Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1339 The Earth Emperor’s Order! (4 more updates)

Seeing that the situation at the scene was tense, Meng Guizang almost lost control, and swept towards Ling Feng with murderous intent all over his body.

At this moment, a figure flew over from the horizon, and it turned out to be the alchemy master of the Alchemy Cauldron Hall, Ye Xiong!

But it turned out that there were disciples from the Aland Cauldron Hall. Seeing that something was wrong, they went to the Aland Cauldron Hall early to invite Ye Xiong over.

Now Ye Xiong is no longer the "executioner of the black abyss" before, but Ling Feng's number one supporter. As soon as he knew that Ling Feng was in crisis, he rushed over in a hurry.

Because he knew very well what the ten strong men in the Heavenly Level Mingjian Tower meant.

Their strength even surpasses most of the outer sect elders, and they are the ones who truly stand at the pinnacle of the outer sect!

"Meng Guizang, what do you want to do? Do you want to violate the rules?"

Ye Xiong stared at Meng Guizang coldly. The terrifying momentum was overwhelming, and Meng Guizang was immediately discouraged.

Although he hated Ling Feng with gritted teeth, due to the sect's rules, he could only stare!

The dignified Ninth Heavenly Sword does have many conveniences, and he no longer even needs to perform the heavy daily tasks of an outer sect disciple, but he is not qualified to challenge the disciples who are lower ranked than him.

However, if you use your brain a little bit and let an ordinary disciple who does not occupy Mingjian Tower challenge him, after he loses his status as the owner of Mingjian Tower, he can naturally challenge Ling Feng.

However, this method is too demeaning. With Meng Guizang's pride, he would never be willing to use such a method unless it was absolutely necessary.

Just when he was gnashing his teeth in hatred, Meng Guizang suddenly felt his heart tremble, and a trace of cruel laughter and physical pain appeared at the corner of his mouth at the same time.

"Master Ye, of course this disciple will not violate the iron laws of the sect, but this Junior Brother Ling has the ability to instantly kill the No. 200 owner of the original Mingjian Tower, and the disciple really wants to see it."

A cold light flashed in Meng Guizang's eyes, and he said coldly: "Indeed, with my ranking, I cannot challenge Junior Brother Ling directly. However, in addition to the sword tower competition, there seems to be another way of dueling among the outer sects. , called Gambling!"

"Betting fight!"

The surrounding disciples who were watching all exclaimed in surprise. The so-called gambling battle means that with the consent of both parties, two disciples can have a duel under the notarization of the elders, and the party who proposes the gambling battle must Only by taking out enough treasures can the gambling battle be achieved.

In other words, use treasure as bait to hook your opponent.

Win and win treasures! Lose, lose your life!

Ye Xiong's eyelids twitched and he said coldly: "No, absolutely not. I will never agree to this gambling fight!"

Meng Guizang sneered and said: "Master Ye, although you are an outer elder, you don't seem to have the right to interfere in the gambling fight between the disciples. The only one who can refuse this gambling fight is this, Junior Brother Ling Feng!"


Meng Guizang looked at Ling Feng with his sinister eyes, and said coldly with an extremely contemptuous attitude: "In the name of the Ninth Heavenly Sword, a foreign disciple, I propose a bet to you! Bet on the Ninth Heavenly Sword Mingjian Tower, at the same time, there is this!”

There was a flash of light, and a uniquely shaped token was taken out from Meng Guizang's space spirit ring.

"It's...the Earth Emperor's order!"

Ye Xiong's eyelids twitched suddenly. Meng Guizang, in order to catch Ling Feng, even took out an Earth Emperor's Order!

The surrounding outer disciples all showed extremely greedy eyes, their eyes turned green as they looked at the Earth Emperor Order.

The Earth Emperor's Order is a very special token for the outer gate of Donglingxian Pond, and it is also the only certificate for entering the Earth Emperor Pond to practice.

If the Xianyao Pond in Heaven is the lifeblood of the entire Dongling Immortal Pond, the spring where spiritual energy gathers, the Earthly Emperor Pond is the foundation of the Immortal Yao Pond.

The Dihuang Pond is directly below the Xianyao Pond. Although it is far less aura than the Immortal Yao Pond, it is still an extremely special existence.

It contains the purest spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the entire earth realm. One day of cultivation in it is comparable to ten days of cultivation in the outside world. Not only that, the most special thing about the Earth Emperor Pond is the power of the earth, the five elements of yin and yang, contained in it. The way to endless life.

It can be said that practicing in the Emperor's Pond can greatly improve your understanding of the rules of the five elements and the rules of yin and yang.

Of course, the power of yin and yang is only possessed by extremely rare warriors, so ordinary disciples can only comprehend the mystery of the five elements rules when entering it.

But even so, even the inner disciples of the Heaven Realm, and even the direct disciples, did not hesitate to pay a huge price to exchange for the Earth Emperor's Token in order to enter the Earth Emperor's Pond to practice.

And those holding the Earth Emperor's Order can enter the Earth Emperor's Pond to practice for ten days!

These ten days are enough for a warrior to almost achieve a qualitative leap.

However, the Earth Emperor's Token is extremely expensive. You need to contribute to the sect and obtain contribution points to redeem it. In addition, you can also purchase this item from the owner through exchange.

The daily tasks of the outer sect disciples are worth ten contribution points every month, and if you want to redeem an Earth Emperor's Order, you need to spend at least fifty thousand contribution points.

In other words, even if an outer sect disciple saves the contribution points accumulated from daily tasks without spending any money, it will take at least four to five hundred years to exchange for an Earth Emperor's Token.

For ordinary outer disciples, there is almost no chance to obtain this. Even Meng Guizang, the ninth Heavenly Sword, spent a considerable amount of money to obtain such one.

But as long as he wins the gambling battle, he can accept Ling Feng's life and avenge Meng Jiande, and the token can also be recovered intact.

And he didn't think that with Ling Feng's strength, he could survive three moves in his hands.

After all, it is just a mere divine sea realm. No matter how strong it is, it has its limits.

"What do you think, the Heavenly No. 9 Mingjian Tower, plus an Earth Emperor's Order, bet with me. If you win, both of these are yours!"

Meng Guizang squeezed the Emperor's Order in his hand and stared at Ling Feng coldly, waiting for his answer.

"It's so-so, but it still has some weight."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Since you are eager to give me the treasure, I will naturally not refuse, okay. I accept this bet!"


Meng Guizang smiled, like an evil ghost in hell, sticking out his scarlet tongue and licking the corners of his mouth fiercely, "Very good, then..."

Meng Guizang threw the Emperor's Order in his hand to Ye Xiong from a distance, and said in a cold voice: "Master Ye, please do a notarization. Three days later, this Junior Brother Lingfeng and I will stand on the stage of life and death." Come on, let’s have a gambling fight!”

After that, Meng Guizang walked away directly, leaving only one sentence, "Ling Feng, cherish the last three days of your life!"

Ye Xiong pinched the Earth Emperor's Order, took a deep look at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Master Ling, could you agree to him like this!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "The baby is delivered to your door. If I don't want it, wouldn't I be stupid? Okay, okay, it's okay. We'll find out in three days."

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