Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1246 I still don’t take it seriously! (2 updates)

"It's true that we are on opposite sides of the road!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, he met his two mortal enemies in succession!

However, what makes Ling Feng feel a little lucky is that Venerable Huanghai is not on that flying boat.

In just a few breaths, the airship driven by Murong Zining had already stopped over the reef island where Ling Feng and the others were resting temporarily.

Murong Zining's destructive eyes stared coldly down, and said viciously: "Ling Feng, I never expected that you are really lucky!"

"You're not dead yet, how can I die?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, raising his head to meet Murong Zining's destructive gaze, unmoved at all.

"Boy, accept your fate!"

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

A flash of cold light fell from the sky, but it was Jian Liang, the second elder of Huan Dao that day, who had already taken action with anger.

He has been waiting for a day, which has been too long!


Before Ling Feng could take action, Lou Qianzhong had already punched out, forcefully knocking the blade of the sword beam off course.

"Old guy, you dare to do something under my nose?"

Nalou Qianzhong stared at the sword beam with a sharp gaze, and his whole body was shaken. The tall body was already blocking Ling Feng.

It is said that eating people is short-tongued and soft-handed. Since he took Ling Feng's elixir, he naturally would not watch Ling Feng being killed by Jian Liang.

"Master Qianzhong!"

Seeing Lou Qianzhong's figure, Jianliang's expression changed slightly, and he said bitterly: "Lord Qianzhong, this matter is a personal grudge between me and my son. I advise you not to interfere!"

"Personal grudges, so what?"

Lou Qianzhong sneered: "Now this kid is my companion, how dare you try to touch him?"

"Hmph, Master Qianzhong, you are so majestic!"

At this moment, Murong Zining also jumped down from the flying boat and hung in the air. With a pair of phoenix eyes, he glared at Ling Feng coldly, then stared at Lou Qianzhong and said coldly: "Qianzhong Host, I don’t know how much face I have in Tianhuangzhi City, will you give me back?”

"Little girl, are you using the city of Tianhuang to suppress me?"

Although Lou Qianzhong said he was unwilling to be outdone, he clearly wanted to back down.

Tianhuang City is undoubtedly the absolute overlord in the Tianlan Sea Area. No matter how crazy and fierce Lou Qianzhong is, he can't be as fierce as Venerable Huanghai, who is at the peak of the Human Emperor.

"Boy, you have offended so many people!"

Lou Qianzhong lowered his voice and looked back at Ling Feng.

"It's all forced by circumstances. It's definitely not the younger generation who is asking for trouble."

Ling Feng gave a bitter smile and asked himself to come to the door. He was helpless.

"Hehe, how can a person wander in the rivers and lakes without getting stabbed? I understand you, but the city of Tianhuang is really not easy to mess with. If this woman Murong Zining appears here, Venerable Huanghai must be not far away. So. I think the Thirty-Six Stratagems are the best way to go!”

Lou Qianzhong continued to transmit sounds with his spiritual consciousness.

"That's what I mean too." Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Brother Lou, take care of the other people for me in a while. I won't take him seriously even if he's just an old bastard."

"Oh?" Lou Qianzhong glanced at Ling Feng in surprise. How could Jian Liang be at the fourth level of the Human Emperor, but Ling Feng didn't take it seriously?

This kid is too arrogant, isn't he?

However, thinking of Ling Feng's evil behavior when he passed the Bridge of Life and Death, Lou Qianzhong felt a little relieved.

Ling Feng's strength cannot be measured by realm.

"Brother Ling, why not let me settle this matter for you."

Lin Mu thought for a while, then stepped forward and said: "No matter how great the Tianhuang City is in the Tianlan Sea, it still has to give me some face to the Dongling Immortal Pond."

"No need."

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Lin Mu, "Brother Lin's kindness, Ling Feng appreciates it, but..."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Those in Jianliang wanted to kill him, and he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to avoid future troubles!

"Old man, since it's a personal grudge, let's just let it go!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's hand, and his figure was already rising into the sky, "I will give you a chance, a chance to go down and accompany your grandson!"

"Young boy with a yellow mouth, you have such a loud mouth!"

The sword beam was stimulated, and his figure immediately shot out, "Suffer death quickly!"

The warriors on both sides were surprised when they saw the old man and the young man fighting together. Ling Feng's courage was too great.

Lou Qianzhong clasped his hands on his chest and looked at Ling Feng's figure with interest. Since this kid dared to say such things, he was naturally confident.

Lin Mu even narrowed his eyes with a solemn look on his face.

In a one-on-one duel, even he was not sure of victory. Could it be that he, an inner disciple of Donglingxianchi, was inferior to a boy who was not a descendant of the Holy Land?

On the flying boat, Yang Huanzhi was sweating secretly. That Jianliang was also the second elder of Tianhuan Island, so his strength was naturally quite good. And Ling Feng, although he was by no means an ordinary person, was only in the Divine Yuan realm after all!

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, and he knew that he had to fight quickly, otherwise when the Venerable Huanghai came, he would have no chance to kill Jianliang, and Murong Zining, who should have died long ago!

"Boy, accept your fate!"

Jian Liang roared, and the long sword in his hand erupted with cold light. The sword shadows flickered all over the sky, like a violent storm, and they all shot towards Ling Feng.


Unconsciously, Ling Feng called out Xiao Bai, with a pair of pupils flashing purple.

When the "Nightmare Heart Technique" was activated, the sword beam was so excited that he fell into an illusion for an instant. He watched his sword energy twist Ling Feng into pieces and hung them in the air, laughing loudly.

Murong Zining had tasted Ling Feng's dream rules and knew how powerful they were. Seeing the appearance of the sword beam, she quickly shouted to remind, "Senior, don't fall into that kid's illusion, he's not dead yet!"


The sword beam was suddenly like a basin of cold water being poured on his head, and a pair of fanatical eyes regained some clarity.

"Hmph, I just woke up now, it's too late! Xiaobai, kill him!"

Ling Feng roared, and Xiaobai, the sword soul, had already condensed into a human form. The sword light in his hand flashed, and he used eight swords in one move to attack the sword beam fiercely.

"not good!"

Jianliang's expression changed drastically, and the power of the eight swords almost enveloped the world, giving him a sense of crisis on the verge of death!

"Old guy, if there is a way to heaven, don't take it. If there is no door to hell, just go to it!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent. That Jian Chen deserved his death. If Jian Liang and his son insisted on seeking revenge, he could only reluctantly send him to hell with him!


Jian Xibai's face was horrified. He never expected that there would be such a powerful being next to Ling Feng. The power of the eight swords in unison might be enough to kill any warrior below the fourth level of the Killing Emperor instantly!

Bang bang bang!

The eight-color sword light exploded almost instantly. Half of the sword beam was blown to pieces, but he was not dead. He was still breathing. A pair of blood-colored eyes looked at Ling Feng in surprise. How could he? Thinking that Ling Feng's illusion skills had reached such a terrifying level.

If he hadn't been hit by Ling Feng's illusion in advance, he wouldn't have been so passive. He was seriously injured after just one confrontation.

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