Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1500 The King Returns! (3 updates)


"Attention everyone!"

These disciples of the Palace of Conquest were like frightened birds. As soon as they saw the slightest disturbance, they were all on alert.

However, that figure was none other than Ling Feng!

Ling Feng was also greatly surprised. He didn't expect to find traces of Song Feilian and his party halfway through the flight.

Unexpectedly, there are many disciples from the Palace of War gathered here. It seems that the situation is not as bad as he imagined.

Now that his strength has greatly increased, if he joins forces with Song Feilian, he has a higher chance of winning!

After all, the shark beast controlled by Zifeng is dominant only when fighting in the water. If it leaves the water, it will become a rotten fish and shrimp.

But Sein Feilian is different, he can do more things.

"Don't panic, it's me, Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng had scanned before and found that Yang Zhen was not in the team. It seemed that they might already know about Yang Zhen's rebellion.

The disciples were suddenly startled at first, and when they found out it was Ling Feng, they were so surprised that it was hard to describe.

"Oh my god! It's Junior Brother Ling, you're not dead!"

Bai Qi and others immediately surrounded him. This guy was very lucky.

What made Ling Feng a little relieved was that he still saw Chu Tiange and Feng Ling in the crowd, but the woman Fairy Qingping didn't seem to be among them.

"Haha! Well done, Junior Brother Ling, we are even more powerful than a tiger!"

When Song Feilian saw Ling Feng's appearance, his spirits suddenly lifted. He also had three bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows in his hand, which posed a great threat to Yang Zhen, Winter and others.

Moreover, Ling Feng is definitely a person who is good at creating miracles!

A hint of excitement flashed in Donghuang Xuanyi's eyes. At this time, being able to increase one point of strength is a point of strength. Not to mention, Ling Feng has escaped from Yang Zhen's hands several times. Brilliant achievements.

Ling Feng pursed his lips, but he didn't expect that everyone's attitude towards him was suddenly completely different from before. Come to think of it, they had suffered a lot in the past ten days.

"Brothers, I was trapped in a cave before, so I know nothing about the outside world. I hope you can tell me what the situation is now."

Ling Feng looked at Song Feilian and asked slowly.


Song Feilian sighed softly and said bitterly: "Junior Brother Ling, you may not know that Yang Zhen has rebelled..."

Then, Song Feilian briefly explained to Ling Feng the situation in the hunting battlefield during the past ten days.

"Now, the situation is very unfavorable to our side. The reason why Winter and Yang Zhen have not taken action is because they are waiting for the final battle between us and the demon clan!"

Song Feilian took a deep breath and said slowly: "Anyway, I'm at my wits' end. If Winter wasn't willing to take any risks, just with him and Yang Zhen joining forces, with our current strength, it would probably be too dangerous." A lot of luck."

Ling Feng nodded. Winter's goal should be to win the first prize, and the alliance between them and the demon clan was actually competing for the credit. Both sides could stab each other in the back.

Rather than saying that Winter is afraid of the Palace of War, it is better to say that they are afraid of the demon clan.

If the three-pointer falls into a melee, the final outcome may still be unknown.

However, now that he is back, it is time to change this situation.

His strength is comparable to that of Yang Zhen, and together with Zifeng who is lurking in the river basin, they can be regarded as having three gods and ten gods.

Ling Feng stared at Song Feilian and said seriously: "Senior Brother Song, if you continue to work here, there is no chance of winning. I think we should take the initiative!"

"Junior Brother Ling, it is indeed good to have passion and fighting spirit, but do you think it is possible for just a few of us to defeat Yang Zhen and Winter together?"

A junior emperor next to him said with a wry smile.

Ling Feng showed a smile: "Aren't you still here with me?"


Pairs of eyes were fixed on Ling Feng.

Indeed, as a monk in the Divine Sea Realm, Ling Feng is already very powerful, unbelievably powerful, but he is still far from being as powerful as Winter!

"If I can deal with Yang Zhen and Winter at the same time, and you can deal with the demon clan wholeheartedly, then how sure are you of winning head-on?"

Ling Feng said calmly.

"What? You deal with Yang Zhen and Winter alone?"

The corner of Donghuang Xuanyi's mouth twitched slightly, "Ling Feng, you are too inflated, aren't you? With you alone, the last time we faced Yang Zhen, we were beaten so hard that we could only run away in despair, let alone Yang Zhen. Very special.”

The other junior emperors also had expressions of disbelief.

Can Ling Feng alone deal with two powerful men at the level of Heavenly Killer?

This guy, is he not awake yet?

"This is my business."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, just stared at Song Feilian, and said word by word: "Answer me, Senior Brother Song! If I can deal with Yang Zhen and Winter, you have a chance of winning in a head-on battle with the demon clan!"

Song Feilian clenched his fists, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "If we don't consider the two of Winter, we have at least a 60% chance of winning in a battle with the demon clan!"

"Sixty percent..."

Ling Feng thought for a moment, took out the Yueyao Tianwang Bow and the three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, and said slowly: "What if this is the case? Senior Brother Song, I will lend you this arrow. How many do you have?" Chances of winning?"

"Bloodthirsty Soul-Chasing Arrow!"

Song Feilian's eyelids twitched wildly. Good guy, Ling Feng actually lent these three magic arrows?

In fact, if Ling Feng was not the only one who could use the Yi Divine Bow, Ling Feng would even lend it out without hesitation.

"No, no!"

Seeing Ling Feng take out three bloodthirsty soul-chasing arrows, Song Feilian was excited at first, and then shook his head repeatedly, "Junior brother Ling, if you lend me these arrows, how will you deal with Winter and the others?"

"To deal with them, there is no need for bloodthirsty soul-seeking arrows!"

Ling Feng chuckled, and the energy and blood around him surged, and the fifty-headed dragon elephant's divine power exploded instantly.

A dragon roar shook the sky, and everyone's expression changed.

Donghuang Xuanyi's eyelids were twitching wildly. Ten days ago, Ling Feng was not his opponent, but just ten days later, the aura he exuded made even him feel deeply afraid.

"This this……"

Even Song Feilian was stunned. The power of Qi and blood emanating from Ling Feng's body was comparable to that of an emperor-level monster!

Ling Feng's lips curved, "I'm pretty lucky. Although I've been trapped these past few days, I still got some opportunities!"

"Okay! It's really great!!"

Song Feilian's eyes were filled with fighting spirit, "Junior Brother Ling, if you can lure Yang Zhen and Winter away, I will definitely eliminate the remaining demon clan remnants as quickly as possible and go to support you!"


Ling Feng smiled faintly and was noncommittal. However, Yang Zhen and Winter, these are two big heads, they must win them!

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