Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1479 The smell of conspiracy! (3 updates)

"Did we meet the demons again?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Since demon creatures can exist in a secret realm like Wuji Cave, then this hunting battlefield is also an independent space, and it is very likely that it is also the sealed place of those ancient demons.

"With the eyes of the void that Keveli gave me, if I can mobilize that monster, everything will be easier."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and then he shook his head. With monsters of that level, it's best not to provoke them if you can, otherwise it's very likely that you'll burn yourself with fire.

"Wait a moment!"

In Ling Feng's perception, he suddenly discovered that many precious treasures of heaven, materials and earth were growing around the sleeping monster!

This discovery made Ling Feng's mind active.

Those are all spiritual flowers and herbs that have long been extinct in the outside world, and they all have extremely powerful body tempering effects!

Thinking of the powerful power of Dragon Elephant, Ling Feng couldn't hold back his inner impulse.

"Forget it, wealth can be found in danger!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and shot towards the place where the monster was sleeping.

Soon, they came to a river that was a hundred feet wide and bottomless.

With his naked eyes alone, he also noticed that there were many powerful ferocious beasts in the river. Fierce beasts were different from demonic beasts. Even if they reached the emperor level or even the emperor level, they could not change their shape. Instead, they maintained the posture of beasts and obeyed their own will. Instinct, to fight and hunt.

In the hunting battlefield, it is not only the battle between the barbarians and the war palace, but also the need to deal with all the hidden crises in this cold battlefield.

There is no obvious hierarchy among those ferocious beasts, but with the power of energy and blood they exude, even the ordinary first-level emperors may not be able to deal with them.

As if feeling the probing gaze, a huge bubble emerged from the bottom of the unfathomable water.

Ling Feng's face changed slightly and he immediately stepped away.

Now is not the time to waste your energy fighting those ferocious beasts.

The infinite horizon radiates. Under the water, there are many ferocious beasts with powerful auras. Under the water, you can also see a huge bottomless black hole, which is so dark that no light can penetrate. Outside the black hole, there are rows of densely packed huge white bones, which are obviously the corpses of those ferocious beasts.

Vaguely, you can see some heavenly materials and earthly treasures emitting some faint light, and at the same time exuding an extremely alluring aura.

The reason why those ferocious beasts linger around is probably because the aura of these natural treasures makes them nostalgic, and also because of the powerful aura under the abyss, which prevents them from daring to cross the thunder pond.

However, even if they are unable to swallow those heavenly and earthly treasures, they just swim around in the nearby area and occasionally absorb a trace of spiritual energy. Over the years, they have evolved to this point, which shows how precious those treasures are.

"Good guy!"

Ling Feng sensed the arrogant auras of ferocious beasts below, and couldn't help but shook his head slightly. It seemed that if he wanted to seize those treasures, he would need to consider the long term and not act rashly.


Suddenly, within Ling Feng's infinite field of vision, he observed two barbarian elites flying furtively toward the northwest, towards the valley where the disciples of the Temple of War gathered.

Ling Feng looked suspicious. What was the purpose of these guys sneaking to the gathering place of the disciples of the Hall of War?

If you think about it carefully, there is no reason for the barbarian disciples to know that Mrs. Xu rewarded him with three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows.

But the result was that the barbarian elites not only knew about it, but also wanted to kill him and take the soul-seeking arrow back to Druk to claim credit.

Some of the messages behind this are a little bit intriguing.

There may be a traitor among the elites in the Palace of War!

Seeing the two barbarian elites sneaking around, Ling Feng couldn't help but become suspicious. With a thought in his heart, he followed them dozens of miles away, secretly observing their whereabouts.

Of course foreign enemies must be eliminated, but internal traitors should be eliminated first!

Silently, Ling Feng followed quietly.

About half a day later, the two barbarian elites finally stopped. They were still quite a distance away from the valley where the Hall of War gathered.

These two people were completely unaware that they had been followed all the way by Ling Feng, and if Ling Feng had intended to kill them, they would have died hundreds of times.

Soon, the two stopped in front of a bare mountain.

This mountain has a hint of weirdness everywhere!

The surrounding mountains are densely forested and have lush vegetation, but this mountain alone is completely bare, not to mention trees, not even a single blade of grass.


Suddenly, Ling Feng's pupils shrank, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

"It's the demonic aura again!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This aura was stronger than the aura emitted from the black hole under the river before, but what Ling Feng was sure of was that the two auras were almost identical and difficult to distinguish.

No, it should be said that this is basically the same breath!

"Could it be that the black hole under the river is actually connected to this rocky mountain?"

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. From the southeast corner to the northwest corner, thousands of miles apart, the same monster was actually sealed?

"The methods of those powerful people in ancient times are really unimaginable."

Ling Feng shook his head. Under the river, because of the confusion of countless other ferocious beasts, most people may not be able to distinguish the obscure monster's breath, but in this stone mountain, the monster's breath is already very obvious. These two Barbarian guy, what are you doing here?

Is it possible that there are some ulterior secrets between the barbarians and this ancient monster?

Stopping unnecessary speculation, Ling Feng opened his infinite horizons and listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

"Go back immediately and tell Lord Winter that the demon he is looking for is still here!"

The two barbarian elites both looked excited.

One of the barbarian elites with slightly lower strength nodded in response and hurried back.

Within the hunting battlefield, some of the treasures used to convey messages were completely ineffective and could only be notified in person.

Ling Feng touched his chin. He had heard of Winter's name from Feng Shaoan.

This person is the spiritual leader of this barbarian camp. His status is equivalent to that of their Heavenly Slayers. He is a very powerful enemy.

However, instead of quickly leading a large group of people to attack the elites of the Palace of War and seize the military merits, they barbarians instead had people come to look for this sleeping monster. There was a hint of conspiracy in this.

What does that Winter want to do?

After thinking about it, Ling Feng was not in a hurry to show up, but hid his aura. His whole body was like a rock, staying motionless in place, relying on his infinite vision to monitor every move of the barbarian emperor.

As an excellent alchemist, Ling Feng has never lacked patience.

Time passed little by little, and Ling Feng just lay there for a whole day!

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