Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1387 A fat sheep! (3 updates)

After seeing off Li Fei and his two daughters, Ling Feng and Ling Feng also left the Dihuang Pond and returned to their respective Mingjian Towers.

After they left, a figure slowly walked out from behind a rock.

This person turned out to be the former number one in Heavenly Sword, the Wenren Long Zhan who was defeated by Ling Feng on the ring.

It turned out that Wenren Longzhan also entered the Emperor's Pool together and witnessed Ling Feng breaking into the Lingbi and being sucked in by the spiritual energy vortex. Later, he actually walked out unscathed.

Staring at Ling Feng's back, Wenren Longzhan murmured to himself: "Has he entered the Great Emperor's spiritual realm? Then, is that thing on his body?"

Ling Feng obviously didn't notice Wenren Longzhan. However, even if he saw Wenren Longzhan in the Emperor's Pool, it was not surprising.

After all, as the former number one in Heavenly Sword, it is not surprising that he has accumulated enough contribution points to exchange for the Earth Emperor's Order.

Ling Feng's mind has begun to wander among the "Three Saints" and the "Sunset Ancient City".

Ling Feng was extremely excited just thinking about fighting against his peers for the supreme inheritance of the Immortal Falling Continent.

"Senior Brother Ling, these are the challenge letters sent over the past ten days, and these are all bribes to bribe me to put their challenge letters at the top. Among them, the sect's contribution points are almost 15,000. Thousand points, and..."

Seeing Ling Feng coming back, Fang Wen hurriedly stepped forward to greet him. Her attitude was gentle, as if she were a personal maid, and she was completely different from the disciples who came to challenge him.

In the beginning, she just wanted to be by Ling Feng's side and avoid risks. Now, she has gradually become Ling Feng's maid willingly.

It is a great honor to be able to be a woman beside such a peerless genius, even if she is just a little maid.

Ling Feng looked her over and nodded slightly. She might not be able to earn tens of thousands of sect contribution points in ten years. Her ability to restrain her greed and not take anything showed her loyalty to herself.

"Let these things be stored with you for the time being. As for the sect's contribution points, you have five thousand."

Ling Feng returned the Naling Ring filled with various treasures to Fang Wen's hand, smiled lightly, and took the thick stack of challenge letters.

Fang Wen glanced at Ling Feng in astonishment, with an incredulous look in her eyes, and immediately thanked Ling Feng repeatedly.

Ling Feng supported Fang Wen, shook his head and smiled, "It doesn't have to be like this. Since you stay with me to do things, I won't treat you badly."

As he said that, Ling Feng hurriedly flipped through the challenge letters and couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

Among them, most of the gambling items are average and valuable, but their value is limited.

Ling Feng naturally understood what they were thinking, and most of them had a try mentality.

If Ling Feng refuses to accept the challenge, they have no loss; if they accept the challenge, even if they fail, the loss will be within their tolerance. If they win, they will return the favor and get the precious Yin Yang Soul Jade.

There are only a dozen or so people who have some sincerity, and the things they bring out for gambling are still valuable.


Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he saw one of the letters of challenge. The signature on it was, Under the command of Wushuang Young Emperor, Yuwen Changkong.

Deliberately writing the words Wushuang Young Emperor, it can be seen that this person has great respect for the Wushuang Young Emperor.

"You are being treated like a bitch and yet you are proud of it. There is no one like you!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. He was not very interested in this Yuwen Changkong. On the contrary, it was the Wushuang Young Emperor behind him that made Ling Feng feel a little fighting spirit.

Sooner or later, one day, sooner or later, one of the ten young emperors of the inner sect, the most powerful men in the East Lingxian Pond, will be trampled under his feet!

"By the way, it's this Yuwen Changkong, who can earn 10,000 contribution points every time he makes a move."

Fang Wen saw Ling Feng holding Yuwen Changkong's letter of challenge in his hand and said quickly.

"It's a very generous move." Ling Feng touched his chin and thought to himself: It looks like it's a fat sheep!

"Fang Wen, take these gambling challenge letters and burn them. I don't have time to participate in any gambling competition."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng threw all the challenge letters aside casually. Betting is different from Jianlou challenge. These inner disciples are not qualified to challenge him and can only bet. Therefore, as long as Ling Feng does not agree, these inner disciples The challenge letter is just a piece of waste paper.

"All burned?"

Fang Wen was obviously stunned for a moment. Although according to the rules, Ling Feng could ignore them, but by rejecting everyone at once, he undoubtedly made enemies within the sect. If he provoked so many inner sect disciples at once, I am afraid that in the future, It won't be easy.

Especially that Yuwen Changkong, who is determined to win the Yin Yang Soul Jade, and the problem cannot be solved by burning the challenge letter.

"Well, burn them all. Fight one by one. It will take until the Year of the Monkey." Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Go and help me spread the news, saying that I will take out the Yin Yang Soul Jade for auction. , the time is set at noon tomorrow, the one with the highest price will win!”


Fang Wen scratched the back of her head, completely confused as to what Ling Feng was thinking.

This is not Ling Feng's character at all. This guy, who was fearless before, has actually compromised now?

Little did she know that the most precious spiritual core in the Yin Yang Soul Jade had been hollowed out by Ling Feng, leaving an empty shell for whoever wanted it!

If you can sell this "Yin Yang Soul Jade" at a good price and squeeze out the remaining value, why not do it?

"Well, you must build up your momentum enough. You go to that kid Lu Yu and ask him to speak to Master Ye Xiongye of the Alchemy Hall and tell him that I want to use the square outside the Alchemy Hall to hold a Yin Yang Soul Competition. Jade Auction Conference!”

Ling Feng smiled faintly. With his status in the Alchemy Hall, they had no reason to refuse such a small request. In fact, Ye Xiong even took the initiative to help promote it.

Once the elders know about this, it will be difficult for the disciples in the inner sect to know about it.

As long as he sells the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, he might not even have to run around to perform sect tasks, and he can earn the 100,000 contribution points needed to apply for promotion in one go!

Of course, this is probably not easy, and contribution points are hard to come by. Most people are still more willing to barter.

"I see."

Fang Wen pursed her delicate lips, feeling that she was getting more and more confused about the man in front of her. He was sometimes tough and sometimes cunning, making it completely unclear what kind of person he was.

But one thing is for sure, he is a humble gentleman. At least, after being under the same roof for so long, Ling Feng has never done anything offensive.

"Well, let's do it."

Ling Feng nodded towards Fang Wen and immediately strode towards the retreat room. Things about the "Three Saints Chosen" and "Sunset Ancient City" kept echoing in his mind, making his blood boil with excitement.

You must not miss this opportunity!

After thinking about it for the past ten days, Ling Feng's tense nerves gradually relaxed and finally fell into a deep sleep...

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