Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1406: Heavenly Killing Ten Jue! (2 updates)

"What? It's so serious?"

Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Palace, looked stiff. Judging from the request for help from the Battle Ground two days ago, the Battle Palace had indeed suffered heavy losses, but it did not allow a veteran powerhouse like Xu Zhengfeng to even hold on to the Battle Ground. My confidence is gone.

Xu Zhengfeng sighed softly and said slowly: "The situation is very bad. The northern barbarians are very fierce in their frontal attack, and they are assisted by the demon clan. Our side has been frustrated several times. After several times, we have lost more than ten powerful emperors." !”

"What!" Zuo Feiqing's eyelids twitched suddenly, "When the Void Fire Jade sent the message, weren't there only three great emperors who died? In just two days, so many great emperors died?"

Although the Dongling Immortal Pond's ten thousand-year foundation has produced many powerful emperors, the loss of ten great emperors has already been described as tragic.

Xu Zhengfeng said in a deep voice: "It's not the three barbarian teams that came in!"

"These barbarian squads have sneaked into the territory where I am fighting, and are active in our rear. They use a method that has never been seen before to monitor our every move. When will we send troops, what is our strength, how many people, and what is the route? The northern barbarians They all know it clearly, so they were ambushed again and again on the frontal battlefield, and several powerful emperors were lost in succession!"

When Xu Zhengfeng spoke of his anger, he slapped his palm on the table. The stone table made of bluestone was instantly crushed into powder.

"What method? There are many soul masters among our emperor's powerful men. Is it impossible for them to know how the other party monitors our movements?" Zuo Feiqing frowned.

"No, what these barbarians are performing is not the secret technique of the soul path, but the technique of controlling beasts!"

Xu Zhengfeng clenched his fists and said bitterly: "The northern barbarians are good at controlling insects and repelling poisons. They were already difficult to deal with, but this time, they can actually control snakes, insects, rats and ants, and they all become the enemy's informants. Even a single ant, Even a bug may be controlled by the enemy! After learning this news, the only thing we can do is to eliminate all living creatures within ten miles of Dazhai to prevent them from being monitored by the enemy again. "

"But even so, it still has little effect."

Xu Zhengfeng sighed and said slowly: "Although ants can be crushed to death by raising your hands, they are impossible to exterminate. There are countless insects deep in the earth. No matter how much effort it takes, it is impossible to dig them out. Ten feet of ground, kill all the insects under the ground?"


Zuo Feiqing frowned slightly. This was indeed a trouble. Although the ants were small and did not pose a threat to humans, they were annoying enough that they could be killed and exterminated endlessly.

"Therefore, I can only send out a few elite squads to encircle and suppress those barbarian squads and solve the problem from the source." Xu Zhengfeng said slowly: "After several days, there are indeed some results. Two squads were successfully annihilated, but the last one The barbarian team is the real key, and the barbarians who are good at controlling beasts are among them!"

"Three of the six elite teams sent by Lao Ruo have been lost due to this encirclement and suppression operation. Although they trapped the enemy in a dangerous place, after several confrontations, they were counterattacked by the opponent. So far, the six elite teams have , everyone died!”

Xu Zhengfeng was heartbroken. For a team that he could call an elite squad, the person leading it must be a powerful emperor!

Zuo Feiqing took a breath of cold air. At this moment, there was a coalition of monsters and barbarians in front of the formation. The army was pressing down on the border. There were enemy spies behind, constantly spying on the military situation. Every move was exposed to the eyes of the enemy. In this way, taking the initiative to attack was no different. They are willing to die, but if they retreat again and again, their morale will continue to decline. Sooner or later, this majestic pass in the palace of war will be breached by the enemy.

After pondering for a moment, Zuo Feiqing said slowly: "In that case, why doesn't Mr. Xu invite those people from the 'Ten Killers' to take action? With their strength, they are invincible among the same level, isn't it right? Not just a small team of barbarians?”

The so-called "Ten Killings of Heaven" are the ten powerful men in the Palace of War who have killed the most enemies and made the greatest achievements. It can be said that they are all the powerful young emperors of the past generations who came to the place of war after leaving the Dongling Immortal Pond. A title for the competition.

The young emperors are already considered top experts, and the top ten young emperors in the past are even the strongest among the strong. After these strong men are promoted to great emperors, their strength may be as strong as the core elders of the Eight Halls.

"Hey..." Xu Zhengfeng sighed, "You don't know something. In this operation, one of the ten most powerful men has been killed."

"What!" Zuo Feiqing's pupils shrank, "Even the ten most powerful gods have fallen?"

"Not bad." Xu Zhengfeng clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "Do you know where the barbarian team was finally forced to?"


"Dead Soul Demonic Abyss!" Xu Zhengfeng took a deep breath and said slowly.


Zuo Feiqing's eyelids twitched slightly. When he was young, he had experienced in the battlefield, so he naturally understood what kind of place the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss was.

When a strong martial artist enters the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, his or her energy will be suppressed. The deeper you go, the greater the suppression. Once the Yuan Power is blocked, ordinary warriors are reduced to ordinary people, and any wild beast can become a deadly beast.

Moreover, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the suppression. The lower the cultivation level, the smaller the suppression.

"It turns out to be the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls. No wonder even the Ten Heavenly Slayers fell into it."

Zuo Feiqing sighed softly, pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: "This barbarian hiding in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss is a sharp knife stabbing our heart. It must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise our actions will be inconsistent everywhere." Once a war breaks out, there is no chance of winning."

"That's right." Xu Zhengfeng nodded, glanced at Zuo Feiqing, and said in a deep voice: "Master Zuo, what are your plans?"

"Without further ado, in addition to the 3,000 ordinary reinforcements, I also followed the master's instructions and led fifteen elite teams to practice. Their cultivation level is not too high, and they can just enter Death Soul Demonic Abyss, snipe the barbarian team hiding in it."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Xu Zhengfeng said hurriedly: "The disciples of the Hall of War have experienced countless battles and have strong survivability. They can't get out of the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss alive, let alone the disciples in the sect who are still inexperienced. If they go, they will only increase the casualties. "

"These people are the future pillars of the sect, and they must not perish like this. It is better to let them stay in the mountain city as logistics. As for the candidates to enter the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, I will reconsider."


Zuo Feiqing shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How can you become a pillar without going through hardships? Mr. Xu should not underestimate these young people. Furthermore, they came here full of fighting spirit, but in the end they came to the battlefield to do logistics. Mr. Xu is like this I decided that the plane would dampen the morale of these little guys."


Xu Zhengfeng thought about it carefully and nodded in agreement. Zuo Feiqing's words were not unreasonable.

"Okay, but we also need to take a test to see if they have the ability to protect themselves in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls."

Xu Zhengfeng stood up and said: "Just in time, there is a wave of barbarian scouts who have been lingering thousands of miles away recently to inquire about the movements of our army. They number about thirty or forty people. Let these little guys try their skills. I will order people to follow According to the observation records, only the teams with outstanding performance are qualified to enter the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. Otherwise, they will die if they go."

"so be it!"

The Lord of Jingfeng Hall nodded in agreement, speaking with strength, this is the law of survival in the battlefield.

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