Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1278 Fighting the Three Emperors Alone! (3 updates)

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

The Thunder Emperor had a violent temper and could not bear Ling Feng's arrogant attitude, so he punched him directly.

However, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and a wall of flames stood in front of the Thunder Emperor. It was the fourth-level flame swallower!

The promotion from the third level to the fourth level seems to be just one level promotion, but the power of swallowing flames has undergone a qualitative leap. With the wall of flames, even if Venerable Huanghai is alive, it will probably take a lot of effort, let alone a mere Thunder Emperor.

The Thunder Emperor didn't break the wall of flames with one punch. He raised his eyes and glared at Ling Feng, but found that purple light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. He accidentally fell into an illusion.

"Slap yourself!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and the Thunder Emperor immediately slapped his cheeks repeatedly, causing his teeth to fall out, and he vomited blood without stopping.


Ling Feng's weird ability made the Ice King take a breath of cold air and take a few steps back cautiously, not daring to look at Ling Feng.

"Is this what the Murong family is capable of?"

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, "You only know how to bully women? Although Venerable Huanghai is not a good person, he still has some courage. He is considered the number one person. How many of you are there? They are just rats in the corner, and you have no interest in taking action. !”


The Ice King was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. His face sank, and he immediately opened his territory and shouted: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

"Who is looking for death? Louder, I can't hear you!"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and stared at the Ice King. Flames surged all over his body. With a fourth-level flame-swallowing body protection, the Ice King couldn't even catch his eye!

What's more, although Bitch is still recovering from his injuries, he still has Xiaobai to rely on. The eight swords combined into one can suppress even the peak human emperor like the Venerable Huang Hai, let alone these guys.

"Boy, you are so self-righteous!"

The Ice King held his hands, and the sky was covered with ice spears, and he shot toward Ling Feng.

"Water can defeat fire. Boy, when you meet me, you meet your nemesis!"

The Ice Emperor roared low, and a layer of ice crystals covered his eyes, blocking Ling Feng's sight, so as not to mess up Ling Feng's plot. At the same time, he disturbed the Animation Sky Ice Blade, revealing the power of the Human Emperor.

"Old Ice Emperor, I'm afraid your water can't break my fire!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, and turned into a flaming lion at the fourth level of swallowing flames. He opened his huge mouth and swallowed up the ice blades all over the sky. Still able to do so with ease, he rushed towards the Ice King. The raging fire immediately burned on the Ice King. With a heart-rending cry, in the blink of an eye, the hair on the Ice King's body was singed, and then his body was almost burned to charcoal.

"Boy, how dare you!"

The next moment, a figure rushed out from the depths of Murong Mansion. It was the Poseidon who had never appeared before!

Among the three human emperors of Murong Mansion, Poseidon is the most respected. The other two human emperors have made more appearances and more people know about it. But in fact, Poseidon is the most powerful person in Murong Mansion, except for Venerable Huanghai!

The Sea Emperor first pressed his palm on the Thunder Emperor's head to wake him up, and then activated his vitality to extinguish the flames on the Ice Emperor's body. After saving the two people, he looked at Ling Feng and said coldly: "Your Excellency, it would be better for you to stay less involved in the household affairs of my Murong family."

"You are a little more capable!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips and said, "However, I have always been nosy in my life, so what can you do?"

"If that's the case, then keep your life!"

The Sea Emperor's robes fluttered, and he turned around and nodded to the Ice Emperor and Thunder Emperor. The three of them immediately rose into the sky in three directions, intending to form a three-talent formation to deal with Ling Feng together.

(PS: Please vote at the beginning of the month!)

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