Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1226 What a beauty! (2 updates)

"Asshole! Asshole!"

Venerable Huanghai's eyelids twitched wildly. What kind of treasure was that flying boat? The barrier jointly arranged by the three human emperors turned out to be in vain!

Naturally, he would not know that the powerful boundary-breaking shuttle in the Immortal Realm would actually be in the hands of a small Shenyuan realm monk.

This boundary-breaking shuttle can even pass through the Four Spirits Conferring God Monument that seals the Demon Queen, let alone the barrier set up by the little Human Emperor.

Seeing Ling Feng and his party disappear before his eyes, Venerable Huanghai's body began to tremble with anger.

He has traveled across the Tianlan Sea for hundreds of years, and he has never felt so aggrieved as he does today.

"Boy, you'd better not appear under my nose again, otherwise, you will definitely die!"

Venerable Huang Hai looked at the night sky and roared loudly for a while. The energy around him exploded wildly, directly blasting the other courtyard in front of him into ruins. Then he walked away with a full belly of anger.

About half an hour later, a gray-faced figure crawled out from the ruins. This person was naturally Yang Huanzhi.

"Oh my God, I'm so lucky to have saved my life! Boss Ling, Boss Ling, you can't blame me for not being loyal enough!"

Just now, when he realized that Wu Ling Bieyuan was surrounded, Yang Huanzhi hid his aura and couldn't retreat. Facing such a battle, how could he dare to show his face, but fortunately, Ling Feng and the others left safely in the end. , but, entering the Sea of ​​Miracles, I’m afraid I can only leave it at that.

"Hey, now that it's over, I can only go to the Sea of ​​Miracles by myself!"

Yang Huanzhi took off the mask on his face, changed his face, and soon disappeared.

After driving the boundary-breaking shuttle and escaping from the Tianhuang City, he flew thousands of miles away again, completely away from the Tianhuang City, and then Ling Feng stopped and landed on a deserted island.

Putting away the boundary-breaking shuttle, Ling Feng stood on the coast, looking at the dark sea in the distance, feeling depressed.

Originally everything was according to his plan, but who knew that the man in black robe would show up again halfway.

Although he had killed him, how could he enter the Sea of ​​Miracles without the guidance of Lord Huanghai.

Without being able to enter the Sea of ​​Miracles, wouldn't all my efforts during this period have been in vain?

Looking at Ling Feng's back, Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and stepped forward to comfort him: "Ling Feng, maybe there are other ways to enter the Sea of ​​Miracles?"


Ling Feng turned back and smiled at Tuoba Yan, "The matter has not reached the final step yet. There may be other ways. I don't know what is happening to that guy Yang Huanzhi now."

"That guy is smarter than a ghost, so there's no need to worry."

Although Tuoba Yan didn't like Yang Huanzhi at all, he had to admit that this guy's survivability was absolutely top-notch.

"Haha, that's true!"

Ling Feng thought for a while, and suddenly took out a hidden dart weapon that looked like a willow leaf. There was a layer of green light shining on it, which was obviously full of poison.

This willow leaf dart suddenly flew from the darkness at the moment Ling Feng boarded the boundary-breaking shuttle and was about to leave.

Ling Feng subconsciously caught it and never threw it away, because on the poison dart, there was an aura that Ling Feng was very familiar with.

It was the aura of the "Blood Hand Poison Emperor" Blue Jade Phoenix.

After taking a closer look, Ling Feng discovered that there was a small note attached to the willow leaf dart.

Ling Feng quickly opened the note and found a few lines of fine print written on it: If you want to enter the Sea of ​​Miracles, you can come to the Volcanic Island of the Sea of ​​Fog in one day, no waiting! Blue jade phoenix stays!

"This woman! Haha, so interesting..."

Ling Feng's eyebrows curled up. Unexpectedly, this woman had also returned to Tianhuang City, and had given him great good news!


Listening to Ling Feng praising other women, Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth, took the note, glanced at it, and said with a hint of jealousy: "Lan Yuhuang, you can tell by the name, she is really a beauty!"

"Yes, Miss Blue may have a weird temper, but she is indeed a beauty."

Ling Feng nodded and said with a smile.


Countless black lines suddenly appeared on Tuoba Yan's forehead, and he gave Ling Feng a hard look.

"She's a beauty!" Ling Feng grinned, "Miss Lan was of great help this time. I didn't save her life in vain!"

Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes, feeling that if he continued to talk to Ling Feng, he would only be internally injured by this guy's anger.

After pondering for a moment, Ling Feng continued: "Whether what Miss Lan said is true or not, I have no choice at this moment, so I will go to the volcanic island in the foggy sea. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

Tuoba Yan also nodded and said in a deep voice: "Actually, leaving Tianhuang City may not be a bad thing. I always feel that the attitude of the Murong family towards you is too strange. You have obviously completely offended the Murong family. That Venerable Huanghai actually wants to recruit you and lead you like a sea of ​​miracles. I always feel that there is some conspiracy in this. "

"Well, Yan'er, you are the only one who is so calm."

Ling Feng smiled. At this time, he could still analyze the problem so calmly. After all, Tuoba Yan was worthy of being a saint of the Tiance clan. Compared with ordinary women, she was indeed more virtuous.

Not only her, but Ling Feng had already sensed that something was wrong.

He used two identities to get in touch with the Murong family, but once he discovered that he was a genius with extremely high soul talent, the Murong family wanted to win over him at almost any cost.

Especially when the Venerable Huang Hai proposed to marry Murong Zi Ning to him, Ling Feng felt even more that the Venerable Huang Hai might have another plan, and even the other senior members of the Murong family were not aware of this plot.

Naturally, Ling Feng cannot truly feel at ease by cooperating with such a person and entering the Sea of ​​Miracles.

"Without further ado, let's set off now!"

Ling Feng thought for a while, then without further delay, he immediately activated the Destruction in All Directions, took Tuoba Yan with him, and used the Flying Immortal Sword Control Technique to rush at full speed to the volcanic island in the sea of ​​fog that Blue Jade Phoenix had mentioned.

About half a day later, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan finally arrived ten miles away from the volcanic island in the Sea of ​​Fog.

"Is that the Volcanic Island in the Sea of ​​Mist?"

Ling Feng saw a small island surrounded by clouds and smoke lying quietly on the sea surface from a distance. The island was completely covered by thick water vapor, and the true appearance of the island could not be seen clearly.

Tuoba Yan wrinkled his nose: "Hey, that girl of yours, you really have no bad intentions? This foggy volcanic island gives people an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe it's a trap to lure you there. To die!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I have no enmity with her, so why should she harm me? What's more, I, Ling Feng, can do harm just because I say harm. However, there is indeed something unusual about this place, those hot smoke , can actually isolate my spiritual sense!"

Not to mention the induction of spiritual consciousness, under this sea of ​​fog, even the infinite vision is basically in a semi-waste state, which makes Ling Feng even more vigilant.

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