huh, I'm the first!"

Xiang'er smiled brightly and made a "please" gesture towards Murong Sui, "Master, please!"


Murong Sui raised his head high and strode up the first stone steps.

Then, something changed before his eyes, and he immediately fell into a dream.

Murong Huang sneered, this level of illusion still wants to confuse me.

Almost in an instant, Murong Wei broke through the first level of dreamland and stepped onto the second level of stone steps.

Then, within just ten breaths, he stepped onto the third pole stone steps.

"What a ninefold dream, it's nothing more than this -"

Before he finished speaking, Murong Sui immediately felt that something was wrong. Sweat dripped from his forehead and he stood firmly on the third stone step.

He actually found that he had begun to be confused between reality and illusion.

"It's only the third level. Nine-level dream. If you can break through the sixth level, I will lose!"

Yang Huanzhi shook his head and said to Xiang'er, "Sister Xiang'er, this is called overestimating one's capabilities!"

Xiang'er rolled her eyes at Yang Huanzhi. Although they didn't talk to each other, it could be seen that she and Yang Huanzhi should be quite familiar with each other, and there was quite a tacit understanding between them.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. From the looks of it, this Yang Huanzhi should have a close relationship with Tianhuan Palace. He should probably be a disciple or junior of Queen Huanxin.

It's a pity that Ling Feng didn't have the opportunity to feel the pulse of Queen Huan Xin, otherwise with his medical skills, it would not be difficult to find out that Queen Huan Xin is probably about the same age as Murong Zi Ning. In terms of longevity, he is actually still in the prime of youth!

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