Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1397 The terrifying Holy Princess Huiyue! (1 update)

"Who allowed you to set foot in Huanyue Temple!"

The cold voice seemed to make people feel like they were in the Nine Nether Hells. A bone-chilling chill surged from the bottom of their hearts. Even a warrior like Ling Feng couldn't help but shudder.

Raising his eyes, a beautiful figure appeared in the void, but what was even more concerning was that above that peerless face, those cold eyes almost froze the world.

Holy Princess Huiyue!

Ling Feng frowned slightly. This was not the first time that he felt the hostility from Huiyue Shengji. It was the first time that Huiyue Shengji took Tuoba Yan away outside the Dongling Immortal Pond. Ling Feng felt a hint of hostility in Yue Shengji's eyes.

But this time, the hostility is even more obvious, almost like a murderous intention!

"Holy Princess Huiyue, I brought him here. What's wrong? As an inner disciple, can't I come to your Huanyue Temple?"

Lin Mu forcibly raised his chest, stood in front of Ling Feng, and gritted his teeth.

However, anyone could see that Lin Mu had large beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and he was obviously quite afraid of Huiyue Shengji.

"Boy Lin, it's none of your business here, get out of the way."

Huiyue Shengji waved her sleeves, and Lin Mu was directly knocked away a hundred feet away. And the next moment, an even more terrifying momentum was crushed directly down. Ling Feng felt that every bone in his body was about to be crushed. Generally broken.

Such terrible pressure!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, is this the strength close to that of a semi-saint?

In her hands, even if she uses all her cards, she will probably die.

However, he couldn't understand how he had offended her!

It stands to reason that she has saved her daughter several times, right?

A trace of unwillingness and a trace of anger surge in your chest. Even if you are a high-ranking palace master, there is no reason to attack yourself indiscriminately.


When Tuoba Yan saw this change, he quickly flew forward and exclaimed: "Master, what are you doing? He is my friend!"


Huiyue Shengji's breath calmed down a little, and she said coldly: "Yan'er, do you still remember what I said to you? Your heart can't calm down because of this boy. Could it be that this boy has cultivated supernatural powers and achieved more than you?" Is the emperor still important? Go back!"

"I..." Tuoba Yan bit her lips, tears welling up in her beautiful eyes, "Master, please let him go!"

Seeing the tears in Tuoba Yan's eyes, Huiyue Shengji became even more angry, "An outer disciple broke into the inner gate at random. I don't care about other places, but I don't care about breaking into my Huanyue Temple." I have to take care of it!”

Ling Feng sneered, and now he understood. It turned out that the reason why Huiyue Shengji was hostile to him was because of the bond between Tuoba Yan and himself.

What a condescending Saint Princess Huiyue. To put it bluntly, she is not a person who pretends to be a publicist and seeks to benefit her own interests!

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, gritted his teeth, straightened his spine, and said loudly: "Sage Huiyue, even though you said that you have cultivated to the point where you don't even have friends, is this what you are pursuing?"

"Insolent, is my pursuit something that a loser like you can understand?"

Huiyue Shengji's face turned even colder, and she stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Do you think you are qualified to be called a genius just because you have done a few sensational things in the outer sect? With your physique, you will be successful in the future. But Er’er, I still dream of being worthy of Yan’er!”

Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed. No wonder Jiang Biyi made such comments about her mother. Indeed, this Huiyue Saint Princess was a control freak who tried to control everything!

"Whether you deserve it or not, don't you think you are taking too much care?"

Ling Feng shook his head, stared at Huiyue Holy Lady, and sneered: "Whether it is as a mother or as a master, it is obvious that you are completely unqualified!"

"What did you say?"

A trace of anger emerged in the cold eyes of Huiyue Shengji, but soon turned into indifference.

There was no trace of emotional indifference.

"No matter what you say, you are good at my Huanyue Temple. I only give you two ways. Either get out of the Dongling Immortal Pond and never return! Or, I will personally destroy your cultivation and destroy you. Demoted to a handyman!"

Huiyue Shengji stared at Ling Feng coldly, her momentum rising bit by bit, and the ground under Ling Feng's feet even began to crack inch by inch.

The commotion here finally began to alarm the nearby disciples. Seeing that someone dared to challenge Huiyue Shengji regardless of life or death, everyone could not help but shake their heads secretly.

If Ling Feng is subdued and says a few nice words, maybe Huiyue Shengji can let him go.

However, Ling Feng actually dared to teach Huiyue Shengji a lesson and said something wrong with her, so he was undoubtedly on the receiving end of a gun.

"This kid is finished!"

"If it were me, I might as well choose to leave the Dongling Fairy Pond. If I were to abandon my cultivation and become a handyman disciple, I would definitely be tortured to death in a short time."

Tuoba Yan was so anxious that he quickly knelt down in front of the Holy Lady Huiyue, kowtowed and begged, "Master, please be extra merciful, Master!"

"Yan'er, why do you need to beg a cold and heartless woman like her!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Even though he couldn't even move a finger under Huiyue Shengji's boundless pressure, he straightened his spine and refused to give in at all.


There was a crisp sound from the bones in the body, and then, click, click...

With Ling Feng's almost abnormal physique, he actually began to be unable to withstand the terrifying pressure of Hui Yue Shengji, and his bones began to break.


At this time, an emerald-green figure flew over in a hurry and stopped in front of Ling Feng without hesitation. He raised his head and stared at Huiyue Shengji in mid-air. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to destroy him, kill me first." It’s useless!”

That figure was naturally Jiang Biyi.

Although Jiang Biyi left angrily, she still rushed out as soon as she realized that Ling Feng was facing a crisis.

No matter what confinement or order, it doesn't matter anymore.


The appearance of Jiang Biyi caused a slight fluctuation in Huiyue Shengji's mood, and her aura immediately calmed down, for fear of accidentally hurting Jiang Biyi.

"Who asked you to come out?" Huiyue Shengji stared at Jiang Biyi, her brows furrowed.

"You have always been like this. Why do you treat everyone as your puppet and they must listen to you!"

Jiang Biyi bit her lip, mustered up the courage, stared at Huiyue Shengji, and shouted loudly: "Today, no matter what, I will not let you hurt a single hair of Ling Feng, he is my friend!"

This roar made Huiyue Shengji's expression slightly stiff. After a long time, Huiyue Shengji took a deep breath, glanced at Ling Feng, and said in a cold voice: "Since you have saved Yiyi before, I will spare you this time." Don't die! If you dare to set foot in Huanyue Temple without my permission, you will die! Leave within a quarter of an hour, otherwise, you will die!"

After the words fell, the figure of Huiyue Holy Princess gradually disappeared into the void.

Ling Feng only felt that the boundless pressure was relieved, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. His whole body felt weak and he almost collapsed to the ground.

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