Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1280: Meet your wife! (1 update)

High in the sky, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan were riding on the back of the ice lin transformed by Zifeng. Tuoba Yan pouted slightly and glared at Ling Feng sideways.

Obviously, Ling Feng came to the aid of Murong Zi Ning, and Tuoba Yan was somewhat unpalatable.


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "Everyone has the so-called compassion. Although this woman is bad, thinking about the determination of the Venerable Huanghai when he blew himself up at the last moment reminds me of my grandfather... The world is so vast and I don’t know when I will find my grandpa.”

Tuoba Yan glanced at Ling Feng, snorted softly, and muttered: "It's not because of that woman's beauty, but all the men in the world are not lecherous after all."

Ling Feng's ears were so sharp that he couldn't help but smile when he heard this, "Yan'er, you've become less and less like yourself recently."


Tuoba Yan glared at Ling Feng fiercely, with a hint of blush on his face, "I want you to take care of it!"

Ling Feng raised his hand slightly, remembering the experience that Feng Mo (Mo Feng) taught him when he was at Tianwei Academy: Never try to reason with a woman.

With Zifeng's speed, it didn't take long for Ling Feng and the two to land on an island. After asking around for a while, they found out that it was the power of Hailong Island.

I remembered that when I went to Tianluo Island, I had some issues with Hailong Island. However, the wife of the island owner of Hailong Island mistakenly thought that she was the descendant of Donglingxianchi. Therefore, although there was a small friction, she did not really take action.

Ling Feng and the two quickly found an inn to stay and prepared to start refining the elixir. However, everything was ready. Ling Feng discovered that although there was an elixir furnace in the inn, the quality was too low. Xuantian Spiritual Pill is too reluctant.

"If I had known this, I would have robbed another pill furnace from those old men."

Ling Feng felt helpless, as the so-called clever woman cannot make a meal without rice. Even though Ling Feng had unparalleled skills in alchemy, he could not cope with the lack of an alchemy furnace.

Speaking of which, Ling Feng has seen two of the best alchemy furnaces so far. One is the Yangu Xuanling Cauldron of Dan Mo, and the other is the six-legged Taotie Cauldron of the Tianbai Empire Alchemist Guild. Unfortunately, these two cauldrons, Ling Feng It’s hard to shame yourself into asking for it.

"With medicine but no furnace, it's really frustrating!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. After all, this Hailong Island was far inferior to the Tianhuang City. If it were in Wuling Villa, although the alchemy furnace in the alchemy room was not of the highest quality, it could still be used.

Tuoba Yan pursed his lips and smiled, and said lightly: "Master Ling, do you have to go back to the Wild City?"

"Forget it." Ling Feng shook his head, "Since I have come to Hailong Island, of course I have to visit my old friends."

"Old friend?" Tuoba Yan was stunned, but he didn't remember that Ling Feng had any friends on Hailong Island.

"Did you forget the island owner's wife?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "This Hailong Island is quite powerful in the inland sea. If you borrow a pill furnace, I think they won't be too stingy."

Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes, "Last time, the wife of the island owner already wished she could peel off her skin and get cramps. How dare you go to her?"

"What are you afraid of?" Ling Feng grinned. The so-called times are different from the past. At the beginning, Ling Feng was still afraid of the island owner's wife, but now, with the fourth-level flame swallowing and the sword soul Xiaobai, he has become the peak human emperor. No matter what, he is not weak at all.

How could the pinnacle Human Emperor come from a small Hailong Island?

Ling Feng smiled faintly, took out the Yi Divine Bow, slightly changed his appearance, and re-dressed as he was that day, and immediately said to Tuoba Yan: "Yan'er, come with me to the island owner's mansion!"

Tuoba Yan rolled his eyes at Ling Feng in annoyance. It is said that people with great skills are bold. This guy, with his strong skills, is not only bold, but also extremely brave!

After leaving the inn, the two of them found the mansion on Hailong Island after some inquiring. As soon as they walked to the door, a familiar face walked towards them.

Wasn't it the second senior brother I met at sea that day?

When the second senior brother saw Ling Feng face to face, he almost thought he had hit a ghost. He was startled and pointed at Ling Feng's nose and said, "It's... it's you!"

"It's not just me!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a smile: "You must be the second disciple from Hailong Island last time. Hello, second brother, I am Ling Feng."

The corner of the second senior brother's mouth twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I am not a second brother, my name is Han Zhao, Han Zhao!"

"Second brother is more approachable." Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "Please lead the way, I want to pay a visit to your master wife."

"What did you say?"

When Han Zhao heard this, he was immediately furious. He called on the master's wife. This was not a nice thing to say. It sounded a little green.

Seeing Han Zhao frowning, Ling Feng realized that he had made a mistake, and quickly smiled and said: "Sorry, sorry, I'm here to pay a visit to the owner of Hailong Island, and by the way to pay a visit to the island owner's wife."

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