Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1334 Alchemy Will! (3 updates)

"It's over, Master Ye is completely serious!"

"There is no chance. That Ling Feng is too stupid to dare to provoke Master Ye."

"That devil, he is invincible!"

Lu Yu and several other outer disciples clenched their fists extremely nervously, even a little more nervous than Ling Feng who was having a bet with Ye Xiong.

What I have to say is that although Ye Xiong looks rough, he is extremely delicate when refining elixirs. When processing 200 pieces of Shen Ning Dan materials, he is even faster than Ling Feng in terms of speed and purification rate. One level ahead.

Of course, what he performed was not a simplified technique passed down to his disciples. Each step was an ultra-difficult operation that could only be completed by an alchemy master of the sixth level or above.

On the other hand, Ling Feng only used simplified techniques, and the two of them had already widened the gap from a technical perspective.

"Hmph, boy, your skills are not as good as your tongue."

Ye Xiong sneered and had already processed all two hundred medicinal materials. The elixir was melted in a furnace and turned into crystal clear spiritual liquid in an instant.

Control temperature, control fire, condense elixir...

Every step of Ye Xiong's process is done in a smooth manner, without any unnecessary movements. This is the experience and skills gained through countless trials and tribulations. His attainments in refining Shen Ning Dan alone are enough for even some inner sect alchemists. , and can't compare with Ye Xiong.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, seems to be very ordinary from beginning to end. There are no special operations or special fire control. Although everything is orderly, he seems to be lagging behind compared to Ye Xiong.

It is conceivable that Ling Feng may be able to practice a furnace of Shen Ning Dan, but compared with Ye Xiong's, I'm afraid it's not even a little bit behind.

"It's over, it's over..."

Lu Yu's nervous forehead was sweating, "If this continues, Junior Brother Ling will definitely be thrown into the Black Abyss. If he stays in that place for half a year, he will definitely die!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who told him to overestimate his capabilities and dare to provoke Master Ye? No one can save him!"

"Hey, so you must be patient and self-aware!"

Time passed little by little.

Finally, it’s the final process of collecting pills.

A flash of light flashed in Ye Xiong's eyes, and he took a picture on the alchemy furnace. The lid of the furnace flew high, and a strange fragrance rose into the sky from the alchemy furnace.

"Two hundred copies of Divine Condensation Pill, 100% success rate!"

I saw plump pills, round and round, lying at the bottom of the pill furnace. Looking at the color, they turned out to be a furnace of top-quality divine condensation pills.

Each of the two hundred divine condensation pills is of the highest quality!

"you lose!"

Ye Xiong smiled coldly, looked at Ling Feng with disdain, and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, if you kneel on the ground now and beg me for mercy like a dog, I might be a little merciful and let you stay under the black abyss. a few days.”

"The winner is still undecided, right?"

There was no trace of panic on Ling Feng's face, "Take a look at my Divine Condensation Pill first!"

"Hahahaha, you really can't shed tears until you see the coffin!"

Ye Xiong laughed wildly, "My two hundred divine condensation pills are all of the highest quality. How can you compare with me?"

"Take this!"

Ling Feng slapped the alchemy furnace, and the furnace lid flew up. The next moment, a dazzling light bloomed from inside the alchemy furnace.

"Ah! My eyes!"

Lu Yu and others were all stung by the dazzling light, which almost made them unable to open their eyes. What a brilliant light it was. It almost penetrated the roof, penetrated the clouds and split the sky, and illuminated the entire world.

"This elixir fragrance is simply intoxicating!"

Those outer disciples who were originally in low spirits suddenly became energetic when they smelled the fragrance of elixir emanating from the Lingfeng elixir furnace, as if they had regained a new lease of life.

"What kind of divine condensation pill is this? Oh my God, I have never seen such a divine condensation pill!"

"Oh my god, this is a better elixir than the best divine condensation elixir!"

"How can it be!"

Ye Xiong took a quick step and rushed to Ling Feng's alchemy furnace. When he looked inside the alchemy furnace, he was stunned.

Dan pattern!

Dan pattern!

Dan pattern!

There are actually pill patterns on every divine condensation pill!

Ye Xiong flipped through it casually and grabbed one. It had a pill pattern!

When I catch it, there are still pill patterns!

There is a whole furnace of Shen Ning Dan, a full two hundred pills, all of which have pill patterns!

This is a pill that surpasses the best divine condensation pill. The divine condensation pill with pill patterns is at least three times more effective than the top grade divine condensation pill he refined!

"No, this is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Ye Xiong was trembling all over, grabbing the divine pills with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"This is obviously just the Shen Ning Dan. This is just the Shen Ning Dan. Why can you have elixir patterns! Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ye Xiong looked like he was crazy, holding those pills and almost burst into tears.

"Even if it's just a divine condensation pill, why can't it have pill patterns?"

Ling Feng grabbed a Divine Condensation Pill and said slowly: "Because, I am already standing at a higher level, overlooking all this, even if it is just an ordinary Divine Condensation Pill, as long as I use some techniques, it can become A pill with a pill pattern! Master Ye, take one and you will know the difference between you and me."

Ye Xiong raised his eyes, took a deep look at Ling Feng, took the elixir unwillingly, and threw it into his mouth.

The next moment, Ye Xiong only felt a surging energy rushing through his body. No, in addition to this pure Yuan Power, there was also a will from the alchemist.

"Is it your will?"

Ye Xiong was stunned. The pill actually contained the alchemist's will?

"To me, alchemy is the same as martial arts. If you want to reach the peak of martial arts, you must have a persevering martial arts heart. Similarly, if you want to reach the peak of alchemy, you also need a heart of alchemy!"

Ling Feng looked at Ye Xiong and said slowly: "You have made some achievements in alchemy, but you are still at the current level and have stopped making progress. That's because you keep telling yourself that no matter how powerful your alchemy is, You can only refine Shen Ning Dan. You keep refining Shen Ning Dan, but you hate your own elixir. How can you break your own cage and lead to a broader world. "


Ye Xiong was completely stunned, holding Ling Feng's elixir and fell into silence.

Yes, for so many years, he thought that by strictly following the process every step of the way, being careful and making no mistakes, he could rely on the accumulation of experience to improve his alchemy realm.

But he forgot the most important point. His heart of alchemy had long been covered in dust, hidden deep in his heart by snow, never to see the light of day.

I am not a good alchemist!

After a long time, Ye Xiong raised his head again, the anger in his eyes was gone. He took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Ling Feng, "Master Ling, I lost."

"Ling...Master Ling?"

Lu Yu and other outer disciples were all dumbfounded. Ye Xiong actually gave up and called Ling Feng master!

Oh my god, is this a dream?

"It seems that your alchemy heart is not completely dead yet." Ling Feng smiled faintly and said slowly: "Perhaps you will make a breakthrough soon."

"Master, please accept me as your disciple!"

Ye Xiong was half-kneeling on the ground. His huge body was like a mountain. He had actually transformed from a violent "wild bear" to such a docile and docile person.

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