Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1414 Ling Feng is the main force! (2 updates)

"Fairy is too modest!"

"You are worthy of being Fairy Qingping! Not arrogant or impatient, and you share the credit with your companions!"

"That is to say, Lin Mu is not very capable. As for Ling Feng, he probably just relies on soul attack to assist. Fairy, you are the key person!"


Everyone praised her, and Fairy Qingping was so embarrassed that her pretty face was hot. She glared at Ling Feng from time to time. This bastard was obviously deliberately making fun of her!

"Enough! Aren't you ashamed?"

Seeing that those inner disciples actually had the nerve to flatter others here, the Lord of Jingfeng Palace was furious. These guys really should rub their arrogance!

When the Lord of Jingfeng Palace got angry, those inner disciples who failed to pass the test lowered their heads one by one, not daring to say a word.

Elder Cao Yang on the side shook his head and smiled. In fact, the newcomers who had just come to the battle ground were more or less the same as this group of newcomers. However, in general, because of the appearance of Ling Feng's team, this group of newcomers was relatively good.

"After careful screening by this elder, the qualified teams this time are Bai Qi's team, Kang Huailie's team and Chu Tiange's team! Each team can send five members to participate in the search and capture operation of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, and the remaining members will stay on standby."

After a pause, Elder Cao Yang continued: "As for the other teams, all of them will be included in the logistics!"


As soon as this result came out, those teams that failed to pass were all dejected, but they were willing to accept the loss. The senior elders of the Battle Hall had given them a chance, but they did not perform well.

As for the inner disciples who were not sent to the logistics thanks to their teammates, they were delighted. In a sense, they have taken a big step towards finally winning the highest reward of the sect.

Of course, this war will undoubtedly last for a while, and the real competition has just begun.

"Okay, everyone return to the mountain city! The selected teams, hand in the final list of those who will enter the Dead Soul Demon Abyss to this hall master before tomorrow!"

The Jingfeng Hall Master glanced at everyone with a look of disappointment. Fifteen teams, only three teams performed well. Is this the so-called sect elite?

After the elders left, Yuwen Changkong snorted coldly, walked up to Ling Feng, and said with disdain: "Boy, you are just taking advantage of Fairy Qingping, there is no need to be proud! Without Fairy Qingping, your team is all garbage!"

Yuwen Changkong was lucky enough to pass in Kang Huailie's team, and in his opinion, Ling Feng was just relying on Fairy Qingping to get the honor, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

"Yuwen Changkong, what did you say?"

Chu Tiange frowned and stared at Yuwen Changkong fiercely. Behind Yuwen Changkong, Kang Huailie stepped out. The two captains clashed with each other, and it was obvious that Chu Tiange was at a disadvantage.


Chu Tiange groaned and clenched his fists. Suddenly, the pressure was relieved. It was Fairy Qingping who took action.


Fairy Qingping glared at Kang Huailie. Kang Huailie's eyelids jumped. Knowing that Fairy Qingping had a special identity, his momentum immediately weakened a bit.

"Yuwen Changkong, did you take my words as wind in your ears?" Fairy Qingping looked at Yuwen Changkong, her dark eyebrows slightly angry.

"Fairy, I..."

Yuwen Changkong clenched his fists. He didn't expect Fairy Qingping to stand up for Ling Feng's team.

Fairy Qingping gritted her teeth and sighed, "To tell you the truth, the capture of the barbarian general this time mainly depends on Ling Feng! Ling Feng is the main force!"

"This is impossible! Fairy, you must be kidding, right?"

Yuwen Changkong's face froze, and the disciples around him also showed incredible expressions. Capturing a barbarian general of the third stage of the limit mainly depends on a kid who is only in the Sea of ​​Gods?

This is simply nonsense!

"Believe it or not! However, I don't want to see you provoke your fellow disciples again. I said that thing is over, and I will solve the rest."

After saying that, Fairy Qingping didn't look at Yuwen Changkong again, and took a step and floated away.


Yuwen Changkong roared in his heart: It seems that you are not the one who took out the Nine-Turn Heaven-stealing Pill! The rest is left to you to solve? I think you, a bitch, have taken a fancy to that kid!

Of course, Yuwen Changkong only dared to complain a few words in his heart, and he dared not say it out loud.


Glazing at Ling Feng, Yuwen Changkong swung his sleeves and could only leave in anger.

Lingfeng raised his sword eyebrows, not taking Yuwen Changkong, a jumping clown, seriously at all.

Looking at the back of Fairy Qingping, Lingfeng did not expect that this woman would tell the truth. It seems that she should not be the kind of vain woman, but why is she so fanatical, obsessed, and even blindly worshipping the unparalleled young emperor?

In a vague way, Lingfeng wanted to see what kind of person the unparalleled young emperor was as soon as possible.


Soon, the group returned to the Battle Hall, and the elites of each team returned to their residence to rest, while the Lord of Jingfeng Hall and Elder Cao Yang pressed the barbarian general Borshu and put him directly into the prison.

Soon, the Grand Elder Xu Zhengfeng arrived in person. He had never expected that this group of newcomers could actually capture the leader of the barbarian scouts alive.

After all, a living captive is much more valuable than a dead body.

"Meet Grand Elder Xu!"

Seeing Xu Zhengfeng coming in person, Elder Cao Yang quickly stepped forward to salute. The master of Jingfeng Hall also bowed and bowed slightly, saying: "Mr. Xu."

Xu Zhengfeng waved his hand and looked at Borshu in the prison. He confirmed that this person was Borshu, known as the "Silver Fox", and immediately said with great joy: "It's really this cunning guy, yes, yes, this is really Is it the work of these newcomers? Or is it the work of the silver-armored guards? "

Elder Cao Yang shook his head slightly, "Your Majesty, this is indeed the work of these newcomers. This three-person team killed eleven barbarian scouts and captured the leader of the thieves alive. They are the team with the greatest credit for this operation."


Xu Zhengfeng's eyelids twitched slightly, "Which three people?"

"Yu Qingping, Ling Feng, Lin Mu, Yu Qingping is the leader among them." Elder Cao Yang answered truthfully.

"Well, these three people will be remembered for third-class military merit, and each will be rewarded with one hundred battle points!" Xu Zhengfeng stroked his long beard, obviously in a good mood.


Elder Cao Yang nodded slightly, and the guards guarding the prison around him all showed incomparable expressions. One hundred battle points were almost equivalent to ten thousand sect contribution points!

Xu Zhengfeng strode into the prison, checked Bo Shu's condition, and found that Bo Shu had been beaten to the point where his meridians had been cut off, his energy was like a gossamer, and he was hanging with only his last breath left.

A human emperor of the third level of extreme was actually beaten like this, which shows how powerful the person who took action was!

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