Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1275 Parting ways! (4 more updates)

At this time, Yang Huanzhi, Lin Mu and others had already arranged for the mortals rescued from Tianchi Island to rest on the island. As soon as Yang Huanzhi returned to Tianhuan Island, they could call the Tianhuan Island tribe to sail over. Pick people up.

Lou Qianzhong was originally worried about Ling Feng's injury and did not leave. Now that he saw that Ling Feng was fine, he felt reassured and immediately said goodbye to Ling Feng and others and prepared to leave.

He was used to being alone in this inland sea. Now that he was born again, he naturally wouldn't stay for long.

"Boy Ling Feng, someone in my building owes you a huge favor. If something happens in the future, just let me know. Even if someone in my building is shattered to pieces, I will never refuse."

Lou Qianzhong had a cheerful temperament and spoke straightforwardly. Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Lou Qianzhong, and said with a smile: "Help in times of need, talk about being unkind, Brother Lou is too ignorant."

"Hey, one code equals another code. There is someone in my building who has the most clear-cut grievances."

Lou Qianzhong laughed, and then saw Yang Huan step forward and said: "Master Qianzhong, you are also a loner, why don't you come and talk to me on Tianhuan Island."

"Forgive me." Lou Qianzhong waved his hands repeatedly, "That bitch, Queen Huanxin, has a lot of tricks. If I go, I will only suffer a loss!"

After that, Lou Qianzhong flicked his sleeves and soared directly into the sky, coming and going freely.

Lan Yuhuang took a deep look at Ling Feng, and then looked at Tuoba Yan beside Ling Feng. She felt ashamed and knew that she and Ling Feng had no chance after all, so she could only shake her head and smile, and bid farewell to Ling Feng.

"Damn fat man, I'm going to leave first, my aunt. If you have time, you might as well... forget it, even if you don't see me!"

Lan Yuhuang glanced at Ling Feng with some resentment. After speaking, she couldn't help but spread her body skills, and in the blink of an eye, she disappeared into the distant sky.

"This blue girl is still so impatient."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not thinking too much, but Tuoba Yan was slightly aware of Lan Yuhuang's thoughts, and knew that although Ling Feng was not stupid, he was missing a string when it came to the relationship between men and women, and he couldn't figure it out. .

I think that the Blue Jade Phoenix can be easily picked up and put down, but I...

Thinking of this, Tuoba Yan felt sad again. He glared at Ling Feng angrily, but thought to himself: Being able to stay with him like this is enough.

Ling Feng was glared at by Tuoba Yan for no reason. He was confused for a while and thought about how he had offended her. After thinking about it, he couldn't figure out the reason.

"Brother Ling, when I came out for training this time, I didn't expect to encounter so many bizarre things. Although it sounds dangerous, it's quite exciting, hehe!"

Lin Mu raised his eyebrows and smiled, then calmed down and returned to his talkative nature.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him angrily, and Yang Huanzhi yelled: "Yes, it's so exciting. I almost reached the point of bliss long ago."

Tuoba Yan gouged out Yang Huan's eyes and spat softly: "You shameless guy, you will go to hell at most when you die, but you still think about the paradise world?"

Yang Huanzhi was not ashamed, but proud. He laughed and said, "Miss Tuoba said it well!"


Tuoba Yan glared at Yang Huanzhi and was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Lin Mu laughed a few times, and then said: "Counting the days, I have been out for a year to practice. I should also return to the Donglingxian Pond. Brother Ling, I see that your talent is definitely qualified to enter the Donglingxian Pond. I don’t know what Brother Ling’s next step is? If you have no other place to go, you might as well go to Donglingxian Pond with me.”

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said: "I'm going to visit Donglingxian Pond sooner or later, but I have a vague feeling that I'm going to break through to the Divine Sea Realm soon, so I'm afraid I need to delay for a while."

"Oh?" Lin Mu's eyelids twitched, he looked at Ling Feng, and hurriedly congratulated him: "Brother Ling has a profound background. After this battle, he finally broke through to the king level. It's gratifying. However, I don't have much time left. I can’t stay to witness Brother Ling’s breakthrough.”

After saying that, he quickly bowed to Ling Feng again and said with a smile: "Brother Ling, let's say goodbye. I believe we will meet again at the Donglingxian Pond not long after."

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