Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1409 The most shameless man! (1 update)

"Let's chase! One person at a time!"

Fairy Qingping's eyes flashed, and she began to realize that this was a war, and she couldn't just fight within her.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng held her down and said in a deep voice: "Don't show your face for now, just follow them secretly. They are evacuating towards the stronghold!"

Fairy Qingping was slightly startled, turned back to stare at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "How do you know?"

"Of course you listen with your ears."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and had unlimited vision. Not only could he present the surrounding influences in his mind, but he could also hear what he wanted to hear.

After the three barbarian scouts broke through the siege, they were summoned by the commander to return to their stronghold and evacuate the place together.

Therefore, Ling Feng came up with the idea of ​​​​following the vine and catching them all.

Fairy Qingping bit her silver teeth, glared at Ling Feng fiercely, turned away angrily, and said nothing.

Ling Feng was too lazy to pay attention to her and took Lin Mu to follow her secretly. Anyway, this follower fairy would definitely follow her obediently.

The three barbarian scouts were very alert. They deliberately turned three times and even made a big circle to prevent anyone from following them secretly.

What they didn't know was that when Ling Feng opened his infinite vision, it was completely from God's perspective. These guys thought they were smart, but in Ling Feng's opinion, not only did they not have any fluctuations in their hearts, they even wanted to laugh a little bit.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the scout entered an extremely secretive stone forest. Deep in the stone forest, several figures were patrolling back and forth to check the surrounding activities.

"Report to the High Commander! Child Walker's team has successfully returned to the team!"

A team leader responsible for counting people quickly came to report.

In a hidden stone house made of huge rocks, a man in black armor with a cold expression walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, vaguely anxious.

"Well, twelve teams, how many have come back in total?"

The man in black armor said coldly.

Facing the commander, the squad leader did not dare to take a breath, and said cautiously: "Including the Walker squad that just came back, only three squads have returned, and the rest of the squads have all lost contact."

The black-armored commander, with an angry face, slapped his palm on the stone table beside him.


The stone table turned into powder, and the black-armored commander looked gloomy and said with hatred: "Damn it, it seems that the reinforcements from the Palace of War have arrived, and they can actually free up so many Human Emperors to deal with us!"

"Then Commander, can't we wait for nine teams?"

The squad leader asked in a trembling voice.

Although the black-armored commander was angry, he remained calm. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "No need! Wood and the others are probably dead. Let's evacuate this place quickly to prevent the other party from finding this stronghold and killing us all."

"Notify all subordinates to assemble and retreat immediately. It will be safe once we reach Beiluo Mountain!"

Passing through this forest is the position of the northern barbarians. This time, the alliance with the northern demon clan is using Beiluo Mountain as a stronghold to launch a fierce attack on the strong humans guarding the battlefield.

A group of barbarian soldiers formed a team in an orderly manner and quickly left the stone forest area and evacuated quickly out of the forest.

Fairy Qingping hid in the dark, her eyes instantly fell on the commander, with an extremely solemn look in her beautiful eyes: "No! That commander turned out to be the ultimate third-stage human emperor!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "How sure are you of killing this person?"

The corner of Fairy Qingping's mouth twitched slightly, and she said with a speechless face: "Are you used to killing enemies by leapfrogging your level? He is the third level of the ultimate, and I am only the second level. Even if I can fight him head-on, but I want to kill him, The chances are slim."

"Tch, he's still creating the top thirty elites in the Star Ranking. At the critical moment, he's not reliable at all."

Ling Feng was filled with contempt, and Fairy Qingping was so angry that her teeth itched, and she said in a hateful voice: "Ling Feng, my patience has its limits!"

Ling Feng ignored the woman's anger, shrugged and said, "In other words, if you fight against that black-armored commander, how long can you last?"

Now that he had followed the clues and found the enemy's lair, Ling Feng couldn't bear to watch these barbarian scouts run away.

After all, these are all contribution points of walking!

"If you don't count the interference from the subordinates next to you, I can pester the opponent's commander for about a quarter of an hour. However, the opponent also has several extreme second-level squad leaders. If I deal with the leader and squad leaders at the same time, I can hold on for almost half a minute. Tea time.”

"You can't tell, but you are surprisingly useful!"

Ling Feng looked happy and said with a faint smile: "It's enough time for half a cup of tea. Don't forget my soul power. You are responsible for holding them back, and I will send them to heaven! As for Brother Lin, I will leave the rest to you." You, don’t let anyone get away!”

Lin Mu raised his hand and made a no problem gesture, feeling excited in his heart. Ling Feng was indeed Ling Feng. Three people dared to confront more than a dozen people on the other side, and the other side also had a powerful third-level human emperor. .

How could an ordinary person have such courage?

Fairy Qingping took a deep breath, stared at Ling Feng with her beautiful eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Are you sure you want to do this? The risk is too great!"

"Oh? The dignified Fairy Qingping, a woman who claims to be the unparalleled young emperor, is so cowardly?" Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a smile: "If you are afraid, you can leave as soon as possible."

"Huh, am I afraid?"

Being provoked by Ling Feng, Fairy Qingping immediately lost her mind and gritted her teeth and said: "Isn't he just a little barbarian general?"

"That's right! Come on, let me see how much weight the incomparable Young Emperor's woman has!"

Ling Feng secretly chuckled in his heart, a brainless woman is so easy to fool! As long as the words Wushuang Young Emperor are mentioned, this woman will feel as if she has been injected with blood.

"Then just watch it!"

Fairy Qingping had no idea that she had been eaten to death by Ling Feng. She bit her silver teeth and took out a piece of silver soft armor and put it on. Then she took out several treasures and pinched them in the palm of her hand. This woman had the trump card to save her life. It's quite a lot.

Ling Feng pursed his lips and felt a little relieved. Although she didn't like Fairy Qingping at all, he was the one who tricked her into starting the war. If this woman died in the hands of the barbarian general, he would definitely have uneasy conscience. of.

At the very least, your conscience will be troubled for a second!

"Okay, follower fairy, you go and lead the charge, but don't die. If you die, I will have to spend money to buy firecrackers to celebrate!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"I won't die even if you die!" Fairy Qingping snorted coldly and quickly changed her words: "No, your life belongs to Senior Brother Qin..."

"Okay, okay, I can carry it all, are you bothered?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and kicked Fairy Qingping mercilessly on her butt, sending her flying out of her hiding spot.

"Ling Feng, you bastard!"

Fairy Qingping cursed Ling Feng in her heart, but she was already exposed to the enemy's sight, so there was only one fight left.

"Damn Ling Feng, I will settle the score with you when I get back! I must hang you up and beat you!"

Fairy Qingping was so angry that she had never seen such a shameless man kicking a woman out to start the fight! Moreover, he actually kicked his ass!

This is definitely the most shameless, least graceful, and most insane man in the world!

The smelliest and smelliest man!

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