Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1266 Seizing Lingfeng’s body! (3 updates)

"This guy is still not a human after all!"

Lou Qianzhong's eyelids twitched wildly and he started to curse.

"In a sense, this guy is really not a human being." Lin Mu said with an extremely solemn expression: "I heard Master said that in addition to mortals, there are so-called races of gods in the world. Brother Ling just said This person is from the Xuantian Clan, perhaps one of the God Clan.”

Although Lin Mu was born in Donglingxianchi, he must have little experience and does not understand the Xantian clan. If he knew what the Xuantian clan meant, he would probably despair.

The giant ape transformed by Ling Feng had an angry expression on his face. Looking at the angel patrol in front of him, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart for the first time.

Even though he used the Hourglass of Time to advance his cultivation by leaps and bounds, and even though he repeatedly had the opportunity to awaken Sword Soul Novice, the gap between him and this angel patroller had not narrowed at all.

"Haha, Lord Tianzun is so powerful that ordinary people like you can't understand it!"

Venerable Huanghai was determined, flew down to the side of the angel patrol, and looked at Ling Feng and others with a sneer.

With the ability of an angel patroller, crushing Ling Feng's people to death is just as easy as crushing an ant to death.

"Very good, you are right! Hahaha..."

Between heaven and earth, only the patrolling angel laughed wildly, "A fool like the Tianchi Island Master, do you really think that I don't know that he has tampered with those human beings? It's a pity that that fool died too Come on, if you see this scene, you will be angry to death again!"

The angel patrol looked at Ling Feng again, seemingly losing interest in continuing to play.

At this moment, the treasure of heaven and earth in Lin Mu's hand finally defeated Murong Zining's black lotus. The black curtain collapsed. Lin Mu, Lou Qianzhong and others quickly flew to Ling Feng's side, and the two sides faced off. Although In terms of numbers, Ling Feng's side seems to be larger, but just one patrolling angel can probably wipe out their entire army.

Not to mention, next to the angel patroller, there was Venerable Huanghai who was at the peak of the Human Emperor.

"Brother Ling, what should we do now?"

Lin Mu was already in a state of chaos and had no idea at all. Lou Qianzhong also frowned and tightly grasped the heavy iron rod in his hand, his palms already soaked with sweat.

"Brother Lin, I have a plan. Whether it can succeed or not depends on your cooperation."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, conveyed his plan with his spiritual consciousness, and Lin Mu's pupils shrank first, and then heard Ling Feng's voice next to his ears.

"Brother Lin, success or failure depends on this one move, and my life will be entrusted to you."

Lin Mu gritted his teeth and nodded. Ling Feng's idea was very crazy, but facing such a powerful enemy, he could only go crazy.

"Humph, ants, no matter how hard they struggle, they are still ants."

The angel patroller stood proudly, raised his head and looked at the sky slightly, and said calmly: "It's almost time. Boy from the Jiuli God Clan, you should feel honored. You will be qualified to become my body. You are just a subordinate." Waiting for the gods, but being able to become a vessel for the noble Xuantian clan is a blessing you have earned over several lifetimes."

"Bless you for being so tall!"

Ling Feng cursed loudly and took the initiative to kill the angel patroller directly.

"Master, leave it to me!"

Venerable Huanghai smiled coldly and asked the patrolling angel to go out to fight.

"Back off!"

The robes worn by the patrolling angels automatically appeared in the absence of wind, and in a flash, they appeared in front of Ling Feng.

Compared to Ling Feng's huge body of more than 20 feet, the figure of the Angel Patroller seemed very small, but with just one kick, he kicked the giant ape that Ling Feng transformed into directly to the ground.


With a loud noise, Ling Feng's huge body fell to the ground, and the earth cracked open inch by inch. The shoulder blade on Ling Feng's left shoulder was directly shattered, and blood flowed from the wound.

"Ling Feng! (Damn Fatty!)"

"Boss Ling!"

Tuoba Yan and others trembled all over. Ever since they met Ling Feng, they had never seen Ling Feng in such a mess.

This is not the same level of power at all, just like heaven and earth, clouds and mud, the power of the angel patrol is too terrifying.

"Damn it!"

Lou Qianzhong tightened his grip on the heavy iron stick and was about to rush out, but was stopped by a figure.

"Lou Qianzhong, if you want to die, there are plenty of opportunities, but at this moment, don't disturb Lord Tianzun's interest!"

Venerable Huanghai knocked back Lou Qianzhong with a wave of his hand. With his cultivation at the peak of Emperor Huang, he was able to kill Lou Qianzhong with just a flip of his hand.

"Damn it!"

Lou Qianzhong gritted his teeth with hatred and cursed: "Old Murong, do you really think you will end up well? That day, Island Master Chi was your role model!"

"Hmph, how can those monsters be compared to me!"

Venerable Huang Hai gave Lou Qianzhong a cold look and said in a cold voice: "If you still want to live a little longer, shut your stinking mouth!"

Lou Qianzhong was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he did not dare to anger Venerable Huanghai anymore.

No one noticed that among the crowd, Lin Mu had quietly retreated behind them, holding a talisman in his hand and trembling slightly.




Get up! Fall down!

Get up again! Fall again!

Ling Feng's huge body became a burden at this moment. The angel patrol kicked Ling Feng around like a football. He repeated it more than ten times. His body was almost riddled with holes. , and actually couldn’t get up anymore.

Fortunately, the angel patrol wanted to seize Ling Feng's body and did not kill him. Otherwise, Ling Feng would not be able to die even if he had ten lives.

"Fuck! I want to die and have a good time! Ahhh!"

In Ling Feng's body, Donkey was already twitching in pain. In the state of beast soul fusion, if Ling Feng was hit every time, Ling Feng would have to bear three points of pain, while Donkey would have to bear seven points!

At this moment, it seemed that Ling Feng was beaten until he couldn't take care of himself, but in fact, Bitch was the real victim.

"You bitch, please bear with me!"

Ling Feng also felt uncomfortable. The power of Chaos True Body was gradually fading away, and it was almost impossible to maintain the state of beast soul fusion.

"Well, this body's toughness is quite good. It can actually withstand my sixteen feet."

The angel patrol nodded with satisfaction and suddenly grabbed Ling Feng's neck.

Ling Feng's body of more than twenty feet was held by the patrolling angels, unable to move. Blood surged from his body like a spring, dyeing the ground under his feet a bloody red.

"It seems that you have no power to resist anymore. It's time to take away your body."

This angel patroller has no intention of eating people. He also relied on the world rules of the Sea of ​​Miracles to obtain the power that belongs to this world. He cannot leave the Sea of ​​Miracles with this body. Therefore, even after seizing the body of Lingfeng, his strength There will be some regression, and he must do so.

At this moment, the angel patroller's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng. Not to mention the dying Ling Feng, even the Venerable Huanghai might not be able to withstand the terrifying pressure and could not move at all.

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