Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1187: Reluctantly, I'll give you a defeat! (3 more)

"What a little princess of Tianhuang City, you'd better keep your promise, otherwise--humph!" Ling Feng took a deep breath, and a ray of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. This woman is an important figure in Tianhuang City. Ling Feng doesn't want to kill her unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, he still needs the power of the Desolate Sea Venerable to enter the Sea of ​​Miracles. If he kills Murong Zining, the relationship may be completely strained. However, this does not mean that he dare not kill her. Even if "Ling Feng" kills Murong Zining, he can still use the Eight Desolate Body Forging Technique to change his body shape and breath, and then use the disguised identity to sneak into the Sea of ​​Miracles. It's just that this will be a little more troublesome. "Recharge your energy, I want to see how capable the so-called No. 1 genius in Tianlan Sea is!" Ling Feng took a deep breath and immediately threw all distracting thoughts behind him. I have killed the peak human emperor, let alone you, a small half-step human emperor. If you anger me, you will die! …

Deep in the Heavenly Illusion Palace.

The Queen of Illusion slowly finished her training. For three days, Ling Feng had been practicing in the hourglass of time, and she did not waste time, constantly comprehending the dream rule inscriptions that Ling Feng had left in her spiritual sea.

“This kid is indeed a genius. I spent three years and still failed to comprehend the sixth dream rule inscription, but this kid only spent half an hour!”

The Queen of Illusion took a deep breath and felt for the first time that her talent was so insignificant compared to others.


The door of the quiet room opened, and Xiang'er walked in, smiling and saying, "Congratulations, Queen, you finally comprehended the sixth dream rule inscription. It seems that you are one step closer to the sixth level of the human emperor."

"Okay, stop being cute."

Queen Huanxin glared at Xiang'er and asked indifferently, "Has that kid left?"

"Yes, I have sent Master Ling away." Xiang'er walked to Queen Huanxin with a smile and said with an ambiguous smile, "Queen, you seem to be particularly concerned about Master Ling?"

"I just cherish talent."

Queen Huanxin tensed her face and rolled her eyes at Xiang'er, "You should go and supervise that stinky boy. This boy will cause trouble for me all day long!"

"Don't try to change the subject."

Xiang'er sat down next to the Queen Huanxin and said softly: "Queen, you are not much older than Mr. Ling. What's more, I have tested it myself. Mr. Ling is definitely a good man who is about to become extinct!"

"You girl!"

The Queen Huanxin was speechless for a while, and a trace of sadness appeared on her face: "Since I took over my mother's will and guarded Tianhuan Island, I have no right to think about these things."

"No way, the Queen doesn't want to die alone?"

"So what? The dignified Queen Huanxin, at her age, is eating young grass?"

The Queen Huanxin blushed slightly. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, she is an "old woman" who is already one or two hundred years old.

"Okay, you don't have to mention this matter anymore."

The Queen of Huanxin sighed and said slowly: "I am going to retreat with all my strength to break through the sixth level of the Human Emperor. You should keep an eye on Huanzhi. With your strength, you can completely suppress him. Don't be soft-hearted."


Xiang'er nodded, feeling helpless. With her strength, she could easily suppress Yang Huanzhi, but that guy was like a loach, slippery and unyielding. If he wanted to escape, she would not be able to deal with him.

The Queen's task is too difficult!


A night passed in a flash.

Ling Feng jumped up from the bed, stretched his muscles a little, and then flew directly to the west of the city.

Rescue Tuoba Yan, and by the way, give Murong Zining a lesson that he will never forget!

When Ling Feng arrived in the west of the city, there were already crowds of people there, and a large arena was built.

It seems that Murong Zining, that woman, has made a lot of efforts.

She probably thought that she had already defeated him.

Ling Feng sneered. If it was before, without the help of the power of the donkey or the chaos reincarnation, it might be difficult for him to deal with a half-step human emperor, but now...

After practicing the Nightmare Heart Sutra, Ling Feng was completely confident.

The dream rules, coupled with the chaos of the universe, Ling Feng even dared to challenge the initial stage human emperor head-on.

Whether he could defeat him was still a question, but trapping the initial stage human emperor was definitely a piece of cake!

With a flash of his eyes, Ling Feng's eyes fell on a high platform, where Murong Zining was sitting quietly, with a calm expression, and a gentle smile from time to time. She had an extraordinary temperament, like a fairy. Tens of thousands of spectators looked at her sideways, and their eyes were full of admiration.

"She is really worthy of being the recognized first goddess in the Tianlan Sea. Look at her temperament, as if she is walking on the fairy dust, out of the world and forgetting her feelings."

An obsessed cultivator, with deep admiration in his eyes.

Another person agreed: "Miss Murong is fair, generous, modest, and broad-minded. There are many rumors about her. Whether it is talent, appearance, or character, she is an outstanding person!" "Haha, of course, Miss Murong is the pearl of our Tianlan Sea! All the women in the world put together cannot compare to a single hair of Miss Murong!" Facing the compliments and admiration of thousands of people, Murong Zining looked calm and responded with a faint smile from time to time.

Ling Feng felt sick in his heart. This kind of woman looked dignified and luxurious on the outside, but in reality she was worse than a bitch on the inside!

In front of everyone, she seems to be a lofty goddess, but inside she is dark and vicious, scheming, and a complete scheming bitch.

Suddenly, she felt Ling Feng's aura. Looking along the aura, she saw Ling Feng, dressed in white, walking alone outside the city and stepping onto the ring without saying a word.

Murong Zining smiled faintly, leaned forward and came to Ling Feng, bowed her hands and said with a soft smile: "Master Ling, you are finally here."

Immediately afterwards, Murong Ai also flew down on the high platform, pointed the long sword in his hand directly at the bridge of Ling Feng's nose, and sneered: "Boy, I have tolerated you for a long time, just wait to be stepped on by me!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he said lightly: "Oh? Isn't my opponent Murong Zining?"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience burst into curses.

"Bah, you alone are qualified to challenge Miss Murong?"

"This guy is simply crazy. There is only one genius who passes the Queen's test every year, but Miss Murong is the eternal and unchanging number one genius in the inner sea. Does he really think he is a figure?"

"That's ridiculous!"


There was a scolding in the audience, and Murong Huang also sneered: "Ling Feng, who do you think you are? Are you qualified to fight Zi Ning?"

Ling Feng shook his head and ignored the words of others. He just said calmly: "Okay, although your ability is not interesting at all, but I still reluctantly give you a defeat!"

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