Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1244 Tianchi Island! (4 more updates)

Lin Mu's face also became a little ugly. He asked himself that he had been to many dangerous places before, looking for opportunities, but he had never encountered such a strange situation.

With my own perception, I didn’t notice it at all!

This is definitely the first time he has encountered this situation since he set foot in martial arts.

This time, it is definitely an unprecedented test that I have ever encountered!

At this moment, from the blood-stained sea below, a bloody figure rushed out with a "bang"!

The blood-colored seawater rolled in waves, and everyone became vigilant when they saw the waves explode. Lou Qianzhong even raised his palms high, preparing to hit him head-on and kill him.

Zong Lian's death undoubtedly cast a shadow of death in everyone's hearts.

"It's me! It's me!"

But just when several people took action, the bloody figure stood up in a hurry, wiped the blood off his face, and revealed a frightened face. Only then could he clearly identify the facial features, it was President Fang!

"President Fang?"

When everyone saw the man's appearance clearly, they all showed a hint of surprise.

Lou Qianzhong retracted his palm, stared at President Fang and said: "Fang, what happened here? Why did it suddenly become like this in less than a quarter of an hour? Where are the others? Could it be that they were all killed too? ?”

President Fang was still trembling all over and said in a trembling voice: "Ling... Mr. Ling said... he is right. There are really... monsters that eat... people. They come and go without a trace. The trace suddenly appeared, and Zong...Zong Lian was cut into pieces with just one encounter. Everyone else...were all arrested...arrested, I...I...I..."

President Fang's voice was trembling violently, and when he spoke later, he couldn't even speak clearly.

After hearing President Fang's words, everyone's expressions obviously became more solemn.

Before, after all, I had only heard about man-eating monsters, but now, someone has seen it with their own eyes!

"Calm down!"

Lou Qianzhong pressed President Fang's shoulders and continued to ask: "Since he is a man-eating monster, why didn't he eat Zong Lian and you? How could they let you go?"

"I... I have a method of holding my breath. When they caught other people, I went into the sea to hide. Only then did I escape... and escape. As for... as for..." President Fang Just as he recovered from his shock, Yu Zi said in a trembling voice: "As for why Zong Lian was not eaten, I don't know, but I saw with my own eyes that another Emperor of Heaven had his head eaten by the monster after it opened its mouth!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, looking at President Fang's frightened look, it didn't look like he was lying. It seemed that he sensed Lou Qianzhong's return, so the monsters evacuated.

"Damn it, I never expected that there is such a weird place in the Sea of ​​Miracles!"

Lou Qianzhong cursed lowly and frowned deeply.

"Everyone...everyone, before...I was too confused and listened to Zong Lian's instigation and almost lost my life. Now I am willing to abandon the dark and turn to the light and follow you all. I hope you will take me in. I swear, I will definitely obey you. As long as I can save my life, even if I get nothing from this trip, I will accept it!"

President Fang's request is also reasonable. Letting him act alone at this moment is equivalent to asking him to die.

At this moment, there are dangers everywhere. This president is still a human emperor after all. In any case, he has a little more strength.

Next, Ling Feng and the others searched around for a while, but found no trace of those monsters and did not stop any longer.

After this incident, no one would doubt Ling Feng's words anymore. Faintly, a group of people led by Ling Feng, even Lou Qianzhong, did not say much.

"Brother Lin, what should we do next?"

Lin Mu turned to look at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice.

The remaining people all looked at Ling Feng, taking him as their leader.

"For today's plan, let's go to the so-called Tianchi Island first. Those monsters seem to be very afraid of Brother Lou's strength. As long as we act together, they should not dare to take action rashly. I have a vague feeling that on Tianchi Island, Has all the answers."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and continued: "In addition, since Venerable Huanghai and the others can find a way out, with Brother Lin's eye skills, we can definitely avoid those time and space rifts and find a way out."

"Yeah! Listen to you!"

No one had any objections, and the group immediately flew out towards the north.

Somewhere on Tianchi Island, the sky and the earth were pitch black with no light at all.

On a mountain made of corpses, a majestic man with red hair and shawl, with fire surging around him, seemed to be a king in flames.

In front of him, there was a huge eyeball, shrouded in infinite flames, and in that eyeball, it seemed to monitor everything inside the entire Sea of ​​Miracles.

"Oh? It looks like there are a few ants also getting in..."

The red-haired man's eyes suddenly stared at Ling Feng in the picture, and a look of fanaticism emerged in his eyes, "What a pure soul source, hahaha, come on, come on! I'm waiting for you You threw yourself into a trap!”

All the way north!

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng and his team had been flying for three days in the endless sea.

Although everyone did not dare to fly too fast in order to maintain full energy and physical strength at all times, but after flying for three days, they had not reached the end yet, which also made everyone begin to have doubts in their hearts.

This Sea of ​​Miracles was originally part of the Inland Sea. Although the original area was very vast, it was definitely not so huge.

Then, the only explanation is that due to drastic changes in the rules of heaven and earth, the area within the Sea of ​​Miracles is constantly expanding.

Along the way, the group of people would occasionally see some ordinary people on some islands. They were probably like the old man, who escaped during the chaos on Tianchi Island ten years ago.

None of them had any cultivation skills. When they saw the flying people in the sky, they were so scared that they thought they were man-eating monsters coming to catch them.

Ling Feng and the others did not come into contact with these people. After asking for directions, they continued on their way.

Finally, as the sun was about to set on the third day, I saw an extremely huge island from a distance.

This is the largest piece of land that everyone has seen in the past three days. There is no doubt that this is what the ordinary people who escaped said, the man-eating hell, Tianchi Island!

"It's really strange. Didn't the Inner Sea monks led by Venerable Huanghai encounter the monsters on Tianchi Island before this?"

Lou Qianzhong frowned. The size of the land in front of him was more than ten times larger than the disappeared Jiumu City. It could no longer even be considered an island.

Venerable Huanghai has led people into the Sea of ​​Miracles many times, but he has not encountered the monsters on Tianchi Island. This is really strange.

"I'm afraid only Venerable Huanghai knows whether he has encountered it or not."

Ling Feng snorted softly and said calmly: "Everyone should make some repairs here. I think there will definitely be those monsters strictly guarding the periphery of Tianchi Island to prevent humans from escaping."

Naturally, everyone has no objections. If you want to sneak into Tianchi Island, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort. In any case, you need to recover your strength first to prevent any unexpected events.

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