Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1207 Emperor Xuan! (3 updates)

"Di Xuan is here!"

"That's Dixuan!"

In the crowd, a genius named Nei Hai looked at a tall man and began to talk.

Listening to the conversation around him, Ling Feng followed their gazes and took a look. Di Xuan was not very handsome, but he gave people a domineering feeling. He was tall, with muscles all over his body, and his face was as sharp as an axe. He has a cold and resolute face, as sharp as a knife or a chisel.

With every step he took, the momentum on his body increased, giving people the feeling of a bottomless abyss. Even Ling Feng could not see through this person.

"He is a strong man!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looking forward to fighting this person as soon as possible.

Only a true genius can inspire his fighting spirit, and this Di Xuan undoubtedly belongs to this kind of person.

Finally, the person who had been calling for a long time came out, and the person who presided over this game finally came on stage.

What made Ling Feng frown slightly was that the host was none other than Murong Zining!

Her appearance caused quite a stir.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and secretly sighed in his heart: We are really enemies on a narrow road, and we meet this woman every time.

However, the competition in the ring was about true skills. Even if Murong Zining was unhappy with her, she couldn't do anything.

Murong Zining stood tall and graceful, standing on the high platform, looking down. Suddenly, she saw a fat figure, the expression on his face was slightly stagnant, and she cursed in her heart: That damn fat man actually dares to come!

Murong Zining came on the stage, briefly introduced the rules of the game, and announced that the game was about to begin.

The first round starts with a test of strength.

Those who pass the strength test are promoted, and those who fail are eliminated.

Among the crowd, Di Xuan caused quite a stir.

"This person doesn't look like the kind of person who wants to impress others. He clearly has the ability to sweep the entire field, but he doesn't directly show off first."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. If they finally enter the Sea of ​​Miracles together, this person should be able to form a temporary ally.

As if aware of Ling Feng's gaze, Di Xuan turned around and cast a war-filled look at Ling Feng. He immediately withdrew his gaze and continued to line up quietly.

"It seems like this guy also knows about me and regards me as a competitor."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. People are really afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. He is too good to keep a low profile!

Half a day passed in a flash, and it was finally Di Xuan's turn to take the test.

"Master Dixuan, please!"

There was a faint smile in Murong Zining's eyes, obviously showing her goodwill to Di Xuan. Unfortunately, Di Xuan was completely shameless. He showed no pretense to the beauty's smile and just jumped to the test. In front of the stone monument.

A hint of displeasure flashed in Murong Zining's eyes, but she hid it very well and tried her best to maintain her grace.

Ling Feng saw it and snickered secretly in his heart. This woman always thought that the country was beautiful and fragrant, and a man had to revolve around her. Little did he know that not all men in the world valued this skin so much.

I saw that Emperor Xuan used his power slightly, and pushed forward a very ordinary palm. With the cultivation of other emperors, it was an understatement for hundreds of years. The power was also extraordinary, and even the stone tablet shook a lot.

Then, the astrolabe recording the power level on the left side of the stone tablet quickly lit up, one star, two stars...

In an instant, nine and a half stars lit up on the astrolabe, and it was only two and a half stars away from twelve stars.

Moreover, anyone can see that Di Xuan just hit him casually. If he used his full strength to hit the full twelve stars, it would probably be no problem.

This astonishing result did not attract much attention. After all, Di Xuan was one of the seed players in this competition, and it was basically a certainty that he would get a Tianlan Hailing.

"Next, Shui Wuhen!"

Murong Zining called out another person's name, which was a blue-robed swordsman standing in front of Ling Feng.

This Shui Wuhen was ordinary in terms of cultivation and appearance. Murong Zining just nodded slightly towards him and said no more.

Shui Wuhen also nodded to Murong Zining, jumped up, and landed in front of the stone monument. He immediately took a deep breath, his loose robes swayed in the wind, and he was enveloped in a powerful aura.

With a low drink, Shui Wuhen also hit the stone tablet with his palm, the astrolabe flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it was also nine and a half stars!

"It's amazing, there is another one who has reached nine and a half stars! He must be a hidden master."

"So far, the highest score seems to be nine and a half stars. It seems that besides Di Xuan, this guy named Shui Wuhen should also be able to win a Tianlan Hailing."

There was a heated discussion in the audience, and even Murong Zining couldn't help but take another look at this person and nodded with satisfaction.

Only Ling Feng's pupils suddenly shrank!

He was the closest, and since his vision was not affected by the dazzling light, he could clearly see the person's movements!

Shui Wuhen seemed to have used all his strength, but in fact, the opponent only used one finger!

He is also hiding his strength!

(PS: I have a cold, so the writing is a bit slow, and I am not very satisfied. I will update it in the evening, I can only say that I will try my best...)

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