Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1205 Heavenly soldiers from all directions! (1 update)

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. You kid, you are probably attracted by it. After all, as an alchemist, who wouldn't want to see the legendary Fountain of Youth?"

Uncle Yang shook his head and smiled, "That's all, that's all I've said. You come with me. I'm going to use the heaven-refining stone I exchanged with you to refine an eighth-grade primary elixir. This is important to me." It’s really quite difficult.”

"Eighth-grade elementary level?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. Uncle Yang's alchemy skills were probably much higher than those of Yun Danqing, the number one alchemist in the Tianbai Empire.

"If there is anything that the juniors can do to help, the juniors will do their best."

Ling Feng nodded. Since Uncle Yang helped him once and let him get the fire of the Nine Dragons Thunder Gangyan, he would do his best and help him once.

Time flew by, and a whole night passed. It was not until dawn the next day that Ling Feng finally left Uncle Yang's residence.

The eighth-grade primary elixir was also successfully refined with the cooperation of Ling Feng and Uncle Yang.

Although in terms of quality, it can only be regarded as inferior, but in any case, it is finally done.

Under Uncle Yang's surprised and stunned eyes, Ling Feng resigned from Uncle Yang and returned to the inn.

Wuling Villa.

Because Uncle Yang came forward before, no one dared to come to embarrass him again. In addition, the demon king, the cheap donkey, was in charge, so no one dared to get close.

Otherwise, Murong Han will be their fate!

Seeing Ling Feng return, Tuoba Yan, who had been waiting in the yard, immediately came forward with a faint smile on his face, "Ling Feng, you are finally back!"

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan and said with some emotion: "Have you been waiting for me all night?"


Tuoba Yan turned around and said, "I just got up."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He had long been used to Tuoba Yan's arrogance, so he just smiled lightly and said, "Okay, I'm fine. You're not in any trouble, right?"

"As long as the bitch is here, it will be fine." Tuoba Yan said softly.

"You stinky girl! You want to call me the divine beast, the donkey!"

In the distance, the sound of a bitch cursing could be heard. Although he acquiesced to Ling Feng calling him a bitch, this guy would still get angry if other people called him that.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and the group entered the other courtyard. After closing the door, Ling Feng began to count the loot.

Needless to say, Ling Feng had successfully refined the Xuanhai Condensation Pill with the help of Uncle Yang and was promoted to the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm.

There is also the Nine Dragons Thunder Gangyan fire, which should be able to increase the power of swallowing flames to a higher level.

In addition, Ling Feng also remembered that he had obtained a teardrop-like gem in the hands of Murong Qianjun.

He didn't think much about it at the time. Now he took it out and frowned for a moment, but he didn't find anything unusual about it.

Even the well-informed bitch held the gem and looked at it for a long time, except that it was transparent and shiny, and there was nothing special about it.

Another thing is that it is hard enough!

The bitch bit him so hard with his strong big teeth that he almost broke his teeth.

You know, he is a demon king, and his bite force is so amazing!

"I remembered!"

Suddenly, Yang Huanzhi jumped up and exclaimed: "This is the Tears of the Gods that shocked the inner sea back then!"

"Tears of the Gods?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "It looks quite like teardrops. Could it be that they are really the tears of the gods?"

"No, no."

Yang Huanzhi took the "Tears of the Gods" gem and said with a smile: "Now is the time to witness the miracle!"

As he said that, he took out his weapon again and said with a grin: "Boss Ling, look at it. This sword is a top-quality treasure. I once broke a gap in a battle."

Yang Huanzhi gently placed the Tears of the Goddess on the blade of the sword, and then, with a dazzling light, the sword was miraculously repaired!

Not only has the gap been repaired, but the sharpness on the blade has also increased!

"Hahaha, it's really the Tears of the Goddess! This is a treasure that can repair any magical weapon regardless of grade! When it was first auctioned, it was said that an unknown mysterious person took the photo of this treasure. Later, this treasure became It disappeared. It turned out that it was bought by the housekeeper of the Mu family!"

Yang Huanzhi held the gem and reluctantly handed it back to Ling Feng.

Although he is greedy for money, he also knows what kind of money can be greedy and what kind of wealth should not be greedy. If he dares to steal things under Ling Feng's nose, he is seeking death.

"So amazing!"

The bitch grabbed the gem, showed his big white teeth, and said with a smile: "Boy Lingfeng, this thing will be used to grind the nails of this beast in the future!"

"Grind...grind your nails?"

The corner of Yang Huanzhi's mouth twitched. Why don't you go to heaven if you use such a treasure to sharpen your nails? Aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?

"Let's have some fun!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, naturally it was impossible to waste natural resources like this.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng directly summoned Destruction in All Directions. Since he was repairing the divine weapon regardless of its level, could he also make some changes to his Destruction in Ten Directions?

"Bring it here!"

Ling Feng stretched out his palm towards the bitch, "If it's useless to my sword, I'll give this to you."

The bitch looked at the Gem of Tears of God and handed it over with a look of reluctance.

"This tear of the gods should contain some special substance that can be automatically converted into sword-making materials and repaired."

Ling Feng held the gem and imitated what Yang Huanzhi did just now, gently pressing the gem on the blade of the sword.

Then, a surprising scene occurred.

The Tears of the Gods first began to become extremely hot, then began to emit white smoke, and then, like a drop of water, they quickly spread on the surface of the sword blade.

In the blink of an eye several times, the tears of the gods disappeared!


Ling Feng, Jian Lu, Tuoba Yan, Yang Huanzhi, three people and one donkey, four pairs of eyes, big eyes and small eyes.

With so many people staring at it, Tears of the Gods just disappeared!

"what happened?"

The bitch almost jumped up and yelled, "This is the grinding stone for this divine beast!"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly grinned.

Because, the sword soul that had been sleeping in the Destruction of All Directions actually absorbed the tear of the gods and completely woke up!

It turns out that after Ling Feng used the spirit-detaining lock to imprison the ancient soul hidden deep in the ruins of the ancient demon clan, a very weak spiritual intelligence was born from the destruction of all directions, just like a newborn baby. Sleeping within the destruction of all directions.

(PS: For details, see "Chapter 1077 The Sword Soul Destroyed in All Directions!")

But now, he has obtained the power of the Tears of the Gods, and he has grown rapidly and turned into a complete sword soul!

"Come out! Sword Soul!"

With a thought, Ling Feng realized that he and Shifang Annihilation were one and the same. He could really feel the existence of Shifang Annihilation sword soul.

The next moment, a white light flashed above the sword blade, and green smoke curled up. Then, the smoke condensed into a young man, floating in front of everyone. Finally, he looked at Ling Feng and called out respectfully: "Master! Heavenly armies from all directions are at your disposal!"

With a magnetic voice, a handsome face, and the gleaming light all around, the shape of this sword soul is simply perfect, so handsome that it's outrageous.

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