Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1299: A sudden enlightenment! (4 more)

"'re crazy!"

Mo Qiuhua was shocked by the words of the second village owner. The inheritance cave was a forbidden area of ​​Moxue Mountain Villa. Only the owner of Moxue Mountain Villa could enter it for enlightenment. And the second village owner actually let Ling Feng enter it. , obtain the Mohist inheritance?

"I'm not crazy."

The second village owner's face was extremely excited, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes, "Qiu Hua, I had the qualifications to compete for the village master, but I gave up, and you succeeded me as the village master. Is this a problem?"

Mo Qiuhua lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "Yes, this is indeed the case."

"After you became the owner of the village, you asked me to stay and help you and became the second owner of Moxue Mountain Villa. You also let me enter the inheritance cave to obtain the inheritance of the Moh family, but I have no interest in those magical powers. Is this happening? "

Mo Qiuhua frowned deeply, "Old guy, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I just want to say that since you still owe me a chance to enter the inheritance cave, then I will give this opportunity to others, and you have no right to interfere."

The second owner of the village said with a solemn expression.

"You..." Mo Qiuhua took a deep look at the second village owner, shook his head and sighed softly, "That's all, it's up to you."

"Qiuhua, thank you!"

Seeing that Mo Qiuhua finally relented, the second village owner showed a hint of joy on his face and thanked Mo Qiuhua repeatedly.

"You old guy, you haven't even said a word of thanks to me in a hundred years, but now you don't even care about the teachings of your ancestors because of this matter." Mo Qiuhua shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Qingfeng, swordsmanship is so important to you. ?"

"The way of the sword is my life."

Mo Qingfeng took a deep breath, then looked at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said: "Master Ling, please agree!"


Ling Feng was speechless. Seeing the determined look on the second village owner's face, if he didn't give him a few words of advice, I'm afraid he could pester him to the ends of the earth.

"Okay." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I can't say it's any advice. The senior has excellent swordsmanship, and the junior can only learn from each other."

"Whether it's learning from each other or giving advice, as long as Master Ling is willing to give me advice, that's enough!"

Mo Qingfeng looked overjoyed, pressed Ling Feng's shoulders, and laughed loudly: "It's better to choose a day than to hit it, so let's do it today!"

After saying that, Mo Qingfeng directly dragged Ling Feng into the sky. With his peak human emperor cultivation, he took Ling Feng and flew away without a trace in almost the blink of an eye.

"Hey...this old guy."

Mo Qiuhua shook his head, turned around and glanced at Tuoba Yan, dumbfounded and said, "Yan'er, I'm telling you this is a joke."

"No." Tuoba Yan said calmly, "I think the character of the second village owner is quite interesting."

"He's just an old naughty boy." Mo Qiuhua rolled his eyes, and then said: "Well, your Master Ling finally got the recommendation letter and can worship in the Dongling Immortal Pond. You should be relieved, right? ”

Tuoba Yan blushed and glared at Mo Qiuhua, "What do you mean by my Mr. Ling? He...he is not mine."

"Hahaha, silly girl, you're still shy!" Mo Qiuhua narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Okay, okay, you and he are both talented and handsome. On the big day in the future, I, as the master, will inevitably ask for a drink. Wedding wine.”


When Tuoba Yan heard this, he immediately blushed to the roots of his ears, stamped his jade feet, and immediately ran away as if running away.


Mo Qiuhua laughed loudly. He accepted Tuoba Yan as his true disciple, and she was equivalent to half of his daughter. Then Ling Feng was no longer an outsider. The inheritance cave was open to him, so it was not a disadvantage.

Thinking of this, Mo Qiuhua's mood suddenly improved.

On the other side, Mo Qingfeng took Ling Feng directly to the top of a snow-capped mountain. Above thousands of solitary peaks, there were sword marks everywhere. Obviously, this was the place where Mo Qingfeng practiced his sword skills.

"Master Ling, this is where I usually practice. Please give me some advice from Master Ling."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, looked around, and found that the sword marks on the cliff all contained extremely powerful sword intent, which was condensed and never dispersed. This remnant on the cliff could even faintly affect the horizon. Falling snow and howling wind.

Under the cliff, there were rows of swords stuck in the snow. Some were broken swords, and some were still intact and full of cracks. There were more than twenty swords. It seemed that Mo Qingfeng had used them all and discarded them. sword weapon.

This Mo Qingfeng can be said to be obsessed with swordsmanship.

"Actually, the senior's swordsmanship is better than that of the junior. I can't give you any advice. I might as well talk about some of my experiences with the sword."

Ling Feng thought about it for a while, and finally decided to explain some of the theories in "The Art of Changing without Seeking" to Mo Qingfeng in detail using his own insights.

The two sat cross-legged and talked from noon to dusk, and from dusk to dawn of the next day.

Finally, Mo Qingfeng's eyes flashed, as if he was in an epiphany.

"The sound is loud, the elephant is invisible, and the skill is as clumsy... Could it be that the way of the sword, with its many changes, remains true to its roots?"

As Mo Qingfeng spoke, he began to practice his sword skills, from simple to complex, and then from complex to simple. Invisibly, his sword intention seemed to begin to change. From the original shape of the vast sword intention, it seemed to be infused with... A new vitality.

In other words, his Hankong Sword Intent was not among the top ten attributes of Sword Intent at all, but after Ling Feng pointed out some of the essence of "Wu Qiu Yi Jue", it actually broke through the Hankong Sword Intent. The shackles formed a brand new sword intention, a more advanced sword intention!

While watching Mo Qingfeng's enlightenment, Ling Feng had to admit that Mo Qingfeng's ability to comprehend the way of the sword was astonishing. Think about it, after being obsessed with one thing for more than a hundred years, if he still can't grasp it, If this thing is done well, wouldn’t it be really useless?

Ling Feng also benefited a lot from Mo Qingfeng's swordsmanship. If he was determined to create his own swordsmanship, he must learn from the strengths of others. And this Mo Qingfeng is a first-class swordsmanship master. In this regard, whether it is Duanmu Qingshan or Yan Cangtian is far incomparable to him.

The sun rises and sets, and another day passes.

Mo Qingfeng put away his sword and stood up. His whole body seemed to be contained in the heaven and earth, motionless, letting the snowflakes fall on him.

Another day, Mo Qingfeng, who had turned into a snow sculpture, was shaken all over, sending snowflakes flying around him. With a thought, a crisp sword chant resounded throughout the world.


Ling Feng was awakened by the sound of the sword, and looked at Mo Qingfeng, only to see that his aura was as if he had returned to his original nature, and his sword intent was restrained and deep, as if it were made by nature.

The next moment, Mo Qingfeng suddenly slashed with his sword, and a ray of sword light burst out. The cliff behind Ling Feng suddenly made a muffled sound, and then, there was a "boom", and a person appeared on the top of the mountain. The extremely smooth cut surface left behind a terrifying sword intent.

The sword intent persisted, forming cracks on the section, and the section of rock wall that slid down the mountain exploded into pieces with a "boom" as it fell in mid-air, and when the breeze blew, Without a trace.

"Congratulations, senior!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This move had already shown that Mo Qingfeng's sword intention had finally reached the level of perfection from childhood to great perfection!

Hundreds of years of hard work are not worth a moment of enlightenment!

Mo Qingfeng's hands were shaking with excitement, and he burst into tears, "It's successful, I finally succeeded!"

Ling Fengfei stepped forward, and Mo Qingfeng had accumulated a lot of experience. Once he understood the Tao, he would naturally have full stamina.

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