Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1411 This guy is weird! (3 updates)

"Is this the so-called barbarian witchcraft?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. No wonder even the strong men in the Palace of War could not gain much benefit from the northern barbarians. The strong barbarians did have some unexpected abilities.

However, they have special abilities, why doesn't Ling Feng have them?

"Petrified Eyes!"

In an instant, the two barbarian team captains recovered from the virtual state and were directly hit by Ling Feng's petrifying light. They felt their bodies sinking and fell to the ground. They had turned into two stone sculptures.

With Ling Feng's current strength, he could turn the two team captains to stone for about ten breaths.

But these ten breaths are enough!

"Ghost eyes!"

Ling Feng activated the jackdaw ghost eyes again, and two ghost eyes shot out suddenly. There were only two "bang bang" explosions, and the two stone sculptures shattered. The two barbarian team captains had not had time to recover into flesh and blood. His body had been blasted to pieces, and in the state of skin and marrow, it was lifted from petrification, and blood rain spread across the sky.

Everything was just in the lightning and flint. Ling Feng fought one against two and killed two extreme second-stage human emperors in an instant. This level of strength was terrifying.


After finishing all this, Ling Feng felt as if there were two steel needles in his mind, piercing the depths of his brain from his eyes. It was such a feeling that he almost didn't dare to take a breath.

Ling Feng knew that this was the result of the backlash of the power of his spiritual consciousness. If he hadn't practiced magic techniques such as "Soul Splitting Art", the power of his spiritual consciousness would have increased a hundred times in an instant. If he continued to use the secret technique of the soul path in this way, the power of his spiritual consciousness alone would be enough. The consumption is enough to fuck him into a man.

After swallowing several pills to restore the power of consciousness, Ling Feng turned back to Lin Mu and said loudly: "Brother Lin, pack up the trophies and I'll help!"

Ling Feng knew very well that his side's victory was delayed by Fairy Qingping. Although Fairy Qingping said that she was sure that she could stop the black-armored commander for about a quarter of an hour, she obviously did not take into account the black-armored commander's combat experience. .

Opposite him, the black-armored commander slapped Ling Feng in pieces with a ghostly look, his eyes slightly stern.

In just a short time, the two barbarian team captains all died.

This kid is weird!

The black-armored commander took a deep breath. How could he still dare to fight? He glared at Ling Feng who took action with great annoyance. The black-armored commander did not stop and flew towards the outside of the forest.

He had already used all his strength to deal with Fairy Qingping, and if this weird boy was really stopped, once the reinforcements from Dongling Fairy Pond arrived, their entire scout team would probably be wiped out.

That news, no matter what, must be sent back to the barbarian camp.

Therefore, he cannot die, absolutely cannot die, and he cannot be caught!

"Want to leave? Humph!"

Ling Feng shouted coldly, a faint light flashed in his eyes, the divine patterns of heaven condensed, and he suddenly displayed his petrified pupils.

However, the black-armored commander was so fast that he actually dodged Ling Feng's petrifying light. A big tree under his feet instantly turned into a stone sculpture, and the black-armored commander actually dodged and dodged.

"What a speed!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. If this continues, his command will be a waste of mental power, but he will not be able to petrify the opponent.

Although the Petrifying Eye can petrify targets regardless of their realm, the premise is that it must hit.

Seeing that Ling Feng actually had the ability to turn into stone, Fairy Qingping's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, but she also knew that now was not the time to ask, so she took out a big bell and threw it out violently. The big bell rose in the wind and instantly turned into A golden bell over three feet high quickly caught up with the black-armored commander and tried to cover him.


Ling Feng was slightly surprised and turned to look at Fairy Qingping. It was obvious that this woman wanted to use this golden bell to trap the black-armored commander, and then use her own petrified pupils to petrify him.

I have to say that this stupid woman is still a little clever.

However, she still underestimated the ability of the black-armored commander. Although the golden bell was fast, the black-armored commander's movements were weird. Whenever he was trapped by the golden bell, he would use his virtual ability to turn into blood and escape. And out.

With such a stalemate, the black-armored commander ran further and further away, and was about to escape to the edge of the forest and enter the territory of Beiluo Mountain.

Once he escapes from this primitive forest, the chance of catching him becomes very slim.

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