Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1318 Thunderous Showdown! (3 more)


Hearing a scream, Mu Feiyang's body was blown away like a cannonball, and he rushed hundreds of feet before stopping.

When he stabilized his body again, Mu Feiyang's whole body was burnt black, his clothes were ragged, his face was gray, and he still had the high-spirited appearance before.


Mu Feiyang covered his chest and spat out a mouthful of blood. The sword marks on his chest were so deep that his bones were visible. The overbearing firepower burned the skin and flesh on his chest to black.


Mu Renjie immediately flew to Mu Feiyang's side, supported Mu Feiyang's body, and frowned: "Feiyang, how are you?"

Mu Feiyang clenched his fists tightly, pushed away Mu Renjie's support, and said bitterly: "I'm fine!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Mu Feiyang's physical body was really strong. If it were an ordinary junior human emperor, he would have been killed by that move, but this guy could actually stand up on his own!

In fact, in order to practice swordsmanship, Mu Feiyang often used storms to temper his body and feel the tearing power of the storm. That's why his physical body was so strong.

Mu Renjie pressed Mu Feiyang's shoulders and said in a deep voice: "Feiyang, forget it, let me do it!"

Mu Feiyang turned back sharply and glared at Mu Renjie, "Elder, are you questioning my ability? This kid is no match for me!"

"Come again!"

Mu Feiyang soared into the sky again, and his whole body was filled with momentum. The aura that was originally at the first level of the Human Emperor suddenly surged, reaching the second level of the Human Emperor!

This Mu Feiyang actually hid his strength!

Mu Renjie took a deep look at Mu Feiyang and knew that Mu Feiyang was very strong-minded and had a high heart. If he could not be allowed to kill Ling Feng with his own hands, the other person might become his lifelong shadow. Once the mind cannot be accessed, it may be difficult to break through to a higher level.

"That's fine."

Mu Renjie shook his head. In his opinion, with Mu Feiyang's strong physique, even if he lost to Ling Feng in the end, his life would not be in danger.

"I underestimated you before, but this time, you will definitely die!"

The muscles on Mu Feiyang's face twisted, and his originally handsome face became extremely ferocious. At this moment, he was really angry.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. Mu Feiyang's strength was somewhat beyond his expectation. However, instead of being panicked, Ling Feng was actually a little excited.

This Mu Feiyang's strength can be used as his own whetstone. After all, after being promoted to the king level, Ling Feng has yet to have a hearty and enjoyable battle in the true sense!

"Wind and Thunder Burial!"

Mu Feiyang attacked madly, with sword energy all over his body. For a moment, the wind was violent and the air was flying, and snow was flying in the sky. Mu Feiyang swept with a sweeping force, and there was a faint thunder light surging above the sword blade, splashing with an extremely dangerous aura.

"So, you also have hidden power of thunder?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and the momentum swept around him, and said coldly: "Then let's see whose thunder is better! Thunder God Shadow!"

In an instant, a violent thunder shot out of his body, along his arms and instilled destruction in all directions.

The broken parts of the world were destroyed in all directions. There was a soft chant, and purple thunderbolts traveled like dragons, reflecting the sky and crossing the sky like the sunset.

In the bright purple thunder light, Ling Feng stood proudly in the sky, holding a thunder sword in his hand, like the God of Thunder, majestic and majestic.

"Defeat me!"

Mu Feiyang shouted loudly, and the power of wind and thunder became stronger. He never thought that he would be forced to use his thunder trump card by a "weak" in the Divine Sea Realm. Moreover, after displaying the last trump card, he actually Unable to suppress the opponent firmly.

Because the other party actually has more trump cards than himself!

Boom boom boom!

Wind and thunder intertwined, sword lights intertwined, and thunder and lightning burst out in the night sky. Both of them had the intention of being invincible and collided fiercely.

In the violent thunder, two figures flew out upside down.

Ling Feng, retreated about five feet, standing firmly, like a mountain, unmoving.

Mu Feiyang, on the other hand, flew out hard, knocking down dozens of large trees that hugged each other, and finally hit a boulder, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Mu Feiyang leaned weakly on the boulder, trembling all over. Ling Feng's thunder was actually better than him.

And at the last moment, behind Ling Feng, a thunder god's dharma appeared in the air. As soon as the dharma appeared, Mu Feiyang knew that he had lost this battle!


Mu Renjie roared and flew to Mu Feiyang's side, only to find that half of Mu Feiyang's body had sunken in, all the meridians in his body were broken, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

With such a serious injury, without timely treatment, he would definitely not survive a day in the harsh environment of the Demonic Snow Ridge.

"Elder... take revenge... for me! Pfft--"

Mu Feiyang was already furious and furious. After saying these words, he spat out a mouthful of blood and died completely.

"Flying! Flying!"

Mu Renjie's heart thumped, and his heart was already half cold.

Originally, Mu Feiyang was about to join the Dongling Immortal Pond and become its true disciple, but in the blink of an eye, he died and became a cold corpse.

"Damn it, you deserve it!"

Mu Renjie was trembling with anger. If he had known better, he would never have allowed Mu Feiyang to show off his strength and fight Ling Feng.

"Those who kill will always be killed! When you are about to attack me, you should be prepared to be killed!"

Ling Feng's expression showed no fluctuation. In fact, even though Mu Feiyang was seriously injured, with his physique, he might not die so soon. It's a pity that he was too bad-tempered to accept his failure, and ended up being killed by himself. So angry.

"If you kill Feiyang, you have to pay for it with your life! Die! I want you to die!"

Mu Renjie's momentum suddenly exploded. With the power of his peak human emperor, killing Ling Feng was as easy as crushing an ant.

call out!

A strong wind blew in his face, and the figure of Mu Renjie arrived in an instant. He swept across with a punch, and the terrifying pressure locked Ling Feng firmly, making him unable to escape.

Before Ling Feng could react, he was knocked to the ground by Mu Renjie with one punch. The speed of the Peak Human Emperor was simply too fast!

"Boy, you deserve to die!"

Mu Renjie's eyes were about to burst. He grabbed Ling Feng's neck and raised him high above his head. In an instant, Ling Feng's face turned purple from suffocation, and the fingers on his neck were like iron hoops. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't get an inch loose.

"go to hell!"

Mu Renjie's eyes were blood red, and the energy in his palms exploded. With a "boom", Ling Feng's head exploded, and blood spattered, staining the surrounding snow red.

"Death, death, death!"

Even though Ling Feng had been killed, Mu Renjie still refused to let go of Ling Feng and continued to bombard the corpse with such terrifying power that it almost made the earth rumble and shake.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what kind of hatred, what kind of resentment!"

Mu Renjie was almost red-eyed, but at this moment, a lazy voice came to his ears. This voice sounded unusually familiar.

Mu Renjie suddenly raised his head. In front of him, wasn't he the "Ling Feng" he was killing?

Mu Renjie's eyelids twitched suddenly and he looked down, only to realize that the person he had "whipped the corpse" just now was actually Mu Feiyang's corpse!

But it turned out that at that critical moment, Ling Feng took advantage of Mu Renjie's emotional loss and suddenly activated the Nightmare Heart Art. Otherwise, he might have been the one who fell to the ground.

(PS: I’ve been suffering from toothache for a few days. I had been holding back on updating for the past two days. Today I can’t bear it any longer. I’m afraid I’ll have to stop updating tonight...)

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