Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1309 There is a shady secret! (2 updates)

Time passed bit by bit, and most of the warriors who were able to come here to participate in the assessment had reached the level of the spirit body. However, everyone knew that unless they reached the level of the earth spirit body, otherwise, they would not be able to reach the level of the mysterious spirit body alone. With a certain physique, there is basically no chance of obtaining a qualification token.

Unless, the performance in other aspects is too amazing.

For example, if Ling Feng showed off his two major sword powers at the same time, I believe that basically there would be no need to accept any assessment, and there would be countless elders who are good at swordsmanship, vying to accept Ling Feng as his true disciple. .

At this time, a sharp-edged young man walked forward indifferently and pressed his hand on the test groove without saying a word. The audience suddenly became excited.

This young man is none other than the swordsman prodigy from the Mu family, Mu Feiyang.

With his strength and talent, he is basically just going through the motions.

The next moment, the crystal pillar on the right lit up with five rays of light, and it was dazzling. Its dazzling degree was not inferior to that of Princess Qianling.

"Super celestial spirit body!"

Ning Guichen announced loudly that Mu Feiyang's physique was not as good as the previous Princess Qianling's, but what he was good at was swordsmanship, and he had a physique like the Heavenly Spirit Body, which made people jealous.

The audience was in an uproar and were filled with admiration.

Mu Feiyang just smiled lightly, cupped his fists and saluted Ning Guichen and others before striding off the testing platform.

On the high platform, Qing Xuanzi nodded slightly, "I didn't expect that this Mu family would produce two geniuses at the same time. Mu Yunyang, who worshiped in our Blazing Sun Temple a few days ago, and Mu Feiyang, the Mu family's rise is on the rise. , I’m afraid it’s unstoppable.”

Qin Wuyang behind him grinned and said: "No matter how you rise, compared to our Dongling Fairy Pool, they are still just some small sects that can't get on the stage."

Qing Xuanzi glanced sideways at Qin Wuyang and said coldly: "Your qualifications are not bad, and you have practiced in Blazing Sun Temple for many years. But in my opinion, your achievements today are not even comparable to that of Mu Yunyang. If If your mother didn’t ask me to take care of you, do you think you can become a true disciple of Blazing Sun Temple?”

Qin Wuyang shrank his neck and said angrily: "Uncle, I will just work hard to practice from now on."

"I hope you didn't just talk!"

Qing Xuanzi snorted coldly and tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers. He vaguely wanted to know what kind of physique Ling Feng, who didn't know the heights of the world, had.

In the central square, testing continues.

"Next, number three hundred and sixty!"

Ning Guichen shouted out the tester's number. Before he finished speaking, he saw a young man in gold robe walking forward quickly, with a flattering smile on his face, and nodded towards Ning Guichen.

This green-robed young man turned out to be Lu Tianyi, who claimed to be from the Xuechuan Lu family.

Ning Guichen just nodded slightly towards Lu Tianyi and said calmly: "Please press your hand on the groove."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Lu Tianyi nodded repeatedly and raised his hand to press on the groove. After a moment, the crystal pillar actually lit up with five rays of light. Ning Guichen's eyelids jumped and he exclaimed: "Another Celestial Spirit!"

Physiques like the Celestial Spirit Body are rare. Less than 400 people have been tested now, and one Holy Body and two Celestial Spirit Bodies have appeared. The probability of high-level physiques appearing this time is really ridiculously high.

Lu Tianyi raised his eyebrows and said with some pride: "Senior Brother Ning, what are my results?"

Ning Guichen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Super Celestial Spirit Body, congratulations to this junior brother, you should be sure to get a qualification token."


Lu Tianyi grinned and turned to look at Ling Feng, who was not far behind him. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes were full of provocation. It means: Boy, did you see it? Were you scared?

Ling Feng just shook his head and smiled, not paying attention.

I took a few more tests in succession, and the results were all satisfactory. Whether I can obtain the qualification token depends on other comprehensive levels.

At this time, it was finally Ling Feng's turn to take the stage for the test.

When Lin Mu saw that Ling Feng was next, he knocked Ning Guichen away and squeezed into the middle seat. He chuckled and said: "Brother Ling, come on, come on, it's finally your turn!"

This Lin Mu has always been in Donglingxian Pond, he is used to being lawless, and he has a super powerful backer behind him, so basically the disciples of Donglingxian Pond have to give him three points.

Ning Guichen was knocked away by him, but he just shook his head and smiled without saying anything else.

Lin Mu's attitude towards Ling Feng immediately dumbfounded the talented heroes who participated in the assessment and the surrounding crowd.

No wonder this boy with such a pitiful cultivation level dares to take the assessment. This guy has a shady secret!

"Grandma, with this kind of relationship, why are you here to participate in some kind of selection? Why don't you just take the token!"

"This is the most obvious shady thing I've ever seen. It's so shameless!"

There was a lot of cursing in the audience, but Lin Mu became more interested and went straight forward to hook up with Ling Feng.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Lin Mu was really worried about the world being in chaos. However, he always didn't care about other people's opinions. He immediately walked to the test table, nodded to Lin Mu, and then pressed his palm on the groove. above.

On the test crystal, rays of light lit up, and finally stopped when there were five rays of light. However, the brightness of these five rays of light seemed to be a bit brighter than when Lu Tianyi tested it before.

The curses in the audience immediately turned into exclamations.

"Another...another heavenly spirit!"

"How is that possible? No way?"

The slap in the face came too fast, like a tornado!

Just now everyone was saying there was a shady deal, but when he went on stage to test it, it turned out to be a super heavenly spirit body, what a shady deal!

Ling Feng shrugged his shoulders, not caring at all.

I didn't expect that after completing the infusion of the eight attributes of the five elements and the three wonders, my physique was only barely promoted to the heavenly spirit body, it was really...

Too weak!

Thinking of Princess Qianling's Thunder Spirit Saint Body, and his mere heavenly spirit body, he didn't feel happy at all.

Of course, his chaotic body was not an ordinary physique, and it could be continuously promoted without end. This kind of test was not very meaningful to him.

However, the heavenly spirit body was already a very rare physique. Even among the inner disciples of Dongling Xianchi, the heavenly spirit body was not a common thing.

If his thoughts were known to others, they would probably be so depressed that they would vomit blood.

In this world, there are actually people who dislike the heavenly spirit body. They really don't know how to appreciate their blessings!

Princess Qianling, Mu Feiyang and Lu Tianyi, who had basically secured the qualification token, all stared at Ling Feng, especially Lu Tianyi. He had provoked Ling Feng before, but he didn't expect that this guy's physique was even better than his!

"Damn it!"

Lu Tianyi looked at Ling Feng, then at the peerless Tuoba Yan, and couldn't help but clench his fists tightly.

On the high platform, Qing Xuanzi narrowed his eyes, stroked his long beard, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, he has some talent, but he is not a holy body, so there is still room for intervention. Humph, so what if you have high talent? If I don't want you to worship in Dongling Xianchi, you don't even have a door!"

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