Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1307 I am Ni Ba! (4 more updates)

"Uncle Qingxuanzi, can we start?"

Ning Guichen bowed in the direction of Qing Xuanzi, who nodded slightly, and then Ning Guichen announced loudly: "Then, the qualification assessment for the Five Spirits Hall will officially begin."

After saying that, Ning Guichen took a step forward and said slowly: "First of all, all assessors are asked to go to the registration office to register their information, receive their respective number plates, and then conduct tests on various indicators in sequence."

The entire process, in just a quarter of an hour, basically completed the registration of all examiner information. The numbers Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan obtained were No. 366 and No. 377 respectively. It will take some time before it is their turn to test.

Taking advantage of this time, Ling Feng couldn't help but look around, and his ears were listening to information from all sides.

"I heard that this time not only the examiner's cultivation realm, but also the physical talent and Yuanli attributes will be tested. Only after everyone's information is comprehensively evaluated will it be decided who can obtain the qualification tokens."

"After all, there are indeed many more people coming this time than in previous years. This is a world full of geniuses!"

"Yeah!" A swordsman next to him nodded, "I just don't know who can dominate in this world."

"Look, look, look! That seems to be Princess Qianling of the Tiansheng Royal Family. I can't believe that even a genius like her couldn't be admitted to the Three Temples?"

"Tch, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. This Princess Qianling has the body of a thunder spirit that is rare in a hundred years. She has long been designated as an inner disciple of the Xuanlei Palace, or even a true disciple. Although the Three Divine Palaces are relatively inferior to each other. The Five Spirits Palace is superior, but the one that suits you is the best. After Princess Qianling goes to the Xuanlei Palace, she will soar into the sky and become a high-ranking fairy. "

"I see, brother, you know so much!"

"Hey, I don't dare to worry about it. I'm asking for help. If you don't understand anything, just ask me!"

Princess Qianling?

Ling Feng followed the gazes of the crowd and saw among the crowd, a woman with a slim figure, sweet appearance, and an all-powerful woman. She was as stunning as a sliver of red in the green, and was unforgettable at the first sight.

She stood quietly on the spot, and she had a strong aura of superiority to others, which made the young talents around her naturally keep some distance and did not dare to blaspheme such a goddess.

"The body of thunder spirit is quite interesting."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. From a physical point of view, this Princess Qianling should not be any worse than Yan Jinghong. Yan Jinghong was a legendary figure in the Tianbai Empire, but looking at the entire Eastern Spiritual Territory, he was not too outstanding.

"Look, it's the Mu family, which has grown in power over the past hundred years and is at its peak! A few days ago, a genius from the Mu family joined the Blazing Sun Temple, and today another genius from the Mu family came to participate in the Five Spirits Hall. According to the assessment, this Mu family is indeed full of geniuses, and if it continues like this, it will probably become the most top-notch force in the Eastern Spiritual Realm besides the three holy places. "

"Hiss, I have heard of this genius of the Mu family. He seems to be called Mu Feiyang. He is quite accomplished in swordsmanship. It is said that when he was at the king level, he could kill the human emperor with his swordsmanship. I don't know if that's true. real."

"Whether it's true or not, it's a certainty that Mu Feiyang will get a qualification token."

"Huh, Mu family!"

Mo Sanqing on the side snorted coldly and stared at Mu Feiyang with an unhappy look on his face.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the Mu family was probably the vassal family that Mo Qingfeng said hundreds of years ago, originally belonged to Mo Xue Villa.

However, Mo Xue Villa is declining day by day, while the reputation of the Mu family is growing. The former slaves have in turn overtaken their masters. It is no wonder that Mo Sanqing is so angry.

Ling Feng looked in the direction of Mu Feiyang, and saw an indifferent young man, standing proudly, holding a long sword in his arms, standing there, closing his eyes and concentrating. The sword was not unsheathed, giving people a sharp edge. As soon as you get within five feet of him, you feel a thorn in your back.

"The sword intention is sharp and domineering! This person probably follows the path of swordsmanship that is broad and powerful, strong and domineering."

Ling Feng tilted his head slightly. Just from the sharp sword intent, Mu Feiyang was already infinitely taller than Mo Sanqing.

Mo Sanqing wields swords and swords in one hand. Although it looks fancy, in fact, the excessive pursuit of splendor and fancy has lost the power it should have.

As if he felt the gaze of an unusual person, Mu Feiyang's eyes suddenly focused, and a trace of sword intent shot out from his pupils, directly towards Ling Feng.

With a gentle smile, Ling Feng's sword waved around his body, immediately turning the opponent's sword intention into the invisible.

Mu Feiyang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was secretly surprised: "What a powerful method. Is this person also a master of swordsmanship? The aura just now was weird, really weird!"

Mu Feiyang was vaguely aware that Ling Feng's method just now seemed to be superior to his sword intention, but he did not dare to make a bold guess.

After all, at Ling Feng's age, how could he possibly understand the power of the sword?

After all, normally speaking, only after the sword intention has been perfected can one understand the power of the sword. However, he has outstanding talent in swordsmanship. He has been practicing swordsmanship since he was six years old and has been practicing hard for more than thirty years. Now he has been promoted to the Human Emperor. It’s just the ultimate achievement of the sword’s will.

"Feiyang, what's wrong?"

An old man in purple robes walked up to Mu Feiyang and found Mu Feiyang in a daze. He looked for him and found that it was the young man who had contradicted him before!

"Humph, it's this kid again!"

Mu Renjie frowned slightly and sneered: "Feiyang, could you have noticed something unusual about this kid?"

"Yes." Mu Feiyang nodded slightly, "This boy is probably also a master of swordsmanship."


Mu Renjie nodded slightly, "It seems that he should be the successor of Mo Qingfeng. No wonder he is so confident and comes to take the assessment. However, it doesn't matter."

Mu Renjie smiled coldly, "Feiyang, your qualifications are not inferior to those of your elder brother. It is not difficult to join the Dongling Immortal Pond. Elder Zuo Hanjiang of Jingfeng Palace has long wanted to take you under his sect. After you join, They are true disciples. Even if there are a few more inner disciples from Moxue Villa, how can they be compared to the true disciples?"

"Hmph, Mo Xue Villa will only be pushed further and further away by our Mu family. Mo Qingfeng is just struggling to his death."

After hearing this, Mu Feiyang's eyes suddenly flashed with joy. As for Ling Feng's little weirdness, he had long forgotten about it.

While Ling Feng was waiting in line, a young man in gold robe bowed his hand to Ling Feng and suddenly said, "Brother, what is your surname? I am Lu Tianyi, a disciple of Xuechuan Lu family."

Lu Tianyi, who was close to Ling Feng, had a pair of evil eyes, but he looked at Tuoba Yan very restlessly.

"My surname is Ni, and I am a famous tyrant. I am Ni Ba!"

Ling Feng pushed Tuoba Yan towards him, and his tall appearance immediately completely blocked Lu Tianyi's sight.

When Tuoba Yan heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. He immediately stopped the sound with a "poof", and at the same time, he felt a warmth in his heart. Ling Feng's elm-headed head was sometimes touching.

"It turns out to be Brother Ni..."

Lu Tianyi smiled coquettishly, then suddenly his eyelids twitched, he stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said hatefully: "Boy, how dare you play tricks on me!"

Ni Ba, that is, your father, Ling Feng made up this name casually, which means, I am your father!

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