Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1401 I want this person! (1 update)

Immediately afterwards, there was another "crack", a flash of thunder, and another palace master appeared, it was the master of Xuanlei Palace, Lei Wensheng.

On the right side of the Jingfeng Palace Master, a green light flashed, and then, a graceful figure emerged from the green light, with fairy mantles fluttering, and the peerless one emerged from the dust. She was none other than Biluo Shengji.

"It's my sister!"

As soon as Lin Mu saw Biluo Shengji appear, he immediately beamed and said, "Haha, my old sister actually appeared too!"

Ling Feng took a look at Biluo Shengji. Biluo Shengji exuded an extremely pure and rich vitality, which seemed to moisturize everything and give people a feeling like a spring breeze. It was hard to believe that such a quiet and graceful woman, There is actually a younger brother like Lin Mu.

What surprised Ling Feng even more was that both the Master of Jingfeng Hall and the Master of Xuanlei Hall were suspected of showing off their strength, as if they wanted to not lose the limelight in front of Biluo Shengji.

"Hey, Brother Ling, seeing that you are one of our own, let me tell you something secretly. Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Palace, and Lei Wensheng, the master of Xuanlei Palace, both like my sister. These two guys are jealous, so It’s not a matter of one or two days.”


Ling Feng smiled. He was not interested in this kind of gossip.

At this moment, a roar like thunder came from the sky. Everyone felt their eardrums vibrating, and the voice of the Master of Xuanlei Hall clearly rang in their ears.

"Notifying all the disciples to come with us, the Master of the Eighth Palace will also issue a super-A-level mission to recruit disciples to go to the battlefield and kill the northern barbarians!"

At the moment, Lei Wensheng briefly explained the situation at the battlefield, and then said loudly: "On the Good Fortune Star List, all the disciples under the ten young emperors must participate in this operation. In addition, the top thirty strong ones on the Good Fortune Star List must Players can serve as captains, independently accept super-A-level missions, and rush to the battlefield to provide support!"

Hearing this, I heard more than a dozen "swish, swish, swish" sounds piercing the sky. Among the twenty elite disciples from the tenth to the thirtieth, a total of fifteen people are still in the sect, that is to say , only these fifteen people can serve as captains, and the rest of the disciples can only join the ranks of these fifteen people.

Or, accept the arrangement of the sect and form a team of a hundred people, accompanying the elders of the inner sect, and rush to the battlefield. However, in this case, the chance of earning contribution points will naturally be much smaller.

"Fifteen of you can each select ten team members from the inner and outer sects to form an elite team."

"The rewards for this mission will be distributed according to merit. Specific details will be announced when you arrive at the place of battle. However, what I can tell you is that each captain will be rewarded with one million contribution points after returning to the sect after winning. It is distributed to all members. In addition, additional rewards will be given according to the size of the contribution, which will definitely exceed the number of one million contribution points!”

"In addition, those who have made the greatest contribution will receive a promise from the master!"

"Okay, now you elite captains can choose your team members. Please submit the member list to me at noon tomorrow at the latest!"

As the Master of Xuanlei Palace finished speaking, the entire Donglingxian Pond undoubtedly exploded. One million contribution points, the Supreme Leader's promise, and countless benefits made people fascinated.

However, it is limited to members who have joined the elite team. Ordinary disciples can still only join the elder formation honestly. However, even so, the speed of earning contribution points is more than ten times faster than usual.

After all, this is a super-level mission!

Moreover, the sect only allocates 3,000 places. If you are still hesitating foolishly and fail to apply when the time comes, you will really regret it.

The expressions of the fifteen elite disciples who were among the top thirty in the inner sect all changed. Although their contribution points were good, what they really cared about was a promise from their master!

The words spoken by the master of the East Lingxian Pond are absolutely true to his words and speak loudly.

I heard that this headmaster has not accepted a true disciple since he took over. If you can take this opportunity to become a direct disciple of the headmaster, you can imagine what a precious opportunity it is!

"I want to sign up!"

The crowd immediately became excited.

Everyone realized that this was a huge opportunity.

Crowds of people, whether inner disciples or outer disciples, signed up one after another. As long as their cultivation reached the late king level, they all came forward enthusiastically.

Thousands of king-level warriors rush to the battlefield together. What a grand and spectacular scene this will be!

"With one million contribution points, do you still have the promise of the Supreme Headmaster?"

A ray of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. These are all good things. However, there is one thing at the moment. Among the companions he knows, although there are many masters on the list of stars, there is not one among the top thirty. No.

If you are unable to enter the fifteen elite teams, your chances of getting ahead will undoubtedly be reduced a lot.

"Brother Ling, don't worry, our Earth Spirit Palace also has elites ranked in the top thirty. I'll tell him and we can all join the team!"

Lin Mu looked confident. Each elite captain could bring ten people. It shouldn't be difficult to add one or two more people.

Soon, Ling Feng and his team successfully registered. Of course, as the 72nd elite member of the Creation Star List, Ling Feng had to participate in this mission. It was okay if he didn't want to participate.

Soon, Yuwen Changkong relied on his own connections to find an elite in the top 30. After joining the team, he whispered a few words in the captain's ear. The captain nodded and immediately said loudly: "Ling Feng, come in. In my team!”

Ling Feng looked around and saw Yuwen Changkong behind the captain, with a sneer on his lips.

You can tell with your toes that this guy is 100% up to no good.

The main reason for recruiting yourself into the team is to make it easier for you to die in the battlefield!

The two looked at each other, and Yuwen Changkong had a faint sneer in his eyes: Ling Feng, Ling Feng, let's see how you get out this time!

After all, from the series of rules stated by the master of Xuanlei Palace before, it seems that one of them is that every elite captain is qualified to select team members, and those who are selected must accept it unconditionally.

However, before Yuwen Changkong succeeded, a loud roar sounded, which shook the sky and made everyone look at him.

"Junior Brother Kang, Ling Feng is someone I, Bai Qi, value highly. I want this person!"

A stalwart man wearing cyan armor and holding a golden spear strode forward and directly named him to compete for Ling Feng.

At boarding time, there was a commotion among the crowd.

Fifteen elite captains, there are actually two teams competing for Lingfeng!

Even Ling Feng himself was a little flattered. He glanced at Bai Qi and didn't expect that he was so popular.

At this time, there was a murmur among the crowd.

"This is Bai Qi, the thirteenth elite in the Creation Star List. Gee, I never thought that even he would value Ling Feng so much!"

"Isn't this nonsense? A strong soul master like Ling Feng is very useful in a place like a battlefield! Moreover, you don't know that he forced Yuwen Changkong back with one move that day, which shows that his true strength has reached To reach the top 50 in the Creation Star Ranking, such a strong team member will definitely compete!"

Only then did Ling Feng realize that his reputation had actually spread to the inner sect.

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