Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1209 The dog’s life is at stake! (1 update)

Taking a deep breath, Murong Zining gently rubbed her temples, turned around and smiled brightly at the Neihai geniuses participating in the knockout round: "Geniuses, now let me announce the list of the top fifty..."

However, at this moment, a "click" sound spread throughout the audience.

The clicking sound came extremely suddenly and clearly. Murong Zining, like the audience, quickly found the source of the sound. When she saw the source, she couldn't help but be stunned!

I saw that the test stone, which had gone through countless years of wind and rain, actually... actually cracked!

And Ling Feng was standing in front of the testing stone with the corner of his mouth twitching!

The whole place was silent for a while, and the sound of gasping slowly came from the room.

"He...swatted the detection pieces with one palm!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly. It was weird. He had only used 10% of his strength just now.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng felt relieved.

It is true that he only used 10% of his strength, but he unintentionally mobilized the Sun Fire in his body.

The power of Zhiyang is poured into it. On the surface, the destructive power is not strong, but it is more durable.

It can be said that Ling Feng struck the power of the Sun into the stone tablet with one palm, but the power of the Sun did not dissipate, but attached to the stone tablet, continuing to destroy the stone tablet from the inside, and then directly destroyed the extremely hard detection stone tablet. Shattered.

"Nima, Fatty is Fatty!"

"It's so strong. Why do I think Fatty actually looks quite handsome!"

In this world, big fists are the truth. Although Ling Feng's current "reverent appearance" is really unflattering, after showing the human emperor level combat power, there will still be many people who turn into licking dogs and kneel down crazily. …

"Now, Di Xuan has a rival. It would be great if they meet!"

"Don't you understand this? Let's understand the secret operation!"

"Damn, I'm still too naive!"

Di Xuan raised his head and glanced at Ling Feng, his eyes filled with more fighting spirit and a hint of admiration.

Even Murong Zining couldn't help but look at Ling Feng a few more times.

There was already an uproar in her heart. It was a pity that this fat man was so ugly. Otherwise, she might have considered his conditions very seriously.

With such a monster's strength, he is also a high-level alchemist, but it's a pity that he is fat and ugly!

After testing, the game begins.

The qualified players are drawn in pairs and compete.

In the first game of the first round, someone actually drew Di Xuan.

Di Xuan's opponent decisively chose to abstain and leave.

Murong Zining frowned slightly, but had nothing to say. Who could not be afraid of the Human Emperor?

Even though there is only half a step between Half-Step Human Emperor and Human Emperor, she knows the gap very clearly in her heart.

"In that case, Di Xuan wins! In the last group, Long Fei versus Jiang Huan!"

Murong Zining announced the final group competition.

Before he finished speaking, everyone started to get excited.

This is Fatty’s competition!

"The fat man is a well-hidden existence. I wonder if his opponents will also run away?" One audience member was quite curious.

"Hey, this fat master started with a fierce stroke. When I was in Tianbaoge, I watched him with a slap and slapped Murong Qianjun for dozens of floors.

"Even the test stone can be broken. I don't need to say more about how awesome Fatty is. That Jiang Huan definitely wouldn't dare... Oh shit, she actually came on stage!"

A martial artist originally beat his chest and swore that Jiang Huan would not dare to go on stage. Unexpectedly, Jiang Huan flew onto the stage, and he immediately felt a pain in his face.

When Ling Feng jumped onto the ring with a cold face, a pretty-looking female monk followed closely and jumped onto the ring.

From the appearance point of view, Murong Zining beat her eighteen streets away, but from the point of view of the figure...

Well, it is definitely the kind that can make men fascinated.

Jiang Huan smiled tenderly and saluted Ling Feng, saying with a smile: "Master Long, you must be merciful to the slave family."

While talking, he frequently winked at Ling Feng, with a pair of electric eyes and a secret glance.

It turned out that Jiang Huan saw Ling Feng's frivolous behavior towards Murong Zining and mistakenly thought that Ling Feng was a lustful person. Then he thought that he might be able to confuse him by using beauty.

With Se Ling in a coma, he might still have a chance to counterattack.

Unfortunately, her wishful thinking was completely wrong.

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