Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1287 Ten thousand swords are coming! (4 more updates)

"Swish swish..."

On Hailong Island, the sound of piercing the sky came quickly. It was the sound of awakening swords piercing the air, and the sounds of silent sword souls awakening!

In an instant, the sky on Hailong Island was filled with flying long swords. The boundless sword energy was so vast and majestic that it surpassed the sky. The thousand-foot giant sword almost condensed into substance under the convergence of countless sword lights.

For a time, not only the entire Hailong Island, but also the entire inland sea and the entire Tianlan Sea area were filled with a terrifying sword intent, as if a giant beast from the abyss suddenly came to life.

The eyes of the island owner's wife were filled with an extremely shocked look.

"Wan...Ten thousand swords are coming!!!"

Long Shanshan on the side heard her mother's words and couldn't help but blurt out: "Mother, what does Wan Jian Lai Chao mean?"

The wife of the island owner stared at the thousand-foot giant sword above the sky, and said with an extremely solemn expression: "This son must be the king of swords, so when he breaks through, he will trigger this famous sword in the world to come from all directions! It is said that thousands of years ago , There was once a powerful human emperor who, when he was promoted, also triggered the vision of thousands of swords coming to court. This person later became a great emperor, and he was the great emperor of swords, and he was respected by the sword!"

"As for Mr. Ling, he was just promoted from the Divine Yuan Realm to the Divine Sea Realm, which caused such a strange phenomenon. In other words, Mr. Ling's talent is even greater than that of the Sword Emperor. If Mr. Ling does not fall midway, what will happen in the future? His achievements are probably even higher than those of the Great Emperor!"


Long Shanshan couldn't help but take a breath. With a talent that surpassed the emperor level, indeed, this man was definitely the future Holy Emperor!

"It's just the king level!"

The wife of the island owner clenched her fists tightly. Moreover, when the powerful Sword Emperor broke through, although there were visions of thousands of swords coming towards him, the vision caused by Ling Feng was even worse than that of the powerful man a thousand years ago. , even more vast!


In the island owner's mansion, a famous elder and disciple were dumbfounded, just looking up at this vast celestial phenomenon, as if they were in a dream.

The overwhelming shadow of the sword, covering the sky and the sun, stood quietly in the air, exuding fierce majesty and filled with the cold sword intent. Under the moonlit night, it looked like thousands of solemn soldiers standing on horseback, respectfully welcoming the Supreme Being, waiting for the sword. The command of the Supreme Being!

The second senior brother Han Zhao looked at the sword that flew out of his hand, his face was full of shock, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, my sword is actually paying homage to that boy!"

Thousands of miles away, an overlord of the Inner Sea forces, although he barely controlled the sword in his hand, could not help but look solemn when looking at the terrifying sword intent coming from the direction of Hailong Island.

The giant sword formed by thousands of miles of clouds above Hailong Island has almost condensed into substance. The vast sword energy continues to sweep in all directions. Even if it is thousands of miles away, it is still a sword that affects countless warriors.

Above the endless ocean, a figure flew past. Suddenly sensing the presence of the sword energy, he couldn't help but turn around and look.

This man, tall and tall, squinted his eyes and looked at the giant sword in the sky, muttering to himself: "Why does this aura look a bit like Brother Ling Feng? Could it be that this kid is about to break through to the king level? "

It turned out that this big man was Lou Qianzhong. Thousands of miles apart, Ling Feng's sword intent still affected him.

"You just broke through to the king level, but you can trigger such terrifying changes in the sky. This is really the style of brother Ling Feng!"

Shaking his head and smiling, Lou Qianzhong 1 felt a sense of emotion in his heart. He might have met a future overlord figure.

In the city of Tianhuang, the three human emperors, Sea Emperor, Ice Emperor, and Thunder Emperor, are all facing the solemn-looking king Hailong Island. The Ice Emperor tightly grasps the sword in his hand, frowning deeply and saying: "In the end Who caused such a change in the sky? My sword actually worshiped outsiders!"

Emperor Lei also held his sword tightly and said in a deep voice: "Second brother, could it be that someone has broken through the emperor?"

"Impossible, in the inner sea, except for the dead Venerable Huanghai, no one is qualified to be promoted to the Great Emperor!"

Poseidon shook his head and said solemnly: "However, although this aura is thousands of miles apart, it vaguely resembles that guy named Ling Feng!"

"When you say that, I feel a bit like it!" Ice King clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "When this kid was still in the Divine Origin Realm, he could suppress us and others. Once he breaks through to the King Level, his strength will probably be... "

"Wherever he appears from now on, I will stay away!"

Poseidon shook his head and sighed. His eyebrows seemed to be stained with white frost. In an instant, his brows turned white.

On a deserted island, a girl in purple clothes was practicing cross-legged.

Suddenly, a wave of sword intent struck, and the purple-clothed girl suddenly raised her head, looked up at the sky, bit her red lips gently, and murmured to herself: "Is it you? Ling Feng?"

The changes in the sky almost swept across the entire Tianlan Sea area, shaking the earth and the earth. In this strange scene, accompanied by a clear roar, a majestic force rose into the sky from the courtyard of Lingfeng's retreat.


Ling Feng's whole body was surrounded by eight colors of light, and eight swords with attributes were beside him, like eight swimming dragons. Ling Feng made a breakthrough and proved the Tao with swords. He was made of swords and finally achieved the position of Sword King. .

Ling Feng's figure continued to fly high into the sky, and after a while, it actually merged with the giant sword that gathered thousands of feet of cloud energy!

A king in the sword finally comes to the world!

With a wave of Ling Feng's hand, Destruction in Ten Directions automatically appeared on his palm. With the dance of Destruction in Ten Directions, the spiritual energy rolled between heaven and earth, and the sword intent surged. Tens of thousands of flying swords were under his control. Down, it sweeps across the heaven and earth. Wherever the sword passes, it can sweep across all directions and dominate the world!


Finally, Ling Feng opened his eyes. In his eyes, there was endless sharpness and brilliant light, and swords from all directions were worshiped.


Ling Feng chuckled lightly and waved his hand to destroy all directions. All the swords flying with him immediately returned to the original path and returned to their scabbards.

At this moment, he had a glimpse of the secret of the way of swordsmanship and merged into the avenue. The sword followed his heart, and his understanding of the way of swordsmanship continued to make breakthroughs. The double sword intention, which was already at the peak of Xiaocheng, unexpectedly soared like a rocket under the enlightenment of the avenue. .

The whole process lasted for about thirty breaths, and Ling Feng's feeling of spiritual bliss gradually disappeared. In these thirty breaths, his killing sword intention and reincarnation sword intention had both reached their peak.

There is only one step left, and both sword intentions can be promoted to the level of Small Perfection!

Once the sword intention is perfected, even if it is only a small perfection, the power it exerts is absolutely incomparable!

"Congratulations, Mr. Ling! Congratulations, Mr. Ling!"

Feeling Ling Feng's aura, she finally calmed down. The island owner's wife was the first to rise into the sky and congratulated Ling Feng.

The words of the island owner's wife also made the monks on Hailong Island wake up from a dream. When they woke up, they found that their legs were slightly bent towards Ling Feng, and they almost knelt down.

Not only are tens of thousands of swords worshiping, but if it had been a moment longer, all sentient beings might have been worshiping!

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