Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1211 Chicken flavor, crunchy and crunchy! (3 updates)


About half an hour later, Madam Zhuqu brought Ling Feng to a bamboo forest outside the northern suburbs of Tianhuang City.

Deep in the bamboo forest, there is a temple that has been in disrepair for a long time. The statues enshrined in it have long been in tatters.

Madam Zhuqu sat down on a cushion in the middle of the temple and said lightly: "Mr. Long, please wait for a moment. I believe the others will arrive soon."

Ling Feng nodded slightly and said: "I wonder how far the secret realm you mentioned is from here? In four days, I will participate in the Tianlan Sea Order Competition. Time is tight. If the time is too long, I hope you can wait four more days before setting off."

"It's not far. With our cultivation level, it will take at most three days to go back and forth!"

Madam Zhuqu replied lightly.

"That's no problem."

After that, Ling Feng also leaned on a stone pillar next to him and closed his eyes to rest.

The wait did not last too long. Not long after, a bald man holding a big knife came as promised. His name was Yang Xiong, and his nickname was "Bald Knife Emperor".

Although the name was not very nice, as a human emperor, his strength should not be underestimated.

Then, there was a barbarian woman who was dressed differently from ordinary people. She was covered with silver ornaments, and her eyes were green like a poisonous snake.

This barbarian woman had a veil on her face, and her age could not be seen. She wore a pair of spider silk gloves on her hands. It was said that she could control poisonous insects. She was also a human emperor, named "Blood Hand Poison Emperor".

Finally, Ling Feng saw a swordsman in a blue robe flying from the sky, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"It's him!"

This person was the mysterious master who participated in the Tianlan Hailing competition, Shui Wuhen.

Although Shui Wuhen had always reserved his strength, Ling Feng still saw that this person was by no means simple.

Moreover, to be invited by Madam Zhuqu, he must be a human emperor-level fighter.

"Okay, everyone is finally here."

Mrs. Zhuqu finally opened her eyes, only to see that Shui Wuhen moved several times and finally landed steadily in the ruined temple.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Shui Wuhen smiled and bowed to everyone. He seemed to be humble, but in fact he was definitely a smiling tiger.

This kind of person needs to be guarded against.

"Hey, Brother Long is here too?"

Shui Wuhen obviously also found Ling Feng, and greeted Ling Feng very warmly.

"Brother Shui!"

Ling Feng bowed to Shui Wuhen with a fist, his expression was indifferent, and he didn't get too close to this person.

"So you know each other, that's even better."

Mrs. Zhuqu introduced everyone's identity and strength to each other, and then said with a smile: "Okay, everyone is here, we can set off."


The bald knife emperor Yang Xiong snorted lightly, and said mercilessly: "Old woman Zhuqu, you brought this kid who is not even at the king level, is it funny?"

The Yi woman (Blood Hand Poison Emperor) on the side also showed a look of disgust, "That's right, even if you find a handsome boy, I can accept it a little bit."

Mrs. Zhuqu said lightly: "Although Mr. Long's cultivation is only at the Divine Yuan Realm, he has a demon pet at the demon king level by his side, and Or a high-level alchemist!"


The bald sword emperor put his sword on his neck, "That's barely enough!"

But the bloody hand poison emperor still looked unyielding, "So you are an alchemist, I want to see how capable you are!"

As she said, she took out another poisonous insect and said with a smile: "Little fatty, if you dare to eat this poisonous insect and suppress the toxicity, I will reluctantly recognize you."

"Jade borer!"

Ling Feng looked up at the poisonous insect in the bloody hand poison emperor's hand. On the surface, it looked like a piece of warm jade, but in fact, this poisonous insect was extremely poisonous and could turn anything it touched into jade.

If you swallow this insect, even a human emperor would probably become a jade sculpture.

"The boy's eyesight is not bad. What do you think? Do you dare?" The bloody hand poison emperor said with a smile.

"If you hadn't worn the Spider King Gloves, you probably wouldn't dare to hold the Jade Borer in your hands like this. However, a small poisonous insect can't stop me." Ling Feng smiled casually, and actually reached out to grab the poisonous insect, threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said with a smile: "Chicken flavor, crunchy!" "..." The smile on the Blood Hand Poison King's face gradually disappeared, replaced by an extremely shocked look. "How... How is it possible?" She knew the horror of the Jade Borer very well. Even she herself didn't dare to swallow the insect like this before swallowing the antidote. This kid seemed to be a high-level alchemist. Moreover, he was very likely a poison master.

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