Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1324 Mingjian Tower! (1 update)

"Of course, there is one more thing I must remind you of."

Feng Ling suddenly turned around and said slowly: "Although the outer disciples have a higher status than the handyman disciples, in addition to daily cultivation, there are also some daily tasks of the sect to be completed. For example, Raising spiritual beasts, fertilizing the medicine garden, catching insects, or going to the alchemy room to clean the alchemy furnace, grind medicinal materials, etc..."


A young man in rich clothes immediately frowned, "Isn't this a handyman?"

"There is still a difference. The handyman disciples do laundry, cooking, fetching water and cutting firewood, and other unskilled tasks. As outer disciples, your daily tasks are also a part of cultivation. At least, you can choose , whether to raise spiritual beasts or go to the alchemy room, and the handyman disciples have no choice. "

Feng Ling looked cold and extremely ruthless.

The corners of the handsomely dressed young man's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but shudder when he thought that he was half a human emperor and had to do laundry and fetch water.

No matter what, a Jedi must not be reduced to a handyman disciple!

"No matter what your previous status was, when you arrive at the Dongling Immortal Pond, you must abide by the rules of the Immortal Pond. If you fail to complete the task, a part of the training materials for the month will be deducted. If you fail to complete the task multiple times, you will be sent to the Black Abyss. There is no spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the black abyss, and there is also a bone-chilling coldness. Once sent to the black abyss, your cultivation will inevitably stagnate or even regress. Then, the annual assessment will basically There is no possibility of passing.”

After listening to Feng Ling's words, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. The rules of Donglingxian Pond were really "vicious".

However, this is also to select the real elite. After all, this is the Holy Land of the Human Race. There is never a shortage of geniuses. If you want to stay, you must continue to become stronger.

"By the way, today is the first day. You don't need to perform daily tasks. You can start performing them after the tasks are assigned tomorrow."

While talking, Feng Ling had already led everyone to the residence of the outer disciples.

Looking at the environment in front of them, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes. What kind of residence was this? They were clearly connected, thatched houses!

"Are you kidding me, hut?"

The young man in gorgeous clothes was the first one who couldn't stand it any longer, "Senior Sister Fengling, you...are you kidding us? Is this a place where people live?"

This young man in fine clothes is a prince from a small kingdom. He eats fine clothes and fine food, and lives in a beautiful house. When he first entered, he was transported with a dragon and chariot. Now that he has entered the Donglingxian Pond, he actually has to live in a thatched house?

Moreover, the most exaggerated thing is that the roofs of these thatched houses are actually full of holes, and the ground under their feet is muddy. When you step on the ground, the soft mud is disgusting.

Looking at the grass bed inside the house, it was wet, with damp moss growing there, and occasionally one or two cute mushrooms, which was no better than a pig pen.

Some female disciples frowned when they saw it. Not to mention these female disciples, even Ling Feng found it difficult to accept it.

Even if one knew that the Dongling Immortal Pond was meant to encourage disciples to compete with each other, this was still too much.

How can this be for cultivation? It’s clear that he is suffering!

If it weren't for the famous Donglingxian Pond, these people would probably just lift their legs and leave.

"Thatched cottages are specially built by the sect for new disciples. They can be tidied up and people can live in them."

Feng Ling looked at the disciples and said slowly: "Don't be picky!"

"Hey, those houses are also boundary houses, why can't we live in them?"

Some sharp-eyed outer disciples discovered that there were rows of attics above the thatched huts they lived in. Although they were not very luxurious, compared with their thatched huts, they looked like palaces.

Feng Ling just smiled faintly, "These are the Mingjian Towers prepared for the outer disciples. They are also divided into heaven-level Mingjian Towers and earth-level Mingjian Towers. If you want to live in them, you can grab them yourself."

Upon hearing Feng Ling's words, the disciples' eyes suddenly lit up, and they rushed towards the Mingjian Tower above one by one.

There are red walls and green tiles to live in, but the devil wants to live in this damn thatched house!

Feng Ling watched these disciples rushing forward, but just stood with arms folded, smiling and saying nothing.

Suddenly, she discovered that several people did not rush with everyone, including Ling Feng, who had the third highest overall score but was ignored.

"Hey, why don't you go and rob Mingjian Tower? If you go late, you won't have any share."

Feng Ling said to Ling Feng with a slightly encouraging tone.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "If I want to rob it, it doesn't matter sooner or later."

A strange color flashed in Feng Ling's bright eyes, and she smiled slightly: "You are very confident in yourself. You were the same outside just now."

Obviously, Feng Ling completely heard the previous conversation between Ling Feng and Lin Mu.

"I don't have any other advantages. The most important thing I lack is self-confidence."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. As the saying goes, make a decision before acting. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

"I have also seen your results. With your first place in all the five palace examinations, it is no wonder that you are so proud. However, for a person in the Divine Sea Realm, in the Dongling Immortal Pond, it is best to learn to be humble."

Feng Ling said something serious to Ling Feng, and at this moment, several screams broke the silence.


"I'm in trouble!"

But it turned out that the disciples who had just rushed to rob Mingjian Tower were kicked back by someone in the front row. Those people were very ruthless and many had their hands and feet broken off.

From the Mingjian Tower, rows of disciples slowly walked out, but it turned out that the Mingjian Tower already had owners, and these owners all had powerful auras, and were obviously the best among the outer disciples, and These outer sect disciples who had just entered the Donglingxian Pond were completely different from each other.

"I forgot to mention it. Although Mingjian Tower can be snatched at any time, if you want to live in it, you have to rely on your ability."

Feng Ling's lips curled up, and she said calmly: "There are ten heaven-level Mingjian Towers in total. Among them are high-level spirit-gathering arrays, which can increase three times the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The owner of the sword tower is exempted from all daily tasks and has ten The outer sect disciples’ cultivation materials.”

"There are one hundred earth-level Mingjian Towers in total. Among them are the mid-level spirit-gathering arrays, which can increase the spiritual energy of heaven and earth twice as much, and at the same time have five times the cultivation materials for outer disciples. Of course, if you want to live in Mingjian Tower, you can The original master must be defeated."


The new disciples who had been severely punished all looked sad and asked why Feng Ling didn't tell her earlier.

However, telling everyone in this way is obviously more memorable.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Donglingxian Pond was really full of competition. It was no wonder that Donglingxian Pond could stand at the top among the three major human holy places.

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