Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1336 The miracle created by Ling Feng! (1 update)

The next day, the news about Ling Feng's "taming" of Ye Xiong spread throughout the Danding Hall.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng's simplified Shen Ning Dan alchemy technique became widely spread throughout the Alchemy Cauldron Hall.

On the third day, not only Ye Xiong, but also all the alchemists in the entire Alchemy Hall gathered around Ling Feng, eager to be Ling Feng's lackluster. As long as Ling Feng was willing to give them some pointers, their alchemy skills would definitely be improved. Can advance by leaps and bounds.

For a time, the Alchemy Hall had completely become Ling Feng's territory. In the Alchemy Hall, he was no longer an outer disciple, but he was simply a high-ranking emperor.

He doesn't need to do any daily tasks at all. He only needs to open his mouth, and countless alchemists rush to do it for him.

In this Alchemy Hall, there are no other masters, only one master, and that is Master Ling!

Through Ling Feng's improved extraction method, ordinary disciples will not consume too much spiritual power when processing medicinal materials. In just a few days, the entire Alchemy Hall suddenly became completely new, and everyone was full of energy. In terms of energy, everyone in the Danding Hall is thriving.

It has to be said that this is a miracle, a miracle created by Ling Feng!

Time passed by and it was already the fifth day that Ling Feng arrived at the Alchemy Hall.

In the alchemy room, Ling Feng was sitting on the main seat, drinking the fragrant tea brewed by Ye Xiong himself and looking through the ancient alchemy books in the Alchemy Cauldron Hall, looking like a master.

"Master Ling, this is the divine condensation elixir that I worked hard to refine last night. Although there is only one elixir pattern, under your guidance, my alchemy skills have indeed improved day by day!"

Ye Xiong knelt down in front of Ling Feng. This huge guy managed to put on a very gentle smile, which made people a little scared.

"Well, it's all your own accumulation. I just woke you up a little bit. Your experience is also your most valuable asset."

Ling Feng slowly put down the tea cup. In a few days, he would almost not have to come to the Aland Cauldron Hall again. Everything was under his own plan and in an orderly manner. It made no difference whether he came or not.

As for daily tasks…

It’s quite boring to come here every day to drink tea and read books!

If his current thoughts were known to other outer disciples who worked hard to complete daily tasks, they would probably be eager to rush out and kill this guy.

The majority of outer disciples are still in dire straits!

Another day, a graceful figure flew towards the Aland Cauldron Hall from a distance, and saw a girl in a white dress with a frosty complexion and a slight smile on her lips.

"Seven days have passed. I wonder how that boy Ling Feng was tortured?"

When Feng Ling thought of this, she couldn't help but snicker secretly. The boy thought he had some talent, so he became arrogant and arrogant. Let's see if he is still arrogant this time!

If this boy says a few soft words, seeing as he still has a little bit of talent, this girl might be able to help him open the alchemy room of the "Black Abyss Executioner".


With a soft hum, Feng Ling slowly landed in front of the door of the Alchemy Cauldron Hall, and walked into the hall with light steps.

As soon as she entered the door, Feng Ling noticed that there seemed to be something different in the Alchemy Hall.

When I came here before, I only felt lifeless, but this time, there seemed to be some more sounds, was it... laughter?

How could there be laughter in such a "hell" place like the Aland Cauldron Hall?

"I've met Senior Sister!"

"I've met Senior Sister!"

When the disciples coming and going saw Feng Ling, they all stepped forward to say hello. It was nothing like before. Everyone was so busy that they had no time to say hello.

"Fairy Feng, you are here again!"

At this moment, Steward Sun Peisun stepped forward quickly, with a warm smile on his face, and said hello to Feng Ling.

"Manager Sun, you seem to be in a good mood?"

Feng Ling was slightly confused. Not only Manager Sun, but also the entire disciples of the Alchemy Hall seemed to be in a good mood.

"Well, with Master Ling's improvement plan in the past few days, the efficiency of our entire Alchemy Hall has increased several times. Everyone has become more relaxed and in a better mood."

Manager Sun said with a smile.

"Master Ling?"

Feng Ling was stunned for a moment and thought he was an alchemist named Ling in the Alchemy Hall. He didn't take it to heart and just said lightly: "Take me to see Ling Feng."

"Oh." Manager Sun nodded quickly, with a smile on his face, "Please come with me."

Feng Ling was a little confused. What was going on with Steward Sun's inexplicable smile?

Not long after, Feng Ling followed Sun Pei to the outside of Master Ye's original alchemy room. Before entering, she heard a burst of discussion, which seemed to be quite intense.

"No, no, Master Ling said that this medicinal ingredient should be added to this elixir to improve its quality!"

"That's nonsense. Master Ling clearly said that fire control techniques are the key. You only add more medicinal materials but don't pay attention to the changes in fire control. How can you possibly keep up with Master Ling's level!"


After a burst of quarreling, all the voices became unified and said in unison: "Master Ling, please make the decision!"

Outside the door, Feng Ling was stunned and said a little strangely: "Manager Sun, are we going in the wrong direction? Shouldn't Ling Feng be in Master Ye's alchemy room? This seems to be Master Ling's alchemy room, right?"

"This is Master Ye's alchemy room."

Manager Sun said slowly: "Fairy Feng, you are really a noble person with too much past."

"Then this Master Ling..."

Feng Ling suddenly heard a "thump" in her heart: Could it be that Master Ling is Ling Feng? How can this be?

However, the next moment, she heard a familiar voice in the room, "Fire control and material selection are the top priorities of alchemy. A truly outstanding alchemist cannot only focus on one-sided improvement, but It is even more necessary to control the overall situation, such as..."


At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open violently, interrupting the speaker, and then a burst of curses sounded.

"Asshole, who dares to interrupt Master Ling!"

"If you interrupt Master Ling's wonderful explanation, I will twist your neck off!"

"Damn it, what kind of bastard is it!"

Everyone turned around and saw Feng Ling standing blankly in front of the door.

At this moment, Feng Ling stared at the scene in front of her in stunned silence. She saw Ling Feng sitting on a high platform condescendingly, and the alchemists with the highest rankings in the Alchemy Hall were all kneeling down respectfully, listening to Ling Feng. Feng teaches!

Feng Ling looked stunned and said in disbelief: "Master Ye, Master Wu, Master Bai... what on earth is going on?"

"Oh, it turns out to be Senior Sister Feng Ling."

Ling Feng stood up slowly and said with a smile: "Nothing, I'm just discussing alchemy techniques with the masters. It's such a coincidence, why are you here?"

discuss? This is obviously teaching!

A small outer sect disciple teaches a group of outer sect elders!

The corner of Feng Ling's mouth twitched. She was originally going to scold Ling Feng for a joke, but she didn't expect that Ling Feng not only wasn't tortured at all, but instead received infinite respect from these veteran alchemists!

What's going on in this world?

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