Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1199 Tears of the Gods! (3 updates)

"Well, it's quite exciting."

Ling Feng said lightly.

" many grades of elixir do you want to refine? With your current level of cultivation, you have to be at least a fifth-grade or even a sixth-grade elixir to be effective, right?" Yang Huanzhi swallowed, not daring to go higher. Said.

After all, Ling Feng was too young. None of those alchemy masters were in their forties, fifties, or even seventies or eighties.

"Seventh grade elixir, Xuanhai Condensation Pill."

Ling Feng said calmly, seemingly not caring at all. Tuoba Yan, who was on the side, had already known about Ling Feng's alchemy skills, so he was not surprised.

"What did you say?"

Only Yang Huanzhi almost jumped up in surprise, "Seven...seventh level? Then you are at least a sixth-level alchemist? How is this possible?"

"It's considered level six."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "Okay, I'm going to refine the elixir. Remember not to let outsiders disturb me."

After saying that, Ling Feng turned around and walked towards the alchemy room, while Yang Huanzhi was only messed up in the wind.

He is in his early twenties, even if he is strong enough to kill half a human emperor in an instant, he is actually a sixth-level alchemist!

Is this guy still a human?

Yang Huanzhi even doubted whether Ling Feng was taken over by that old monster, otherwise how could he be so unnatural.

In the alchemy room.

"Seventh grade high-level elixir!"

Ling Feng took out the medicinal materials for refining the Xuanhai Concentrating Pill, looked at the alchemy furnace in the alchemy room that was barely above the fifth grade, and said with a wry smile: "I hope it can succeed."

Although Ling Feng was not short of money, the medicinal materials were basically not large in quantity and he could only refine them twice at most.

After calming down, Ling Feng started refining the elixir, and first began to preheat the elixir furnace.

This low-level alchemy furnace cannot heat up instantly like the Yangu Xuanling Cauldron, so it requires a certain amount of time to warm up. This is another test for the alchemist's energy consumption.

Then, Ling Feng began to purify the medicinal materials, and everything went on in an orderly manner.

About an hour later.

In front of the inn.

"Are you sure it's in here?"

Murong Han asked coldly.

Outside the sedan, a bastard from the Murong family, his forehead covered with fine sweat at the moment, kept saying: "Master Butler, I am the best at tracking scents. These two people are in this inn, there is absolutely nothing wrong!"

Murong Qianjun said gloomily: "Go down and receive the reward, one million high-grade Yuan stones!"

Hearing this, several attendants around him cast envious glances at the lucky guy. One million, a whole million high-grade Yuan stones!

This is comparable to their salaries for decades.

And the most damning thing is that Ling Feng and those guys didn't hide at all. After leaving the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce, they swaggered back to the inn, and the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce and this inn were only separated by a street. Anyone with eyes saw it.

Just because that kid was quick to talk and said it earlier than them, he got a reward of one million high-grade Yuan Stones.

This is so cool!

"You damn pig! Damn it!"

Murong Qianjun was so angry that he was shaking all over. This guy hurt himself, but he didn't even try to hide. He didn't take himself seriously at all!

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

Murong Han gently pressed his son's shoulders and said solemnly: "Since my father has stood up for you, this son will undoubtedly die. No matter what his background is, he will definitely die today!"

"Thank you father!"

Murong Qianjun gritted his teeth, wishing he could just cut off Ling Feng's flesh piece by piece.

Beating his handsome face like this and causing him to lose all face in front of so many people, such humiliation can only be washed away with blood.

"Humph, it's no wonder that I've always been hesitant as a father!"

Murong Han sighed softly, and a teardrop-like gem appeared directly in his palm. He said bitterly: "If my father had asked you to use this 'Tear of the God' in exchange for the Yin Yang Stone, today's situation would not have happened." Such a thing happened.”

Murong Qianjun glanced at the "Tears of the Gods" and swallowed inconspicuously.

I remember that when the Tears of the Gods gem was auctioned at the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce auction house, it cost almost half of their family's wealth before they could bid for it.

This treasure, because it looks like a teardrop, is called "Tears of the Gods", but it is not the tears of any god, but a very special kind of extraordinary stone.

This strange stone has an extraordinary ability, which is repairing.

Divine weapons of any grade will inevitably become worn or broken, but this "Tears of the Gods" can repair any weapon, no matter what grade it is, no matter what material it is made of. There is no difference between the refined ones.

No matter what spiritual weapon or holy weapon, there are no exceptions!

Therefore, when this treasure was unearthed, it almost caused a sensation in the entire Tianlan Sea Area, and was finally captured by Murong Han.

The Yin-Yang Stone is certainly precious, but if "Tears of the Gods" are offered in exchange, Uncle Yang will definitely not refuse.

"Hey, but now that it's over, there's no point in thinking about it anymore."

Murong Han glanced at his son, placed the Tears of the Gods in Murong Qianjun's palm, and said calmly: "Jun'er, as a father, I will give this divine stone to you now. This time, as a father, Not only will I snatch the Yin Yang Stone back and give it to you, but I will also give you the Tears of the Gods. Will you feel better?"

"Thank you father!"

Murong Qianjun held the Tears of the Gods tightly, feeling excited in his heart.

You deserve this beating!

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