Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1392 Taken advantage of! (4 more)

"What...what? Nine-turn Heaven-stealing Pill!"

When Yuwen Changkong shouted these five words, the whole place was silent, and you could hear a pin drop. Then, a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the whole Danding Hall was like an exploded oil pan, completely boiling!

"Is that guy crazy? He is willing to take out the Nine-turn Heaven-stealing Pill?"

"Take away the fate of heaven, take away life against heaven! That can increase the life span by a hundred years, and it can be used by the emperor to break through the realm!"

The inner disciples looked at Yuwen Changkong in disbelief. In a sense, the value of this pill is almost three times that of the Yin-Yang Soul Jade!

Not to mention anything else, just the hundred years of life span is enough to make people excited.

After all, even the emperor will not live more than a thousand years. Adding a hundred years of life span is already a very scary number.

Ling Feng's eyelids also jumped. He didn't expect that Yuwen Changkong actually had such a treasure.

As soon as Yuwen Changkong shouted, he regretted it almost immediately. It is no exaggeration to say that the Nine-Turn Heaven-Grabbing Pill is the most precious treasure on him, and it is a treasure that he almost exchanged for with his life. As long as the time is right, he can use this pill to break through the Great Emperor realm in one fell swoop.

Even if he can't take that step after all, taking this pill can add a hundred years of life and there is still a possibility of further breakthrough.

If he hadn't been completely angered by Ling Feng, he wouldn't have taken this pill out for auction in a rush.

Seeing the surprised eyes of the people around him, Yuwen Changkong endured the pain and said hatefully: "How about it, kid, a Nine-Turn Heaven-Grabbing Pill in exchange for the Yin-Yang Soul Jade!"

Ling Feng's mouth corners were curved, and he looked around and smiled faintly: "If no one continues to bid, then the transaction is successful."

Yuwen Changkong's heart was almost bleeding. He turned his head and looked around, and no one continued to bid.

Even the elders were not fools. Compared with the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, they were more interested in the Nine-Turn Heaven-Grabbing Pill.

After all, that was a good thing that could increase one's lifespan by a hundred years!

After three breaths, Ling Feng nodded and said loudly: "Okay, the deal is successful!"

Ling Feng grabbed the Yin-Yang Soul Jade on the table, leaped over, and landed in front of Yuwen Changkong, saying lightly: "Brother Yuwen, you really took the Yin-Yang Soul Jade. I'm convinced, I'm convinced!"

Yuwen Changkong clenched his fists tightly, and had an impulse to commit suicide at any minute. The eyes of those around him clearly felt like they were looking at a fool!

However, this was already pretended, and he had to continue pretending with gritted teeth.

"Hehe, it's just a Nine-Turn Heaven-Grabbing Pill, I can afford it!"

Yuwen Changkong gritted his teeth, trembling his hands, took out the Nine-Turn Heaven-Grabbing Pill, handed over the pill in one hand, and exchanged the jade in the other. Anyone could see that Yuwen Changkong's palms were shaking!

However, in front of so many people, Yuwen Changkong naturally did not dare to cheat, and he resisted the feeling of wanting to cry but not being able to. Anyway, he was just temporarily paying for the Wushuang Young Emperor.

As long as the Wushuang Young Emperor got the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, he would naturally give him a corresponding reward. In this way, he would not suffer too much loss.

Thinking of this, Yuwen Changkong felt a little relieved, handed the Yin-Yang Soul Jade to Fairy Qingping, and said in a deep voice: "Fairy, Changkong finally fulfilled his mission and took the Yin-Yang Soul Jade."

Fairy Qingping glanced at Yuwen Changkong, did not speak, just turned her head and looked at Ling Feng deeply, snorted, and then flew away.

Yuwen Changkong was slightly stunned, and hurriedly caught up with Fairy Qingping. It was obvious that this woman had always been keen on getting the Yin-Yang Soul Jade before, why was her attitude so weird now.

Thinking of this, Yuwen Changkong had a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be that he really had to be the victim and lose all his money?

As Fairy Qingping left, the inner sect elders and inner sect disciples also dispersed one after another.

Some of the elders tried to trade the Nine-Turn Heaven-Grabbing Pill to Ling Feng privately. After all, this pill was of no use to Ling Feng, who was only in the Sea of ​​Gods. It was a waste of resources to take this pill just to increase his lifespan by a hundred years.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and wrote down the recipe of the Nine-Turn Heaven-Grabbing Pill with a stroke of his pen. He made a fortune by selling the recipe instead of the pill.

After all, the recipe was just some words to him, and the materials for refining the pill were rare. He didn't have the heart to gather them together. However, these old guys would not be dissatisfied in order to live another hundred years. Anyway, their cultivation realm was already difficult to break through. If there was a way to gain a hundred years of lifespan, even if it took more than ten or twenty years to search for the materials, it would still be profitable.

Thus, Ling Feng obtained another king-level magical power and 30,000 sect contribution points with the help of the pill formula, and he was one-third closer to the goal of 100,000 contribution points.

The crowd dispersed, and Ling Feng and his group returned to his Tian-level Mingjian Building.

On the surface, the hot potato of Yin-Yang Soul Jade was successfully resolved. Next, he would consider how to earn more contribution points.

After the auction, Xu Xinghe congratulated Ling Feng and left. After all, their friendship was not that deep.

"Senior Sister Li, how is it, how is the task acceptance? Although I got 30,000 contribution points at once this time, it is still a bit difficult to earn 70,000 in half a year."

For example, in the last Class A mission, Ling Feng captured the opponent's thief leader alive, which cost him 50,000 contribution points. Missions of this level are usually directly assigned by the sect's senior leaders and are difficult to accept.

Even if it appears, it will be swept away by some long-term cooperation teams at the first time.

Under the A-level mission, the total contribution points for completing a B-level mission will not exceed 10,000, and even lower than that.

Li Fei gritted her silver teeth and took out a copper token with many words written on it.

"I took on a total of twelve tasks this time. If I finish all the tasks, I can earn enough 100,000 contribution points. However, it will also take a relatively long time, probably three or four months."

Ling Feng took the task card and glanced at it, frowned and said: "One hundred thousand in four months. If this is the case, the contribution points that senior sister can exchange for the Earth Emperor's Order are still not enough."

"It's okay. I have no hope of competing for a spot in Sunset Ancient City anyway. If I can contribute some points, I'll use them to help you apply for the inner sect assessment first."

Li Fei waved her hand and smiled softly.

"That's not okay!"

Ling Feng frowned. In this case, it was Li Fei who was sacrificing her time to help him. Favor debts were the hardest to repay, and he was not willing to owe Ling Feng such a favor.

"Brother Ling! Do you want to take on the sect's mission?"

At this time, Lin Mu also came up and said with joy: "Actually, during this period of time, I have been paying attention to the sect's tasks. I hope I can help you earn enough contribution points and be promoted to the inner sect. If you want to do it all at once, If you earn enough contribution points, just accepting a super-A-level mission is enough! If you complete a super-A-level mission, you can earn almost 300,000 contribution points!"

(ps: I recommend a friend’s book, "The Invincible Little Dragon System". If you like to read system articles, you can read it.)

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